Elder Scrolls Online beta roll-call


Paws of Doom
Original Sin Donor
October 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
So it's beta sign-up time for TES online. Me and my wife have both signed up. I've never signed up for a beta in my life, but I'm making an exception for this. Everything I've seen on this so far is giving me multiple nerd-gasms.
We going to make a 'Watch guild or what?

Are you down?
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
If it proves to be anything comparable to the snoozefest of Oblivion and Skyrim, I'll pass. Has there been any gameplay footage released? Because all I'm finding is cinematic trailers - which goes to help show that Bethsoft is again putting more into form than function.
Nov 10, 2008
Florida, USA
I signed up - but I am biased being a major fan of all the Bethesda games. Although I will admit I am a bit skeptical of the MMO aspect. I find the SRPG enjoyable and entertaining because they let you get lost in another world. Having tons of other people around can be fun (I do play a lot of MMO's) but also means a lot of asshats as well. Plus the usual concessions made for the masses.

For all my fondness of Skyrim I still prefer the mechanics of Morrowind and always get frustrated when games get reduced in quality due to console limitations and mass appeal. But its the way of things so I have learned to just enjoy what is there instead of getting bitter about superficial things.

Still they snagged my interest and it is a different team so hoping for the best - hence why I signed up.
Jun 4, 2008
I signed up. I also had several nerd-gasms over this game. Really looking forward to it, I'm not not even a huge MMO fan. As an Elder Scrolls fan since Morrowind I'm really excited about it.
I've tried TOR and WoW for a couple days each, but found both of these games rather boring. WoW seemed to be more about pressing four hotbar buttons in a sequence over and over, collecting loot and trying to level up as fast as possible, as opposed to simply exploring and playing a character. I tried an RP server, but the game seems to be not very conducive to role playing. TOR had some excellent voice acting and well written cutscenes, but the actual gameplay was not very fun IMO.

Skyrim and Oblivion are my top two all time favorite games, however, so I'm very much looking forward to ESO. I understand they will start with a smaller group and then expand and add more beta testers over time, which sounds promising.

If it proves to be anything comparable to the snoozefest of Oblivion and Skyrim, I'll pass.

Yes, of course, if you hated Oblivion and Skyrim, I'm guessing this game is probably not going to be much fun for you.
Jan 15, 2011
Count, I felt the exact same way with my 10-day free trial of WoW. I just felt it was pretty boring. I don't know why but even after I found a friend to lead me around and help me with quests and stuff, the game was still boring to me. I dunno. I don't think MMOs are generally my thing but I have more hope for ES Online simply because it's an Elder Scrolls game. They did say they wanted to appeal to ES fans (obviously), so we'll see how it turns out.
I'm not too interested in it but I did sign up for beta. By the way, check your spam folder if you haven't received confirmation yet, my confirmation email was there.
Sep 23, 2008
I think he's talking about the confirmation you get when you sign up. Mine was in the spam folder too. It basically just said "thank you for signing up, if you are selected you will receive an email with the information you need".
I think he's talking about the confirmation you get when you sign up. Mine was in the spam folder too. It basically just said "thank you for signing up, if you are selected you will receive an email with the information you need".

Sep 23, 2008
Oct 13, 2007
I've signed up.

Last MMOs I was subscribed to were EverQuest and Dark Age of Camelot back in 2002.

Since then I've been in Beta tests or free weekends or trials for Star Wars Galaxies, Rift, Guild Wars 2, Star Wars: The Old Republic and The Secret World. And even some lesser known MMOs, although mostly due to my IGN Prime subscription or Beta-key give-aways which gave me access to beta's regularly.

With the exception of Star Wars: Galaxies I've never signed up for a beta before TESO.

But none of them have caught my interest so that I would buy them (you still have to buy Guild Wars 2 to play) or subscribe. Even though most of them have gone FTP, that still wasn't enough for me to really get into them, I still enjoy single-player rpgs too much.

The only MMO I'm investing some time in at the moment isn't even an RPG (It's Planetside 2).

But since I like the universe and lore of The Elder Scrolls so much I just have to play TESO (eventually, I will play it even if I won't be in the beta), although I'm pretty sure to get annoyed because of lore choises they made.
Oct 22, 2006
Yep, I've signed up too, although the last MMO I played was in 2004.

I'm basically treating this like a new Elder Scrolls game, and will play it accordingly. I look forward to exploring the world (or at least the third of the world that my first character can access); whether my interest is retained will depend on whether they've captured the same sandbox magic of past Elder Scrolls games, and if the quest content and character progression is enough to keep pulling me back.

I won't be opposed to grouping up or pvp'ing now and then, but I certainly won't be looking for it. I just want to explore some different parts of Tamriel...
Mar 10, 2009
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