The collection of Dattaswami "wisdom"

I think at one point it must read :

"God exists at the boundary of universes".
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
How convenient for religion that God can never be perceived. Why, its almost as if he doesn't exist.
How convenient for astronomy that the Sun is a giant fireball incredibly far from the Earth that no one can reach. Why, it's almost as if it doesn't exist.
Dec 14, 2010
Un-necessary expenditure of wealth result in sin

Your expenditure will never yield zero and it either yields good fruit or sin

Your expenditure should be based on sharp analysis since your expenditure may result in the pleasure of God as well as in the anger of God.
Un-necessary expenditure of wealth result in sin

You should donate after analyzing through proper knowledge

Earning the wealth is a great act. Saving the earned wealth by controlling unnecessary expenditure is greater act. Proper utilization of the saved wealth is greatest act. You can get the grace of God through proper utilization of the saved wealth in His name. When you spend your money in the name of God, God is pleased. But, you should spend it properly with sharp analysis. If the wealth is wasted or spent for un-deserving persons, God becomes furious. Therefore, expenditure or donation of money can bring the grace or anger of God and it is like a double edged knife.

Therefore, controlling the expenditure in un-necessary ways and also resisting the expenditure on un-deserving persons results in pacifying the anger of God. The un-necessary expenditure and expenditure on un-deserving persons result in sin and you will be punished in the hell. Therefore, your expenditure should be based on sharp analysis since your expenditure may result in the pleasure of God as well as in the anger of God. Veda says the same [Samvidaa deyam], which means that you should donate after analyzing through proper knowledge. You think that wasting money yields neither sin nor good fruit and the result is only zero. This is totally wrong. Your expenditure will never yield zero and it either yields good fruit or sin. Hence, you should be very careful in the expenditure or donation.

A farmer gave milk to a serpent, which is shivering in snow. After gaining sufficient heat from the nearby fire created by the farmer and after gaining sufficient energy through the milk, the serpent bit the farmer and went away. The serpent killed some more people outside also due to the gained energy. For that act, the farmer was punished in the hell also. The farmer was not only punished on the earth, but was also punished in the upper world after death. Such is the severe result of donation to un-deserving people.
Universal Spirituality for World Peace
Aug 2, 2008
Glyph, what gives you the right to expect the moderators to ban someone who doesn't share your views ?
While you may believe in Jesus, many people don't and that should not be a reason for banning someone.
If this were a Christian forum, I'd agree with you, but it isn't.

I'd expect the mods to ask dattaswami to stop creating new posts though as they're swamping out the forum.

No time right now for theological discussion though, but dattaswami. I suggest you read some more on science and not from religious websites, since you are confusing some things. Other things you're saying make some sense though.
Nov 13, 2006
Manchester, United Kingdom
The title of this thread reminds me of a certain song by Monty Python ...
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
You sure have a harsh world view. Spending money for wrong persons puts me in hell for eternity! I'm sure its going to be crowded there! :)

And how about taxes :D As a taxpayer I cannot be in controll where politicians spend our hard earned credits (like supporting Greece!)
Oct 19, 2006
LOL Alrik. "Always look at the bright side of life"?

"The statement that the God is above logic must be proved only by perception. The divine miracles performed by the human form of Lord prove that there is a power above the logic. These miracles are seen by the naked eyes. The atheists must be allowed to prove whether the miracles are simply magic tricks. When they cannot prove, they must accept the existence of super power above the logic."

Like Pladio have said: you are confusing some things but, more importantly, you also present your beliefs and opinions as facts.

Number 1 - what "miracles"?
Number 2 - you have it backward. Remember that "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence" Since atheists don't make any extraordinary claims they don't have to prove anything. You do.
Jan 10, 2008
You guys realize this guy is just copy/pasting from elsewhere right? There are multiple forums with the exact same posts. I'm all for free religious discussion. This is clearly not a discussion. It is spam. And banning would be entirely appropriate.
May 3, 2008
@CI: He/she does seem to somewhat respond to posts, so probably not a bot, but a person posting lots of messages. Damian actually started this way too, but he turned out to be a very reasonable person, just misunderstood by some.
Nov 13, 2006
Manchester, United Kingdom
Not a bot, but who joins an RPG site to post walls of text on spiritualism? People on my ignore list, that's who.
May 3, 2008
That's why I have made my post CI. If the answer is not specific that it very well might be a bot.
Jan 10, 2008
@CI: He/she does seem to somewhat respond to posts, so probably not a bot, but a person posting lots of messages. Damian actually started this way too, but he turned out to be a very reasonable person, just misunderstood by some.

CrazyIrish is correct. Just paste a few sentences into google and you'll see.
Aug 30, 2006
Glyph, what gives you the right to expect the moderators to ban someone who doesn't share your views ?
While you may believe in Jesus, many people don't and that should not be a reason for banning someone.
If this were a Christian forum, I'd agree with you, but it isn't.

I'd expect the mods to ask dattaswami to stop creating new posts though as they're swamping out the forum.
Sorry to disappoint your holy righteousness, I was merely referring to the Hindu's habit of creating dozens of threads "as they're swamping out the forum". Have fun looking for evil X-tians out to cruelly ban anyone who doesn't believe in the "skywizard" though.

Also, the Hindu did say he believes in Jesus, only in his own peculiar way.
Dec 14, 2010
The only way to find true bliss is to live with Jesus Christ every moment of your life.

I guess you should enjoy your coming bannation from this forum and the erasure of your posts.

Sorry, I thought that when you said these two things, you were meaning that because he/she is Hindu, he should be banned.

If that is not what you meant. I apologize.
Nov 13, 2006
Manchester, United Kingdom
Shortest verse in the Bible: Jesus wept.
Aug 31, 2006
We don't ban anyone for expressing differing religious views (or I'd ban the lot of you lol :) ). We do tend to ban people who spam the forums if they continue after being told to stop. STOP!!
Aug 31, 2006
Your knowledge of both the Bible and Theology is sadly lacking!! I don't have the time to educate you; it would take years. Do NOT attempt to speak for God; you have absolutely NO idea what you're really talking about.
Aug 31, 2006
It's been a couple years since you last buried us in pages and pages of this mumbo-jumbo. Not nearly long enough for us to start missing you, really. Perhaps you'd like to make a second attempt by going away for somewhat longer than a couple years and see if we start missing you then? Please?
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
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