What I've Been Watching: The Catch-All Film Thread

I may not be getting my point across correctly and I apologize. I have a learning disability called dysgraphia, which affects my ability to put thoughts on paper. Anyways, what I am trying to say and I hope I do it right this time, is that going to see a movie just for special effects is no different than going to see a film just to see a certain actor or actress, or a certain genre. My daught absolutely loves Johnny Depp, so she sees every single film he is in. She likes the film of course even though others may hate it. Some films are just mindless fun, and special effects may be the only thing it has going for it. Some films just have to be seen on the big screen because of special effects. It is all only my opinion of course. I didn't mean to imply that everyone should like a film, or you are wrong for wanting other things. I apologize if I offended anyone. That was not my intent.
Ouch… must be one depressing movie. I thought CoM was great though…

It is depressing to say the least. When you think about the Fallout universe and how exciting it is The Road slaps you back to reality. Children of Men was depressing and brutal but nothing like The Road.
Oct 18, 2006
Boston MA
I may not be getting my point across correctly and I apologize. I have a learning disability called dysgraphia, which affects my ability to put thoughts on paper. Anyways, what I am trying to say and I hope I do it right this time, is that going to see a movie just for special effects is no different than going to see a film just to see a certain actor or actress, or a certain genre. My daught absolutely loves Johnny Depp, so she sees every single film he is in. She likes the film of course even though others may hate it. Some films are just mindless fun, and special effects may be the only thing it has going for it. Some films just have to be seen on the big screen because of special effects. It is all only my opinion of course. I didn't mean to imply that everyone should like a film, or you are wrong for wanting other things. I apologize if I offended anyone. That was not my intent.

You certainly didn't offend me, and I'm happy you enjoyed Skyline :)
I see people trash movies like Skyline and Transformers and I have to ask. What in the hell were you expecting to see in these films? Films like these have been, are, and always will be, about one thing. Special effects. That's it. And along those lines they did very well. You are not going to get a great plot, terrific acting or whathave you. You are going to get special effects. Anyone expecting more is going to be sorely disappointed.

Big effects films can still suck bad. They have to have a story and characters you care about. I just check aintitcool because all they do is review this kind of stuff and they look at these things in the proper context. They thought Skyline was crap and outline very clearly why.

Oct 18, 2006
Boston MA
Ouch… must be one depressing movie. I thought CoM was great though…
Had it on the DVR and finally got around to watching it. Seriously oppressive film. I don't demand that my movies be all rainbows and unicorns, but The Road was a heaping helping of miserable. Not really a bad movie, but there wasn't any aspect of it good enough to overcome the gloom.

Also watched Legion. Disappointing. Bad acting, lousy writing, and gaping plot holes are just too much for the neat CGI to beat.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
Big effects films can still suck bad. They have to have a story and characters you care about. I just check aintitcool because all they do is review this kind of stuff and they look at these things in the proper context. They thought Skyline was crap and outline very clearly why.


He rated it just like I said. The only thing it had were good special effects. The rest sucked. I simply just did not get my point across very well.
Resident Evil: Afterlife

I fully expected it to stink, and, just like the 2nd & 3rd RE films, it did. Sub-par acting, ridiculous action scenes, and a typical B movie plot. I don't understand how the other films grossed enough money for them to make this one. Hopefully it will be the last...
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
When I woke up in my hotel room on New Years Day, Idiocracy was on TV, and we watched the movie minus the first ten or so minutes. Pretty, pretty funny. Not Anchorman-, Dodgeball- or The Producers-funny, but funny enough for Dad, Mom and and Sonny Jaz.
Aug 31, 2006
Rented some movies over the weekend.

The Abyss (Director's Cut)
Great movie. I love underwater films almost as much as deep space ones. I watched it some years ago but didn't remember everything. Heard the theatrical version had a bad ending, what was that about?

How to Tame Your Dragon
Hilarious roller coaster ride of Vikings and Dragons. Fun, fun, fun! No 08/15 animation material. Splendid, terrific movie. Go see.

Ronja Robbersdaughter
I was finally able to see this classic kids movie again. Wonderful stuff. Go see.
Aug 30, 2006
Well I watched The Road last night. You guys got me curious enough to rent it.

Yep, pretty depressing all right. As far as entertainment though, I thought it was sort of "meh". It wasn't bad, just not enough going on for me. I wish the story had included some insight on what had actually happened to cause the world to be in that state.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Valhalla Rising is another depressing film. Beautiful scenes, a rough atmosphere, hardly any dialog. A great Mads Mikkelsen. Very interesting.
Aug 30, 2006
Thanks for listing those depressing movies - now I know which flicks to avoid :).

Yesterday, a friend returned all the DVDs he had borrowed years ago. Now I can finally watch Team America again :).
Aug 31, 2006
True Grit : Interesting movie , that little girl was great on the role , i greatly enjoyed the fact that people in the movie are not overreacting like in tv

FUBAR II : I like the "real life" scenario and the documentary like shooting but most dialogues were not funny and the guys are morons ( of course this is the topic of the movie) .
Jun 22, 2009
Athens (the original one)
Saw a few days ago The Legend Of The Boneknapper Dragon - the second movie of the "How to train your dragon" saga … It's a short, approx. 15 minuted long movie, and it's partly retelling the youth of the handicapped smith … forgot his name … and that in a very humorous way. :)

I found (following rumors) the 2-disc-variant in a shop of a drug store chain - as a "steelbook" variant. It was expensive : 20 Euros ! - But I wanted it, and so I bought it.

And now I have the soundtrack in my brain again (had to listen to it, of course, again ;) ), and I just love it … :)

I do hope they'll do many more movies of this saga … :)
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
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