Dungeons and Dragons Online Discussion

In the Tavern beneath the Kundarak Bank on the marketplace, there's a quest-giver, too.

You should imho in general look into taverns, too.
Because there are quest-givers you wouldn't see from the outside. :D
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Fluent, most of those quests you mention can actually be done solo quite easily, IF YOU KNOW THEM. One of the reasons to group up early on is to LEARN the quests. Each of us have commented many times how easy we now find quests on Elite we struggled with on Normal our first time around and one factor in that is that we now know how to do the quest. I'm just trying to encourage you to group up with some of us for awhile to learn how they work.
Aug 31, 2006
So, I haven't played DDO in 2-3 weeks. I start up the patcher today for the hell of it and the first thing to greet my eyes is:

New To The DDO Store With U18
May 23, 2013 20:07 EST Tomes that increase a character’s skill ranks!

Ugh. This game is increasingly becoming pay to win to the point that it's disgusting. Pretty soon, Otto's Box is going to become a permanent staple in the store w/ people paying $50 to *not* play lvl 8-18 content. It's such a joke. Off to excuse myself from my current guild and make some room on the hard drive.
Nov 10, 2008
Florida, USA
If people want to waste good money on rubbish like skill tomes why not let them? It certainly doesn't affect those of us who won't. How do you define 'winning'? For me, DDO is not a game you 'win'. It's a game you play for fun with friends. The challenge is personal. If someone else bolsters their stats with lots of tomes, it doesn't really affect me and the money Turbine makes allows them to create more content. They are only catering to what people have asked for and why shouldn't they? They are a business after all and have wages to pay. No system is perfect, but DDO offers a lot for little and more if you want to pay. You can still do nearly every quest in the game without paying anything if you're willing to grind. I'm not, so I bought packs. I certainly wouldn't buy all the cosmetic rubbish that's available, but I know many who have. Again, so what? It doesn't hurt me in any way and I still have fun playing.
Aug 31, 2006
So, I haven't played DDO in 2-3 weeks. I start up the patcher today for the hell of it and the first thing to greet my eyes is:

Ugh. This game is increasingly becoming pay to win to the point that it's disgusting. Pretty soon, Otto's Box is going to become a permanent staple in the store w/ people paying $50 to *not* play lvl 8-18 content. It's such a joke. Off to excuse myself from my current guild and make some room on the hard drive.
I understand your displeasure. I think the validity boils down to your intent for the game. If your goal is to create Teh Gr8test Toon EVAH, then you're going to have to spend a lot of money to keep pace with the pay-to-win munchkins. Not saying that's not a valid intent, BTW. If your intent is to have a toon that "carries its weight" in a group of either people you know or PUGs with most of the game's players, then you just ignore all that munchkin stuff like most players will.

Even within our guild, we've got a range between those intents. For Corwin, the game is nearly incidental to the social interaction, although he's getting much much better with the mechanics of toon building now. Az works the min/max pretty hard but refuses to spend money doing it. Peter buys XP pots and stat tomes to empower his toons, partially for the simple reason that he's able to afford the indulgence. I don't really have the money for munchkin works, but I've probably invested a million plat getting +2 tomes for every stat on every toon via the auction house (when I didn't get them via questing). It just depends on your means and your goals.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
Just finished up the Sharn Syndicate adventures as well as the Catacombs. Have to say I was pretty impressed with both adventure packs. Really liked the Catacombs. It had nice atmosphere, interesting story elements and good quests. Really glad I subscribed so I can get access to these awesome adventures.

Having never played D&D other than a few video game interpretations here and there, I'm surprised at the lore and how inventive it is. There's a lot of good ideas and interesting tidbits you learn about various races and monster types. There's a lot of cool things going on in the world and it makes it fun to explore the lore of the world.

I've watched a few episodes of the D&D cartoon as well. Fun stuff. Have any of you watched these?

