Taliban shows its colors again


October 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
We sure need to work with these folks. Maybe the UN can pass some toothless condemnation. Bad enough they're shooting children, but they're shooting their own and have a complete lack of remorse about it.


Malala Yousufzai was shot in the head and neck when gunmen fired on her school bus in the Swat valley, northwest of the capital, Islamabad. Two other girls were also wounded, police said.

Taliban spokesman Ehsanullah Ehsan said his group was behind the shooting.

"She was pro-West, she was speaking against Taliban and she was calling President Obama her idol," Ehsan said by telephone from an undisclosed location.

"She was young but she was promoting Western culture in Pashtun areas," he said, referring the main ethnic group in northwest Pakistan and southern and eastern Afghanistan. Most members of the Taliban come from conservative Pashtun tribes.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
This is patriarchic/chauvinistic culture : They're against women anyway.
They are trying to cripple their education as much as possible, too …
They wouldn't shoot boys this way, I believe. Simply because they'd be male.
I recently read that even IKEA catalogs got censored for arab countries : All women shown in these catalogs got deleted … Machismo at large !
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
I recently read that even IKEA catalogs got censored for arab countries : All women shown in these catalogs got deleted … Machismo at large !

Partially true. Only the Saudi catalog is censored and the decision to censor the catalog was made by IKEA, not the saudi. That said, what the rest of the world consider completely normal is considered porn in saudi.
Oct 26, 2006
Maybe we should issue a formal apology for corrupting their youth. Maybe we can even formally charge some Americans with something. You know, as a show of our good faith and intentions.
May 3, 2008
Instead of charging in with tanks and troops, I say the west rally their resources and connect every house in these barbaric shit holes to the WWW.

Ignorance is bliss, unless the menfolk flip out and shoot you whenever their tiny, poisoned minds perceive a threat to their idiotic men's club.

A small amount of education would go a long way.
May 29, 2010
Unfortunately, you have to WANT to be educated!!
Aug 31, 2006

More charming quotes from the Taliban:
Pakistan's Taliban described Yousufzai as a "spy of the West".

"For this espionage, infidels gave her awards and rewards. And Islam orders killing of those who are spying for enemies," the group said in a statement.

"She used to propagate against mujahideen (holy warriors) to defame (the) Taliban. The Quran says that people propagating against Islam and Islamic forces would be killed.

"We targeted her because she would speak against the Taliban while sitting with shameless strangers and idealized the biggest enemy of Islam, Barack Obama."
I understand that every religion has to endure its share of nutjobs, but the Quran doesn't sound like too nice of a book based on what these clowns have to say.

Besides, I thought the biggest enemy of Islam was Dubya.

edit- for that matter, how does a guy become the biggest enemy of Islam when he's a muslim? (j/k folks, don't spaz out)
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA

More charming quotes from the Taliban:

I understand that every religion has to endure its share of nutjobs, but the Quran doesn't sound like too nice of a book based on what these clowns have to say.

Besides, I thought the biggest enemy of Islam was Dubya.

Ugh!. The shooting in Pakistan is ugly. As is most activities of Taliban.

But there's a lot of nasty stuff in the Bible as well. However christianity doesn't have as much power now.

pibbur who still believes. And who worries about Taliban coming back to power in Afghanistan.
Oct 26, 2006
Exterminate Islam itself, leave the dark ages behind. The world would be a much better place without it.

Religions are exterminated through reformation.
Oct 26, 2006
But there's a lot of nasty stuff in the Bible as well. However christianity doesn't have as much power now..

The difference is that while Christianity has the New Testament, which basically says not to follow anything in the Old Testament and is focused much more on the 'love thy neighbor' message, Islam treats the ENTIRE Quran as authoritative, with no part taking precedence over the other.

Not that the New Testament has shielded us from abuses by supposed Christians by any means.

