Elder Scrolls Online - News Roundup


Part-Time News-bot
October 1, 2010
ZeniMaxOnline has three new updates on the website for Elder Scrolls Online. The first update has news of more Beta invites being sent out.

Today, we’re sending out more beta invites for an ESO scale test. If you receive an invite, there will be an extra beta code included that you can give to a friend to join you in Tamriel!

For this beta, you are no longer required to follow a Nondisclosure Agreement (NDA). We invite you to post your best screenshots, videos, and impressions this weekend, and livestream your adventures for everyone to see. Be sure to use #esobeta to share your favorite moments with the world! Participants this weekend will also unlock an exclusive monkey vanity pet for PC/Mac that you can have at launch.
The second update is a roundup of all the Hand-On Beta PvP Impressions.

More hands-on impressions are headed your way! Two weeks ago, you saw tons of new articles, videos, and screenshots from the early PvE experience in ESO's beta, and last week, press and fansites took a closer look at PvP. Check out the links we've gathered here to find out about battling other players and sieging keeps in Cyrodiil, and enjoy some more new videos and screens.
And finally the third update takes a look at how the games music was created.

When we first started thinking about the soundtrack for The Elder Scrolls Online, there were a number of goals we knew we wanted to achieve. The first and most obvious: it had to be true to the spirit and style of previous Elder Scrolls games. We want you to feel musically right at home in ESO, so you’ll hear familiar themes alongside entirely new ones—an extension of the series’ musical landscape. We hope that as you play and listen, you’ll feel the same sense of intimacy and emotional connection to the world that you’ve felt before in Elder Scrolls games.
More information.
Oct 1, 2010
Although on the face of it ESO has a few new ideas, I'm not sure how in practice playing it will differ that much from playing Guild Wars 2, i.e. fun for the few weeks or months that it took to do the content and get to max level, but with little to keep me interested after that - something not helped for me by boring multiplayer dungeons, repetitive PvP and party games.

There's always a stark jump into repetitive grind in MMOs, when you get to a certain stage and it's hard to see how that can be avoided given an essentially WOW like formula.
May 18, 2012
Somerset/London UK
Hmmm, if anyone has one of those spare beta keys for a "friend," I'm looking for new friends. ;) I probably should have signed up for the beta. :p

I'm interested in seeing how this MMO is different from others in recent years. Some friends swear that it will change the face of the MMO earth, which I find hard to believe. :)
Oct 18, 2006
The Netherlands
Hmmm, if anyone has one of those spare beta keys for a "friend," I'm looking for new friends. ;) I probably should have signed up for the beta. :p

I'm interested in seeing how this MMO is different from others in recent years. Some friends swear that it will change the face of the MMO earth, which I find hard to believe. :)

Not looking for a friend, but you've got a new PM ;)
I am really interested in the new collusion detection they have added for PvE so will be trying out the beta again this weekend. I don't think I have ever played MMO with collusion detection.

Anyone know cheap place to buy ESO? I can use vpns and proxy servers so any web sites is welcome.

Also I have 2 beta keys if anyone wants.
Oct 8, 2009
It's collision detection - and it's not going to be in this beta. The collision detection is being tested in closed beta, for the moment.
It's collision detection - and it's not going to be in this beta. The collision detection is being tested in closed beta, for the moment.

doh auto correct!

Ah thats bummer, ah well. You in closed beta? have you tested it?
Oct 8, 2009
doh auto correct!

Ah thats bummer, ah well. You in closed beta? have you tested it?

No, I'm not.

I'm not sure what you're expecting. It'll be like Age of Conan for PvE environments. I don't know why people are so excited about it - as it just means you can't walk through NPCs. It's not like I usually walk through them - so....

It would be a bigger deal in PvP, because it can be used tactically to great effect. But that would be extremely expensive in terms of server resources and latency.
I'm not sure what you're expecting. It'll be like Age of Conan for PvE environments. I don't know why people are so excited about it - as it just means you can't walk through NPCs. It's not like I usually walk through them - so….

Not really played AoC so don’t know how it works and it may not make much difference as I am expecting.

Anyway if you pull multiple mobs and they surround you, position will be very interesting now. In WOW for example, you can simply run through them and reposition but in ESO it might mean wipe. Tanks will have to pay close attention to how they position mobs, dps will need to be aware mob positions where they try to avoid AOEs etc. I think this still has huge PvE potential in group or raid encounters.
Oct 8, 2009
Anyway if you pull multiple mobs and they surround you, position will be very interesting now. In WOW for example, you can simply run through them and reposition but in ESO it might mean wipe. Tanks will have to pay close attention to how they position mobs, dps will need to be aware mob positions where they try to avoid AOEs etc. I think this still has huge PvE potential in group or raid encounters.

The AI would need to be designed around it - and they've just recently added the feature.

But, sure, if they decide to keep the feature and spend a few months reworking AI and encounters to take advantage of it, it might be interesting.

Personally, I couldn't care less - really.

I played AoC and I can't remember a single PvE situation where it made a tangible difference. PvP is another matter, though.
Hey, I like how this is set up, but holy beta batman, bugs galore. :) I've been forced to logout and login four times within a couple of hours because I was stuck after talking to a NPC. But this is certainly a step up for story-based MMOs. Heh, story-based MMOs.

Full voice-acting, and I like the way I pick up quests. And the clean interface. It's a nice departure from the cluttered spreadsheet kind of MMO of before.

I should probably start reporting bugs, because I've seen and heard enough of them.
Oct 18, 2006
The Netherlands
I only played one of the betas and I couldn't get used to all the people on the screen. Also, every single barrel, chest, corpse, etc., was empty so I got nothing in treasure the whole time I was online. This was a couple months ago though. It was enough to tell me that these types of games are not for me. I like to wander around at a nice slow pace, smelling the lavender and avoiding the mammoth poo. The online game was full of hyper-kinetic bunnies on speed.
Oct 18, 2006
I've noticed that all the chests, etc. were empty in the starting dungeon, but I found a nice weapon in a chest on the first island. This tells me that there is more to find in those kinds of things later on.

I kind of like the way other players are shown in this MMO. I did not even realize they were players at first, because there are no name tags or anything. It gives the world a lively feel, except of course for the way they move like hyper-kinetic bunnies on speed. ;)

It feels like an Elder Scrolls MMO to me, so far. So if you don't like MMOs, no this is not the kind of game for you. I'll have to play Skyrim again now to gauge how it feels different from this.
Oct 18, 2006
The Netherlands
Apparently they are changing barrels and stuff to be instanced per person. This change isn't in in the weekend beta.
Oct 8, 2009
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