Project Eternity - Closes with >$4.1M

Think you missed the joke, why so serious?
"Not really" was actually for the second part of your post.
As for the first part, I appreciate the lighthearted tone, though I can´t resist, also in tongue-in-cheek manner, offering you this piece of mighty Wikipedia:
part of Fallout 3 entry said:
Technical issues

Shortly before the game's release, IGN posted a review of the game citing numerous bugs and crashes in the PlayStation 3 release.[109] The game also contained a bug causing the game to freeze and the screen to blur when friends signed out of and into the PlayStation Network.[109] The IGN review was edited shortly thereafter, removing all references to the PS3 version's bugs, causing controversy in the PlayStation communities.[109][110] In reviewing the PlayStation 3 Game of the Year edition, reviewers found that most bugs remained, citing occasional freezes, several animation and scripting issues, and other bugs requiring a restart of the game.
Apr 4, 2008
Whilst I'm pleased they've been so successful (I was in on day one with this one!), I can't help feeling that 4.1m is a touch OTT given the 1m they were originally looking for (and will probably lead to longer dev times) when other RPG projects are struggling. If just a couple of hundred thousand of that went to the Brenda/Tom kickstarter (which reads like Wizardry9 + Anachronox 2) instead, we'd end up with 2-3 classic RPGs in development (not forgetting Arkanon ect).

My other fear is that such a budget will lead to "over-production". One of the charms of the older games was that they weren't created by "focus group" on massive hollywood-esque budgets.

Everyone knows who Obsidian are.

On the other hand, I had no idea who Brenda Brathwaite and Tom Hall were. Their first pitch was underwhelming and vague. They dropped a bunch of names in resume, e.g., Ultima, the Bard's Tale, the Sims. I knew those games. I played those games, and I had never heard of Brenda Brathwaite and Tom Hall. So they were basically "padding resumes", which gave the impression that they were dishonest and misleading. Atop of that, the whatever-vague-project they were pitching were too similar to Project Eternity and the over-saturation of "old-style RPG". Why would people give money to them?

I'm sure they will try again, but next time they better show us details and video of a working sample because no one knows who Brenda Brathwaite or Tom Hall are. Brenda Brathwaite and Tom Hall are not exactly brand names in themselves like Tim Schafer, Brian Fargo, Chris Roberts and Obsidian Entertainment are.
Oct 21, 2012
Atop of that, the whatever-vague-project they were pitching were too similar to Project Eternity and the over-saturation of "old-style RPG". Why would people give money to them?

You sound like you never even really looked at Shaker. Similar to Project Eternity? It didn't sound anything like PE.

On the other hand, PE is similar to quite a few other kickstarters that were announced prior.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
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