What games are you playing now?

FastCrawl - This el cheapo title is really addicting, I bought the full version. I had it running behind my AutoCad all day at work, it's a great subterfuge screwing-off program. If you need to shut it down abruptly for some reason (hehe), you continue right where you left off ='.'=

Havent played much of anything else over the course of the last week. After work Ive been working out (trying to offset the holiday treat rollercoaster), watching movies, gettting my Xmas shopping done, by the time everything's said and done, all I do is some email and catch up on a few things I wanted to look up and it's time to crash out again. After a quick game of FastCrawl, that is...
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
Finally... I made it to LoL 2. And I remembered that I still have the unfinished Nemesis Wizardry Adventure somewhere... perhaps I can finish it now!
Aug 31, 2006
My 'Playing-now' list is embassasing, full of guilty pleasures :D

I'm playing through Diablo 2 and Sacred (when the little one is around, Diablo is a bit too gruesome). Multiplayer I am BETA testing Dungeon Runners and play Flyff occasionally with the little one.
I've had a headcold for the last week or so, so I'm into anything that does not require thinking and/or twitch reflexes :D
Oct 18, 2006
The Warrior's Tale
I never played Bard's Tale so I'm sort of catching up with this clone. I haven't really started yet, just made a quick test party to check it out and it seems like a fun retro game.
Nov 4, 2006
Neverwinter Nights 2 and Gothic 3 - what else? I suspect most people finished them weeks ago, but to my despair, I have very little* time for playing games. I've been intensely playing G3, but stopped when NWN2 came out. I'm still trying to figure out how to play these two wonderful titles simultaneously... any ideas? :) And when I finally manage to sate my need for both of them, then I will go back to playing Oblivion (which I completely abandoned when G3 came out :biggrin: ) and, hopefully, finish it.

*not enough, that is
Dec 24, 2006
Milky Way
Despite my love for G3, I purchased Medieval II Total War last week and now I'm fully devoted to that. I'll pick up where I left off in G3 as soon as I lose interest in the former.
Oct 20, 2006
Midwest, USA
Stella Deus, but i can't get past a certain guy, so I'll be finishing Grandia III, Shadow Hearts III and FFXII
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Dec 13, 2006
My WoW addiction didnt last long: it oddly came to an end on the last day of the first free month. How about that. So besides Wiz8 and the Oblivion extras I'll put some time in Dominions 3 as soon as I've gone through the 300-page manual. And least I forget, my new Med TW2 campaign, as Scotland.
Plus some console games, but those are so dumb they hardly bear mentioning.

(I'm on vacation, by the way.)
Oct 18, 2006

I really haven't played good old fps for a while. And fear slipped past when it was released, so i gave no second thought when saw it in bargain bin. Only 7 euros!

Gothic 3.

Despite what critics say. g3 is a stunning game with lots of depth.

Hitman bloodmoney

I have been a fan of the series since orginal codename 47. Bloodmoney may even be best hitman game of all. I have always adored the freedom that hitman games offer, a thinking man's shooter so to speak. Its really rewarding when you can kill your mark without anyone noticing :biggrin:

Game feels a lot more realistic this time. Mr.47 can only take few bullets now before going in slow motion. So blasting levels through ain't as easy as before. Enemy ai has gotten smarter too (expert diffulty level here).

Level design is suberb as always. All the maps are HUGE and the design really encourrages you to try different methods So far i managed to beat half of the levels with a silent assasin rating..yeah thats something to be proud of in case you didn't know. :)

Lots of new cool weapons too. 47 can also modify/upgrade his weapons with silencers, scopes, laser sights etc.. Also many neat gadgets can be bought. Same goes with intel. During the mission a player can buy new intel from the agency if he feels totally lost.

What i really dig are those brutal krav maga type close combat moves that mr-47 can pull of unarmed. Such as grabbing a firearm from someone's hand or breaking a nose with a headbutt etc ...lots of cool stuff :biggrin:

In addition the gameplay has changed too. If you leave whitnesses or take unnecessary lives or let someone photograph you or leave your "suit" behind or don't cover the bodies etc,.The next level will be a lot harder, because you were sloppy or triggerhappy. A pro never kills needlesly. While it is possible to buy a new indentity or bribe the police, at the end money doesn't grow on trees.

