Kingdom Come: Deliverance - Now Hiring


Part-Time News-bot
October 1, 2010
The latest kickstarter update for Kingdom Come: Deliverance brings news the developer is now hiring for a man/woman to help find, and work with a new publisher.

Do you know this man?

In this update we are going to talk about something else then development itself: the black art of selling the game, and why we need your help again.

The outcome of the Kickstarter campaign was a great vindication of our effort and it made possible an option we only dreamed about before: to go directly to market, without a publisher that funds the development. This is a very attractive proposition but there are several things we need to consider. Firstly, there is no such thing as going ‘directly to market’. At the very minimum we will have to deal with Valve, Microsoft and Sony – all of these companies are very nice to deal with, but they still are an intermediary between us and the players. Secondly, publishers do lot of useful things and could allow us to bring the game to more players, for example by providing more localizations or by increasing awareness of the game among the gamers.

Since the end of the Kickstarter campaign we have been approached by several distributors or publishers, with different offers, some seem very good. As we were pondering these, we came to realize that this may be a skill we are missing: Dan knows a lot about design and what makes games fun, I, hopefully, know something about production and about keeping the development on time, but neither of us is a real salesman.

So this is where you come in. We are looking for a person that would join our team as a Chief Commercial Officer. This is a fairly senior position and we are looking for somebody who has experience with games business. It can be somebody from a game publisher who wants to come over to the Light Side, it could be somebody from a game developer who is looking for a new challenge, it could be anybody who has skills and experience in doing business with games.

Formal description of this position can be found on our LinkedIn page.

All our backers are people interested in games, many of you work in the industry and even if you don’t, I bet you know somebody who does. If someone’s name flashed across your mind when you were reading the last paragraph, please do us a favor and point them in our direction. Or, if you are interested yourself, of course do not hesitate to get in touch. This position is a tremendous opportunity to join our team and shape our policy toward publishers and distributors from the ground up. We are still small studio, our management structure is very, very flat and you will not be burdened by cumbersome bureaucracy.
More information.
Last edited:
Oct 1, 2010
Hmmm...I wish them luck. Really looking forward to roleplaying in late medieval Bohemia.
I will probably end up with a heart attack when they get into bed with one of the big guys, EA or Ubisoft...
Mar 9, 2014
Germania Inferior
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