Shroud of the Avatar - Demo From RTX 2013


Part-Time News-bot
October 1, 2010
As a followup to the other announcement Richard “Lord British” Garriott showed a gameplay demo at RTX 2013. Just a word of warning the video is over an hour long.

Richard “Lord British” Garriott talks about the next generation of Game Development, The power of Crowd-sourcing, and play though a Demo of our latest progress on Shroud of the Avatar at RTX 2013. If you missed the presentation, you can catch up right here!
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Oct 1, 2010
Some interesting bits. I didn't back this because I still believe it's going to be an MMO which is not my thing, but I am still going to keep an eye on it since its Lord British.

Even though video quality is not very good looks like they have quite a bit done already for only three months of work.

I like the dialog system where you can type what you want to say, seems like it would be a lot of work to design that though. Also like the world map exploration. If the single player online mod is at least decent I may give this game a try.

When he talks about the 3 era's of gaming though whatever man haha.....I like single player games and still do so is he saying since that's what I want I am wrong and he is right? Maybe he is talking about what will sell the most or be the next big thing? Who knows he went to space:)
Feb 24, 2010
I didn't back this because I still believe it's going to be an MMO which is not my thing, but I am still going to keep an eye on it since its Lord British.

I have backed this game but I'm like you, seems like right after they made the pitch that SotA would be the spiritual successor to the single player U4-U7 experience, practically every news announcement is about some mmo aspect to the game. I feel a bait n' switch coming on.

I swear if I hear one more thing about player housing I'm gonna huff, I'm gonna puff…
Oct 18, 2006
Ha yea I don't care about housing either. I have a real house Geez!

Its almost like Garriot doesn't want to credit the original single player games as what made him famous and influenced so many people. He seems like he feels UO was much better and more of an accomplishment. I guess if your an mmo's player it would. But for me the single player rpgs are where he really shined.

Apparently quality of a game is based on how many played it or something. I guess candy crush is the best game ever then.
Feb 24, 2010
Well going by the new video and interviews the game is his concept of an RPG that exists in an online world. Its not an MMORPG but must be played online to get the full experience.

It's sad to say but the offline part is not the focus regardless of what was said in the kickstarter.
Oct 1, 2010
Well going by the new video and interviews the game is his concept of an RPG that exists in an online world. Its not an MMORPG but must be played online to get the full experience.

It's sad to say but the offline part is not the focus regardless of what was said in the kickstarter.

That was pretty obvious to me based on the month long kickstarter and I realized it about half way through that month and decided not to back it.

I have had thoughts of a single player online game before, but I don't know if it could be made to work. Adding new things, new areas and a constantly changing world by having you play solo but online might be fun but I don't think that will be the focus here. My guess is it will be mostly an MMO world that you can play around in alone if you want but it will not be built for that.
Feb 24, 2010
I thought the video was pretty good and when he was talking to the tavern keeper there was mention of him buying chairs the player makes so then crafting things like chairs can be useful for playing in single player besides decorating your house. I'm seeing this as having the Ultima style from watching the video. I also really like that they are going really going back with the dialogue system. I haven't seen that kind of system in a really long time. It definitely doesn't seem like an mmo to me so far and it seems more like what they have said before that they are making the single player portion first which is probably why they just brought in someone for the online portion now instead of 3 months ago.
Oct 19, 2006
It doesn't exactly look like a modern game.. but maybe that is all you can expect with their current budget...
Oct 25, 2006
I have to say it does look rather snazzy and selective multiplayer may actually rock. I'm planning to mostly play offline though, so... will there be henchmen/ AI controlled party members?
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