Uh, did you guys send me an invite? Um, also... where in the game UI are messages or mail located? Is there a notice of some kind.

Go easy on me, I rarely get to play ANY games these days.

Devolo Stone is my guy's name
Jan 26, 2010
Downtown Chicago, IL
Heh. What I get a kick out of is how much so many players put on the End Game content in this and other MMOs. Isn't the whole game as much of a game as End Game? mmorpg players can be pretty weird.
Jan 26, 2010
Downtown Chicago, IL
Yeah. Quite frankly, I'm not too concerned with "end game" content because I usually don't make it to the end anyway, and I enjoy "the ride". Many players just want to level up as fast as possible and reach cap for some odd reason. To each their own.
Ovenall, not sure if an invite was sent as I haven't been online much this week. It would appear in your mailbox and you don't see those till you leave Korthos. You should get a small envelope on your character bar if you have mail. If you use Skype, contact one of us via it for help and assistance.
Aug 31, 2006
I understand your displeasure. I think the validity boils down to your intent for the game. If your goal is to create Teh Gr8test Toon EVAH, then you're going to have to spend a lot of money to keep pace with the pay-to-win munchkins. Not saying that's not a valid intent, BTW. If your intent is to have a toon that "carries its weight" in a group of either people you know or PUGs with most of the game's players, then you just ignore all that munchkin stuff like most players will.

That's just the thing though. If you don't run with a static group, the game boils down to marginal upgrades for your character moreso than any other game I've ever played. Eventually, even that trickles down to repeated TRs for very minimal gains. The game is incredibly character-specific with all the instancing involved, and it all taking place in 1 1/2 towns... It's just very shallow to me.

The powergamer in me likes the character customization, but the part of me that enjoys immersive RPGs, atmosphere, and exploration becomes mindnumbingly bored; especially after a couple TRs - one's gameplay experience is reduced to looking at the adventure compendium to see what instance is next on the todo list.

It also doesn't help that any people you *do* run with will usually end up TRing and you're subsequently left with a thumb up your rump wondering what to do and with whom... until you yourself TR out of boredom. The "endgame" in DDO, for lack of a better term, is TRing. And this is miserable and tedious after you've run through every single quest in the game a dozen+ times.
Nov 10, 2008
Florida, USA
If you've done every quest in the game then you're better than I after 3 years of playing!! :)
Aug 31, 2006
Just finished up the Sharn Syndicate adventures as well as the Catacombs. Have to say I was pretty impressed with both adventure packs. Really liked the Catacombs. It had nice atmosphere, interesting story elements and good quests. Really glad I subscribed so I can get access to these awesome adventures.

I liked both as well.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
I like the tough decisions you have to make on what items you equip. I'm starting to find lots of good gear with attributes that are all completely different, and you really have to choose your gear wisely. It's more than just "which item is better", it's also "which item do I want to use to benefit my play-style/build". It's pretty nice.
It's also important to have the right equipment for certain quests. For example, if you're going to be meeting Beholders you need a Death Block item. Against Rust monsters, metal is useless, against oozes you need a blunt weapon like Muckbane, etc, etc.
Aug 31, 2006
I finally got my mSata SSD installed. Tera and DDO are on it now. I'll try to get to DDO this week.
Oct 18, 2006
Boston MA
Enjoy, Todd. It's a good one. I haven't been able to put it down for the past week or so.

Keep in mind, enhancements rarely stack, so if you're wearing a +2 strength ring and a +1 strength belt, only the +2 is going to register. I learned this today and it essentially made 4 pieces of gear I was wearing completely useless. Yes, I am a D&D noob :p.
Todd, remember that all the regular DDO players are available to assist in many ways if you're on the Khyber server where our Guild is located. Skype is our method of choice since we all use it when we play together.
Aug 31, 2006
It's also important to have the right equipment for certain quests.

And against Fire Elementals you'd need something with frost. Or coldness, at least.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
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