The Witcher 2 - Internal Gameplay Video

Dark colors, much darker than the original, colorful Witcher 1. Is it a new engine or a modified Aurora plus Havoc? Looks promising...
Dec 10, 2007
One word sums up my feelings about this video.

Feb 3, 2007
Dark colors, much darker than the original, colorful Witcher 1. Is it a new engine or a modified Aurora plus Havoc? Looks promising…

New engine. I think it'd be a bit of a handful to get Aurora to do dynamic env shadows...
Oct 19, 2006
CDP has issued a press release:

“Of course, we can’t and won’t try to deny the facts. The movie that appeared on the various sites yesterday presents our newest project, The Witcher 2, which we’ve been working on for some time. We made something about half year ago, to present the first playable version of the game.” said Adam Kiciński, CEO of CD Projekt RED. “Currently we are looking for a potential publisher (or publishers) for this title, and this leak is an uncontrolled side effect of that process. For today, we are not commenting on anything that concerns the game itself.”

More information about The Witcher 2 will be unveiled alongside the official announcement.
Nov 10, 2007
New engine?

I STRONGLY doubt that, since pretty much everything looks identical in terms of how the engine handled stuff in the presentation. Havoc stuff added, obviously, but otherwise - nah.

Maybe a modified Aurora, but there's no way that's an entirely new engine.
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Awesome to know that it's so far along...- what I wouldn't give to be in on the Beta... :'(

I must say that I had a fright when Geralt opened his mouth. The original Geralt voice worked very well for me...

Yeah, very dark-looking, but I like it. Hard to tell much, though, with the amount shown, about the engine and combat, I'd say.

I'm going to try and not be worried about the departed lead designer - what can one do but trust and hope... :-/
Nov 23, 2007
I'm sure the VO is placeholder - a couple of them sounded like the devs themselves. It also very common for publishers to handle voice work and, presumably, they're not even close to that stage.
Aug 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
I must say that I had a fright when Geralt opened his mouth. The original Geralt voice worked very well for me…

New voice or placeholder, but still same slashing sword sound. Just hearing that sound makes me want to load The Witcher and play it again.
Feb 3, 2007
Yessssss……… Finally…..

This is wonderful news, one of the best RPGs I ever played (especially the medieval atmosphere was done superbly) gets a successor……
However I find the new haircut really ridiculous, the braid on the top of his head is really not my cup of tea… Hopefully we can change the haircut to the old free-flowing-Style…..

Apr 16, 2007
New engine?

I STRONGLY doubt that, since pretty much everything looks identical in terms of how the engine handled stuff in the presentation. Havoc stuff added, obviously, but otherwise - nah.

Maybe a modified Aurora, but there's no way that's an entirely new engine.

They did say some time back that it was new, and the Engine doesn't necessarily make
the looks of the game, The renderer and the art assets (textures,models) do.

So bearing in mind that RED rewrote the renderer for #1 and is obviously reusing a lot
of assets… Still Im with you that they didn't start from scratch (renderer aside) why
not reuse known technology (I bet even PB did it to some extent despite Genome
being a big ugly mess). Not to mention that they couldn't have been up and running
with the new eye candy so quickly…

I'm sure the VO is placeholder - a couple of them sounded like the devs themselves. It also very common for publishers to handle voice work and, presumably, they're not even close to that stage.

Exactly what I was thinking :) … Especially Geralt and a couple others…
Oct 18, 2006
They did say some time back that it was new, and the Engine doesn't necessarily make
the looks of the game, The renderer and the art assets (textures,models).

So bearing in mind that RED rewrote the renderer for #1 and is obviously reusing a lot
of assets… Still Im with you that they didn't start from scratch (renderer aside) why
not reuse known technology (I bet even PB did it to some extent despite Genome
being a big ugly mess). Not to mention that they couldn't have been up and running
with the new eye candy so quickly…

Ok, without really knowing - I'm going to make a bet that what we're seeing in that video is the Aurora engine - however modified it may be.

Any takers?

What do you want to bet?
I don't know What would you wanna bet :D ?

Seriously though I am set that this is the same Renderer (a module that if designed
correctly can be ported to any engine) as #1 its their code after all...

Also let me point out that they used a seriously modified Aurora for #1 too...

This could be just its evolution...

So what are we playing for ?
Oct 18, 2006
Also let me point out that they used a seriously modified Aurora for #1 too…

Exactly. How modified can an engine be and still be considered the same engine?

I don't give a rats ass what engine it is anyways, it's not important. What's important is that they manage to recreate the same atmosphere that made The Witcher so special.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Looks good. And guys, the VO is obviously a placeholder, if you listen closely, Gerald's voice is from the first dev in the video that was introducing the game.

Only thing that kinda worries me is QTE, I hope the game won't be littered with it.
Oct 18, 2006
I don't know What would you wanna bet :D ?

Seriously though I am set that this is the same Renderer (a module that if designed
correctly can be ported to any engine) as #1 its their code after all…

Also let me point out that they used a seriously modified Aurora for #1 too…

This could be just its evolution…

So what are we playing for ?

All I'm saying is that it's the Aurora engine in whatever incarnation - so it seems we agree :)

Beyond looking mostly identical to the original The Witcher - it simply makes absolutely no business sense for them to completely redo stuff with a different engine, whether licensed or built from scratch.

Whatever Rendering engine they're using to actually render the same assets (visuals) within Aurora, I really have no idea, so I wouldn't speak as to what stage of evolution it's in. But it certainly looks a lot like it used to :)
I think you guys are confusing caring about facts, with caring about what engine is used.

But if you can't make the distinction, I won't push the point :)
I think you guys are confusing caring about facts, with caring about what engine is used.

But if you can't make the distinction, I won't push the point :)

Of course, it's always everyone else that's confused here. ;)

We appreciate you not pushing the point though. Now maybe we can focus on the video again.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
No confusion here...

Actually I find the technical standpoint very interesting and well, not much to do but
speculate for a long time in to the future I guess (anyone know any hint of a release date
on the horizon btw ?). And since they showed us tech we are discussing tech...

Just expressing my Heartfelt wish (and a bit of apprehension) that they manage to
capture what made the Original so good. I'd hate for them to b nothing more than a
shooting star...
Oct 18, 2006
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