Things you don't need to know...

...Autumn though is perfect. Mild days, no wind. If anyone is thinking of visiting - Autumn's the time of year you want to do it.

Hey! That is actually something I like to know. Wrong thread.... eh ... perhaps not.

pibbur who will someday go to Australia despite there are no trains going there.
"Word Of The Week" :

I especially find the last one interesting, because it proves my poin on so-called "industry standards" :

"[It] all boils down to consumer expectation. If the norm now is that a shooter -- a quality -- shooter delivers high quality single player and high quality multiplayer, then that's the standard, and that's what every studio has to build for."

- Medal of Honor: Warfighter producer Luke Thai
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
A follow-up to the Irma Grese story@Wikipedia: On sunday 21st Antoni Dobrowolski, the last known survivor from Auschwitz died at the age of 108.

pibbur who will listen to Gorecki's Symphony 3 now.

EDIT: Eh… He wasn't the last survivor, of course, he was the oldest survivor.Actually, I should have known that. '45 isn't that long ago. *bangs head on nearby wall*
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This is how the T. Rex would have mated:


The pic is from the wiki, which is an interesting read. I don't know why it came as a surprise to me that they had sex - of course they did! But the idea of these monsters getting it on just seems so unlikely. Come to think of it most aspects of these massive dinosaurs seems unlikely. What amazing animals they must have been.
May 29, 2010
.. throughout U.S. history, different types of mail bags have been called mail pouch, mail sack, mail satchel, catcher pouch, mochila saddle mailbag (not pictured), and portmanteau.

pibbur who considers participating in next year's Tour De France, since it's obviously going to be an event mainly for hobbyists.
… today pibbur has replaced the ring-shaped coverings that fits around a wheel rim to protect it and enable better vehicle performance by providing a flexible cushion that absorbs shock while keeping the wheel in close contact with the ground (actually he replaced the entire wheels). The first snow came two days ago and of course there's been a lot of chaos and accidents because people were still using summer equipment, but pibbur was not among them since he for once acted rationally and parked the car until the above mentioned procedure was completed.

pibbur who observes that this is the one thing he doesn't like about autumn (and one out of several he doesn't like about spring). And who will remember to DateTime.Now.AddHours(-1); tonight at 03:00 hours local time.
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That is excellent!


What is not so excellent is that Steffen Kjærgaard, the manager of the Norwegian cycling team for the last couple of years admits to using EPO when part of US Postal team (and even before that). Also that the manager before him knew about it, but didn't inform the board who hired mr. K. They're all tremendously sorry and relieved that they don't have to lie anymore.

pibbur who thinks about crocodiles and Norwegian hypocrisy, but not about Elton John.
… today pibbur has replaced the ring-shaped coverings that fits around a wheel rim to protect it and enable better vehicle performance by providing a flexible cushion that absorbs shock while keeping the wheel in close contact with the ground (actually he replaced the entire wheels). The first snow came two days ago and of course there's been a lot of chaos and accidents because people were still using summer equipment, but pibbur was not among them since he for once acted rationally and parked the car until the above mentioned procedure was completed.

pibbur who observes that this is the one thing he doesn't like about autumn (and one out of several he doesn't like about spring). And who will remember to DateTime.Now.AddHours(-1); tonight at 03:00 hours local time.

In Oz we don't have to do that!! :)
Aug 31, 2006
In Oz we don't have to do that!! :)

Because you don't have a winter season (or a REAL autumn).

pibbur who considers that one bad thing (among several others which he is too polite to mention unless somebody br.. eh begs him or threatens him if he doesn't) about Australia. And who is currently hiding.
Sky Movies 007 HD is a premium subscription television movie channel in the United Kingdom and Ireland dedicated to the James Bond films.

pibbur who has several black books with his drawings in, but no poems. And who doesn't clike all the fierce and lethal animals in Oz.

EDIT: The fleshy disk coral is a small but very fierce species of coral. No reported human fatalities, and no obvious ozzie connection Yet..
Australian field hockey goalkeeper Tristan Clemons is researching nanoparticles that could treat injuries and fight cance

pibbur who now actually found one good thing about Australia. He's not entirely happy about that, of course.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Alrik, thanks for that, I laughed since I've seen many of those in my company (I'm working as support and for whatever reason ppl can't accept I still mustn't know their password).
Btw, did you notice that the article is commented by Alpha Centaury fictional character: CEO Morgan
Apr 12, 2009
Lol :lol:
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Evan Gattis spent four years wandering in Texas, New Mexico, California, Colorado, and Wyoming before becoming a professional baseball player. Which proves that you don't need much training for participating in weird american sport.

Vampire prostitutes are believed to enter a man's house naked in the night and suck his blood through his toes. Kinky. Hearthfire?

Tombs of the Sanhedrin may have contained someone else. At least during daytime.

Carolina false morels should not be eaten because they may contain a compound that, when digested, breaks down into a rocket fuel propellant. And the Norwegian word for "speed" is "fart".

Legislators in Arizona have banned bans on toys accompanying kids' meals. Which worries pibbur because he's going to Phoenix in january.

An idea for a christmas present for the phobics in your family: painted and lacquered spider webs, sold as art in Vermont. Spiders included?

pibbur who wonders how someone can score 20 centuries in a game of sports, when the average human lifespan is way below 3 centuries.
"Dog ate my homework". The earliest known variation on the idea that written work might be adversely affected by the tendency of some dogs to chew on paper stems from 1905. For those of you without dogs, be aware that some cats also like to murder paper.

pibbur who observes that 1905 was also the year Norway got rid of the (admittedly not very tyrannic) tyrrany of the Swedes, but the connection is not entirely clear to him.
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