The Witcher 2 - Patch 3.2 - UI Improvements


August 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
You have to take your hat off to this sort of work - CD Projekt Red has released v3.2 for The Witcher 2, adding UI improvements to the Enhanced Edition:
Patch 3.2 is a UI modification for the PC version of The Witcher 2 Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition. The mod adds the following enhancements to the game. It can be used optionally (enabled by default) by players when installed. You can disable it in Configurator DLC Menu.

  1. Minimap: Adds a north arrow.
  2. Alchemy: Crafting slots show how many ingredients there are; better default ingredient selection (e.g., not having to filter out quest item ingredients all the time); un-rotates alchemy element symbols; saves custom ingredient selection for a formula (until you close the panel or go to another formula, but no longer resetting every time you create something).
  3. Tooltips: Taller, and scroll faster.
  4. Inventory/Trading/Storage: Sorting buttons (sort by time acquired, name, aggregate weight, aggegrate price.) Reversible sort also possible.
  5. Trading: Places a checkmark next to books, formulas, and crafting diagrams that you already have in your inventory.
  6. Crafting: Shows how many items you have instead of capping the number at how many are required. E.g., 30/3 instead of 3/3.
  7. Other: Sorts some lists alphabetically: crafting, alchemy, elixirs.
More information.
Aug 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia

They're still working on the game improvements and bugfixes. If only Skyrim was developed by CDPR...
Apr 12, 2009
We get good news like this and you use it as an opportunity to throw more hate around!?

The more fixes the better. I still haven't played through the game so I'll be using all these improvements!

Looks like the game has gotten a lot of excellent reviews over on the XBox 360. Have the sales been good, too?
Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
The Xbox sales have been fairly good - 520k at the last count. It's great to see so much support for any game by a dev, another reason CDPR has a ton of goodwill in my books.
Feb 28, 2011
Hmmm… I didn't want my post to look negative but it does now when I read it…
I wanted to say I'm happy to see CDPR unlike some other developers didn't just grab the money and stop supporting the game. Also unlike those other developers, CDPR's additions (DLC practically) are all free.
Since I like that approach, I'll buy everything they make without a question.
Apr 12, 2009
Hmmm… I didn't want my post to look negative but it does now when I read it…
I wanted to say I'm happy to see CDPR unlike some other developers didn't just grab the money and stop supporting the game. Also unlike those other developers, CDPR's additions (DLC practically) are all free.
Since I like that approach, I'll buy everything they make without a question.

Then I don't understand the Skyrim comment.. they're still fixing bugs and adding content for free.
Oct 18, 2006
Ah cool, I was wandering around the forest completely lost so often because of the lacking compass. Some people may like that, but I just got frustrated.

I would also like to see an option for bigger fonts. Sigh, I hope my bigger fonts mod still works after this patch.
Oct 18, 2006
The Netherlands
OMG They're still working on the game improvements and bugfixes. If only Skyrim was developed by CDPR…

Hmmm… I didn't want my post to look negative but it does now when I read it…

I acutally thought your comment was appropriate and not really all that negative.

Then I don't understand the Skyrim comment.. they're still fixing bugs and adding content for free.

It's true Bethesda are still patching and adding free content - which is good. But I also think it's fair to criticize Bethesda for not getting 'into the ditch' and fixing up the long list of quest bugs. They've fixed some quests, but there are a lot of problems with a great deal of quests and 7 months later, I would have expected to see more than perhaps just 10% fixed. This is coming from someone who really likes Bethesda, and I even like Todd Howard (I know I know *gasp*).
Oct 18, 2006
Isn't that the case of YCSI? (You can script it [yourself]) - a way of saying that the best use of dev time is in fixing engine bugs and adding content for use by modders, while things that can already be fixed by the toolset are lower priority?

Guess it doesn't really hold for consoles, but for PC gamers it means we get the best bang for buck.

I remember NWN's lengthy post game support, which was excellent, but also openly followed this strategy.
Oct 18, 2006
I think NWN was never really about the content, however. It was always about providing a D&D engine.

Even so. They patched changes that you could not script, while others, for example bugs in XP calculation, spells etc. were largely left for builders to fix if they wanted to.
Oct 18, 2006
comparing skyrim to the witcher 2 is like comparing NYC to a suburb—the potential for bugs in an open world game are exponentially higher so putting the same standard on both is disingenous at best. and this is coming from someone who up until this past year would have placed CPR at a much higher standard than Bethesda
Oct 26, 2006
The point is not the bugs potential nor comparing games. The point is that CDPR is polishing the already polished game - and all those polishes and DLC we get for free. Unlike... Um... Who exactly? Remind me please. Not a game. Developer. Publisher. Choose yourself.
Apr 12, 2009
sorry but i never had an issue with Skyrim upon release in the circa 300 hours spent, however CDPR supposedly DRM free, manage to bungle me being able to play my expensive as shit collectors edition upon release, and i do recall running into a number of quests bugs in my gameplay not to mention frustrations with lack of storage and some other small details. The Witcher 2 was a great game but similar to Dragon Age 2 one that in my view saw a shorter dev cycle, catering to consoles, and a much smaller game. sure it was more polished if by that we refrerred to being shiny and spectacular, but i refuse to drink the CDPred coloured kool-aid even though i do appreciate the lengths they go to make changes that players want, and offer it free. not being nickel and dimed with dlc is worth something, though on the same end don't begrudge those of us our right to bitch that actually subsidized it with collectors editions etc.

its fine to support drm free games, and free dlc, but don't forget that other players will in someway be subsidizing however willingly especially in the new dawn of kickstarter games where there is even more variation in how much people will be paying/supporting for the same game.

i am also one of the few who thought the enchanced editon for the original witcher actually neutered much of the personality in the voice overs, even though it did improve some aspects such as load times and i believe the inventory.

i will always usually pay more for something that i want rather than be given something i don't for less or even free.

"nothing in life is free" and while bad experiences can be lessons i try to fill my life with as few as possible whether it be games or otherwise.
Oct 26, 2006

They're still working on the game improvements and bugfixes. If only Skyrim was developed by CDPR…

That would be great, bye bye mod kit...
May 15, 2011
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