The most refreshing thing in this whole ugly episode though has been the support this young woman has received both in Pakistan and abroad from Muslims. For years, people have been saying "If Islam isn't the issue, why don't they stand up and protest against the extremists," well maybe this finally a turning point.
Jan 10, 2008
Austin, TX
The difference is that while Christianity has the New Testament, which basically says not to follow anything in the Old Testament and is focused much more on the 'love thy neighbor' message

That's a very recent interpretion. Go back 300 years in Europe and quoting John 15:6 was fine if you wanted to burn people alive and Paulus ideas on women weren't particularly nice, not to mention the NT is the root of antijudaism in the west.

Adaptable interpretions is very much enforced when a movement lacks power and reformed muslims are as selective as modern Christians in what passages they claim superseeds another. "To be a muslim means to be a good person" was a summary I got from a muslim friend who had one of the most radical contempts against maladaptive muslims that I ever met.
Oct 26, 2006
The difference is that while Christianity has the New Testament, which basically says not to follow anything in the Old Testament and is focused much more on the 'love thy neighbor' message, Islam treats the ENTIRE Quran as authoritative, with no part taking precedence over the other.

There is that, of course, but it's not quite that simple IMO. However I don' want to derail this thread into mainly a discussion about religion, and I already sort of regret posting what I did. So I'll not go further with this.


Perhaps some other time.

pibbur who once again reminds himself that he probably should stay out of P&R
It may be that the Pakistani Taliban has finally overplayed their hand just like the Iraqi al Qaeda did which may be the only good thing about this.

BTW, it wouldn't really matter if religion was taken out of the picture. People will still find excuses to kill each other as has been proven throughout history, including recent history.
Oct 24, 2006
Minnesota, USA
For once, I agree with you on all points, Mr. Bill. ;)

As bn noted, the response from Achmed Average over there has been encouraging.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
BTW, it wouldn't really matter if religion was taken out of the picture. People will still find excuses to kill each other as has been proven throughout history, including recent history.

Not recent enough. Violence have gone down for hundreds of years and especially after a society have gone from monoculture to a constitutional democracy there's a great reduction in war. And a reduction matters, even if you promote a zero-tolerance hypothesis.
Oct 26, 2006
That's a very recent interpretion. Go back 300 years in Europe and quoting John 15:6 was fine if you wanted to burn people alive and Paulus ideas on women weren't particularly nice, not to mention the NT is the root of antijudaism in the west.

Not really. Its the rebirth of an old interpretation. Not too many Christians in the first few centuries were interested in burning people at the stake. And the NT is not even close to the root of anti-judaism. It's an excuse. You're smarter than that Jemy.
Jan 10, 2008
Austin, TX
Not really. Its the rebirth of an old interpretation. Not too many Christians in the first few centuries were interested in burning people at the stake.

First centuries Christianity was based on Acts that ends with the Church becoming the new body of Jesus Christ and the "church" evolving it's tradition through the holy spirit. The Catholic Church still continue this concept. A summary of the ethnic cleansing going on in that time can be read here, but remember that this was pretty much a reformed roman empire expanding it's territory.

"Interpreting the Bible" is a protestant concept that begun as late as the 14th-15th century around Germany, thanks to the Bible being printed with the printing press. This eventually lead to the 30-year war and the concept of secularism.

And the NT is not even close to the root of anti-judaism. It's an excuse. You're smarter than that Jemy.

While it could be argued that anti-judaism begun with differences regarding the roman religion, the New Testament is the foundation of a continued line of anti-judaism in the west. This is a well-known historical fact. The wikipedia article is extensive on this subject and well recommended as it go through all aspects of this history, blood-libel, ghettos, the holocaust, but also the Christians who rejected the anti-Judaic sentiments.
Oct 26, 2006
Not recent enough. Violence have gone down for hundreds of years and especially after a society have gone from monoculture to a constitutional democracy there's a great reduction in war. And a reduction matters, even if you promote a zero-tolerance hypothesis.

The US is a constitutional democracy and we've STARTED a whole pile of armed conflicts since the last time another country actually attacked us. Some were legit (first Iraq war, probably Afghanistan) but many were really not (2nd Iraq war, Grenada, Panama).
Oct 24, 2006
Minnesota, USA
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