Anti-Depressant Medications

I think I misunderstood your usage of "psych meds". If you specifically mean anti-depressants I suppose that could be true, none of the bipolar people I know have been prescribed anti-depressants. Though the most common medication for bipolar disorder seem to be an anti-psychotic medication (based on my experience, admittedly a sample size that's to small to be statistically significant) so the "medical family" so to speak doesn't necessarily dictate usage.
Bipolar people usually need meds. They often get anti depressants. Which is not always bad but should not be given by a regular MD. In fact if you are in bipolar area a regular MD just isn't qualified to handle it but that's usually who does it.

A psychiatrist isn't necessarily going to be competent but he should be dealing with loads of bipolar people.

That's not the only example, though, just the biggest and most dangerous. There's been drs giving prozac for weightloss and all kinds of crazy reasons, sometimes leading to manic episode that involves homicide.
Apr 10, 2011
Aug 13, 2013
from you dearest Assistant Attorney General for the State of Connecticut

"No matter how the outcome of the use of antidepressants, or the causal link between the use of antidepressants and kind of violence that took place in Newtown, that's not a legitimate use of information, that information. You can't generalize just from one case. Even if you can conclusively establish that Adam Lanza - his murderous actions - were caused by antidepressants.

"You can't logically from that conclude that, you know, others would commit the same actions as a result of taking antidepressants. So it's simply not legitimate, and not only is it not the use to which they are proposing to put the information, not legitimate. It is harmful, because they you can cause a lot of people to stop taking their medications; stop cooperating with their treating physicians. Just because of the heinousness of what Adam Lanza did."

Learn more:
Oct 25, 2006
I never used any - but I'm a freak anyway. :p
But - I always had the feeling that there was "something wrong" in my head when I had depressions. Like some signals or so not being referred ... Nowadays I look at this and think of Serotonin, which is said to be in Chocolate, too ...
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
I take citalopram daily, works well for me (combined with a bit of therapy). More for anxiety than depression but it seems to reduce both. Of course I need a clone not taking drugs but living an otherwise identical life in order to provide a proper scientific control.
Aug 12, 2007
The issue I take with the doctor in the above youtube video is that he seems to view therapy or medication as generally mutually exclusive. That is not the case and the best results have been found with programs that use therapy as the starting point and medication where appropriate and needed. Of course if you split treatment results into "with or without therapy" that sort of combination treatment would be categorized as "with therapy" while unmonitored medication alone would fall into what he is categorizing as treatment by medication.

Bipolar people usually need meds. They often get anti depressants. Which is not always bad but should not be given by a regular MD. In fact if you are in bipolar area a regular MD just isn't qualified to handle it but that's usually who does it.

A psychiatrist isn't necessarily going to be competent but he should be dealing with loads of bipolar people.

That's not the only example, though, just the biggest and most dangerous. There's been drs giving prozac for weightloss and all kinds of crazy reasons, sometimes leading to manic episode that involves homicide.

Giving someone with Bipolar disorder antidepressants alone is known to be potentially quite dangerous. It can cause them to rapidly transition into an intense manic state which is when someone with bipolar disorder is at the greatest risk of harming themselves or others. The NIMH and other health organizations emphasize that antidepressants should generally only be given to someone with bipolar disorder alongside mood stabilizers and potentially antipsychotics. Some individuals with bipolar disorder may be able to be treated successfully with antidepressants alone, but it is not something that should be done unknowingly.

This gets to the importance of proper diagnosis as misdiagnosing bipolar disorder as just depression could lead to a bipolar patient being mistakenly treated with antidepressants alone without any precautions or extra attention being paid. Additionally it is a potential error that doctors must be conscious of because it is the depressive symptoms patients are most likely to complain about, particularly if they do not see their normal manic states as symptoms.

Similarly it is not generally advised to treat a patient with schizophrenia with antidepressants alone and they are generally recommended in combination with antipsychotic medication. Where that is found not to be the most workable solution for a patient, it is recommended that they regularly meet with their practitioner and be watched for adverse interactions. Since depression can occur along with schizophrenia and antidepressants can alleviate negative side effects of antipsychotic medications, it is not unusual that a patient with schizophrenia will be perscribed an antidepressant along with their primary treatment.

Schizoaffective disorder can roughly be thought of as presenting with both symptoms of schizophrenia and a mood disorder such as bipolar, though without the symptoms of each necessarily presenting at the same times. For this patient proper diagnosis would be extremely crucial as treating a patient with both symptoms of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder as though they had depression alone could be quite harmful. This could very well have been the problem for one or more of the recent mass shooters.
Nov 20, 2006
I never used any - but I'm a freak anyway. :p
Neither did I. Because all those quack doctors on TV and media say you shouldn't drink beer after taking those.
Maybe I should try it sometimes to see what happens.
Apr 12, 2009
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