Wasteland 2 - Early Access Revenue


Part-Time News-bot
October 1, 2010
Brother None posted an update on Steam last week that I missed about how 100% of the Early Access revenue is going back into development for Wasteland 2.
100% of Early Access revenue going back into development

The latest Wasteland 2 Kickstarter update contains a lot on our current progress and plans, covering topics like the local area map, loot drops, jamming changes and frequency increase of alarm disarm and demolitions. But aside from that, it speaks a bit to how Early Access has gone for us, and how we handle the revenue. Here is that section of the update:

Wasteland 2 is 2x bigger than Kickstarter budget allowed!

"Wasteland 2 is a hell of a project. One that is larger and more nuanced than we had imagined even when completed our Kickstarter campaign and knew what our budget was. We've had the good fortune of having a nicely selling back catalog, which allowed us to put a good chunk of our own money into making this the best experience possible. That along with some help from Early Access on Steam provided additional revenue along with a great influx of feedback.

We made this promise a while back and it still holds true. Every penny coming in from sales is still going back into making Wasteland 2. By this stage, it means we have doubled Wasteland 2's initial budget.

There was discussion when we put the game up on Early Access whether it was a good idea or not. I can promise that the game we are close to releasing would not have been the same without it. While Wasteland 2 would have been released months ago without Early Access, it would not have the polish, detail, and scope that we are bringing to you in very near future. The past few years have been one large learning and refining process for all of us, and in hindsight, we can measurably say this had a huge positive impact on the game. Nothing beats the feedback from tons of you playing the game and the resources and time to act on that feedback.

At this stage in production we are thinking about practical tasks such as getting a gold master version so we can start printing discs. We're currently aiming to have that done in late July, but that doesn't mean we wrap up the project. Some people will stay on (as others move fully to Torment) and continue working on the game until its release to provide a day one patch, and we fully plan on significant post-release support.

The most obvious of that will be the mod-kit and of course post-release patches. We do not have any expansions currently planned but that doesn’t mean there won’t be any in the future. We will keep an eye on feedback just like we have during the beta period and be open to taking another look at features that are highly requested. Basically, while we are nearing the release date and thus nearing "the end" in that sense, we are looking forward to working on this game for quite some time yet"
More information.
Oct 1, 2010
I am very excited for this game. I have 40+ hrs on the beta and I had to stop because I want to enjoy the full release. I think they are really doing a quite god job, and I appreciated their efforts in bringing back Wasteland.

If you add DOS, this summer looks like one of the best in the last several years. I hope they will sell as well as DOS is selling right now.
Dec 2, 2011
How will they manage to make a decent use of a doubling in the budget so late in the developpment cycle?
Mar 29, 2011
How will they manage to make a decent use of a doubling in the budget so late in the developpment cycle?

Maybe because it has been early access for 7 months so some of that could have been quite awhile ago? Also, I wouldn't think adding in more content would be overly difficult, just need to make sure it is balanced somehow.
Oct 18, 2006
Even if they got the money in one time, that is half in the developpment cycle.
Mar 29, 2011
They certainly haven't spent that money on what matters most.
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