Dragon Age: Inquisition - Everything we know @ Videogamer.com


October 18, 2006
Denmark, Europe
Chris Bratt from Videogamer.com has posted link in this thread at the BSN for a 30 minute video at Videogamer.com. In the video, Chris and Simon Miller discuss the"Everything we know" so far.

In other DA: Inquisition news, Kotaku has an article which headline is The Next Dragon Age Is Crazy Ambitious

A quote from the Kotaku article about what happens in Crestwood - a city under attack:

In hands-off demos, you the Kotaku reporter don't get to decide which action the Inquisitor takes. They choose for you: abandon Crestwood and send your troops back to the keep to regroup. This pisses off Varric, one of your dwarf companions (returning from DAII). It leads to a lot of snarky comments, and you get mad at BioWare for making what seems to be a pretty bad choice
There's apparently a prompt

that will appear above each choice when you make a major decision. It won't tell you what will happen as a result of your choice, but it will clarify what that option does, so you don't wind up accidentally beheading someone when you just wanted to threaten to cut off his legs, or something.
More information.
Oct 18, 2006
Denmark, Europe
Maybe I'm just being jaded, but how does merely copying Skyrim and throwing in some Witcher 2 story-splitting decisions make this game "Crazy Ambitious"?

Sorry if I sound like a Codexer, but I just don't get the sudden hype I'm seeing all over the web today over this.
Aug 7, 2013
Maybe I'm just being jaded, but how does merely copying Skyrim and throwing in some Witcher 2 story-splitting decisions make this game "Crazy Ambitious"?

Sorry if I sound like a Codexer, but I just don't get the sudden hype I'm seeing all over the web today over this.

Well, if you compare it to how utterly unambitious DA2 was then DA3 is "Crazy Ambitious"
Maybe I'm just being jaded, but how does merely copying Skyrim and throwing in some Witcher 2 story-splitting decisions make this game "Crazy Ambitious"?

Sorry if I sound like a Codexer, but I just don't get the sudden hype I'm seeing all over the web today over this.

Because it's look awesome and most gamers don't need a game that reinvent gaming to think it's look good.

Also, tactical view.
Oct 13, 2007
Maybe I'm just being jaded, but how does merely copying Skyrim and throwing in some Witcher 2 story-splitting decisions make this game "Crazy Ambitious"?

Sorry if I sound like a Codexer, but I just don't get the sudden hype I'm seeing all over the web today over this.

I hear you about all the hype. The fine folks here at the Watch are going to have to sell me on this game (post release date) . After DA2, I'm not sure they know what they're doing.
Oct 19, 2006
Los Angeles area
I think that very few (if any) members of RPGWatch will buy DA3 upon release. How can anybody forget DA2 pre-release hype and the final result?
Jan 10, 2008
I think that very few (if any) members of RPGWatch will buy DA3 upon release. How can anybody forget DA2 pre-release hype and the final result?

The hype is already at fever pitch and we're a year from release. Think of the Doritos already flowing to IGN, gameinformer, the escapist and other bastions of journalistic integrity.

I think one year of that is enough time for memories be replaced by marketing slogans, especially if deep down you want DA to be good, or take the view that half an RPG is better than no RPG.
Feb 28, 2011
I don't think 10 yrs of marketing would replace the fiasco of what DA 2 was. Like I've said before, I'll be letting thousands of people purchase DA 3 before I even consider it, and nothing I hear beforehand will alter that. They lost all cred and went way into negatives with DA 2.

Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
Agreed Carn. I want DA3 to be good but I will not buy it before I'm sure that it is.
Jan 10, 2008
I think that very few (if any) members of RPGWatch will buy DA3 upon release. How can anybody forget DA2 pre-release hype and the final result?

It was obvious long before release that DA2 would be pants, I'm sure many Watchers held off buying DA2 like I did. So I'll just see and judge accordingly.
Oct 18, 2006
I wish all the best to dragon age franchise. I liked orgins a lot and I hope that da:i doesn't fail to meet those expectations.

So far bioware has shown some decent feats returning (races, camera etc) and I like that they seem to be designing more open world this time. As good signs as those are, they haven't yet earned my trust. But if it gets decent reviews here among rpgcrowd, i'll naturally get the game assap :)
Oct 19, 2006
I don't think the watch will be a the place to see how good this game is or isn't.
Apr 17, 2007
I don't think the watch will be a the place to see how good this game is or isn't.

Not true. There are some posters here who I respect highly (And they're not contributors, just posters). These people like what I like in an RPG and if they happen to get the game early and report on it, I will be reading.
Oct 19, 2006
Los Angeles area
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