Dragon Age 2 - Earn Loot From DA: Legends

Eh, I pretty much buy every dlc that I can for games I like. Blame me if you want, but I can't understand not wanting more of something that you are enjoying.
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Dec 17, 2009
I'm afraid I just might boycot them, too. Not intentionally, though, no, because I think DA2 will probably still be a formidable game worth having. Yet I feel strongly discouraged from settling for any one version of the game to buy because no matter which I choose I feel like I cannot get the most out of the game.
Get straight up, plain old vanilla. Inside of three weeks there will be mods out there at least as good as these in-game promo items. Inside of three months, there will be mods that make them downright laughable.

I actually <gasp> pre-ordered Dragon Age: Origins. For that, I got a ring that added 1% to the xp that I earned on one character. Sheesh. I really shouldn't have bothered to even type the code in to get that item.
Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
I could care less about items. They are utterly meaningless. People put way to much importance on them. Like one poster said - its a mix of player greed to have all the toys, and company greed playing into peoples insecurities and desires.

In DAO I had DLC and plenty of extra items - I just sold them for coin fairly early on. They broke immersion for me.

I enjoyed some of the DLC but seriously - the guy in the camp was horrible and the number one thing that still bugs me. That and the title in the quest log about premium content. At least try to provide the illusion of staying within the game.
Jun 4, 2008
I continue to lose more and more interest in not only DA2, but Bioware as a whole. I, for one, won't be buying DA2 off the bat and maybe not even at all.

Buy, buy, buy! Quickly, before it's too late, preorder your next 10 DLC packs and you can get shiny loot to help distract you from the trite and completely predictable storyline you've come to expect from Bioware!
Nov 10, 2008
Florida, USA
I totally agree with wolfgrimdark. I honestly don't care about item DLCs. It feels like cheating when you have an overpowered item which appears in your inventory out of nowhere. When such a DLC comes with the bundle, I disable it.
There are 1st day DLCs (The Stone Prisoner, for example) which are worth having, but item DLCs are just irrational and worthless. So, no worries for a DLC that I am going to disable anyway.
May 17, 2009
Well put my fellow gamer, I feel that waiting a year or so when the Ultimate Version is release is the best way to go to get the complete package plus you will save money. Many gamers have Biowares number and are practicing patients and restraint and waiting it out . I will do the same.

Wish I had done the same for Dragon Age.

Will do the waiting game for both DA2 and ME3.

Oct 29, 2009
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