I'm replaying grim fandango too. Its a shame that lucas arts doesn't make game like these anymore :(
Oct 19, 2006
Divine Divinity
I cannot believe I missed this gem when it was first released. I expected an empty and generic Diablo clone, but instead it's filled over the edge with subquests, NPCs and excellent writing.

Avernum 2
I am not sure I will ever play this through since I considered the first "too long".

Space Rangers 2
Not really a game to be completed. Might stay on my harddrive for a long time to come.

Titan Quest
I was not planning to play this at all when my girlfriend wanted me to find something that worked in multiplayer. Titan Quest was probably the best choice.

Call of Juarez, Runaway 2, Sanitarium, Splinter Cell 4
I started to play them, now im waiting on updated nvidia drivers so I can play theese on 8800gtx. All three have severe graphics errors or even total freezeups.
Oct 26, 2006
Icewind Dale II - some great combat ... I've barely started and am already further than I got before ...
Geneforge 4

SOCOM: US Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo 2 - played some missions and some multiplayer - great online interface for a PSP game, and the controls are really well optimized!
Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops - just barely started (have deadline to deal with on SOCOM first) ... looks really good ...

Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin - I really loved the first DS Castlevania ... but this is better!

Summon Night: Swordcraft Story 2 - sweet little game ... I loved the first one and this is better in pretty much every way!
Oct 18, 2006
Divine Divinity
I cannot believe I missed this gem when it was first released. I expected an empty and generic Diablo clone, but instead it's filled over the edge with subquests, NPCs and excellent writing.

And with many, many easter eggs ! ;)
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
neverwinter nights 2-played for about 10 days then put it 'on ice' a week or so ago when i had recieved my stronghold. i fully anticipate going back to it soon, though that is one achilles heel in party based rpgs for me: i like to play games often to organized and cautious which gets to be a problem with 'x' party members items and skills whereas in citybuilding/strategy games (my other love) it can be a boon. it's run great on my computer and haven't had a single crash. i read somewhere that they had an original voice for neeska that was different but opted to use a 'new' one. this reminds of useless trivia that the 'goo goo dolls' choose that name over one they had had before. the game is far superior to the original for me though which i played for about 5 hours a year ago and then uninstalled.

medieval total war 2-what can i say? i live life as a pacifist and love every total war game ever made. this is by far my favourite one though since the original shogun. i played a quick england campaign, and very long hungary campaign, and started a turk campaign straghtaway after finishing my second playthrough of gothic 3. but then i got an 'rpg' itch after a month and opened up nwn2. and now i am back halfway or more through a long russian campaign.

bad day la-picked it up on gogamer last month along with psychonauts for $18 including shipping. i'll right a summary/review of it when i finish it. i made the incorrect remark in another post that i was buying it because was made by the same people who made blade of darkness and scrapland. though scrapland and bad day la both have the american mcgee stamp and were published by enlight. enlight developed bad day la along with games like 'joan of arc' which i guiltily admit to enjoying. mercury steam is the one that made scrapland and blade of darkness(under a different name). they are working on this game below which although i have never playing any clive barker games and not really a fan of his movies it could have good melee combat perhaps. jericho
Oct 26, 2006
I tried to like Joan of Arc.

It was one of those games that I really wanted to like, you know. Great idea, nice action, fun little RPG elements, history geek fun, awesome maps, hot babe in armor, good enough graphics, it started out pleasant enough. By the time I got halfway thru the second RTS portion, the game just became too annoying for me to go on. I cant remember too many specifics other than monumentally idiotic Ai of the likes I have rarely ever seen, because that whole couple days is shrouded in a strange red mist.

All I know is that it takes a whole hell of a lot to back me off even a bad game that I'm dead-set on playing, "Wars and Warriors: Joan of Arc", however, was able to accomplish this feat. I just finally threw up my hands, Alt+F4'd it, and uninstalled.
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
Let us not forget bugs :D killed the game for me.

I have not been caught in any yet, although I run 1.34... They do not make patch numbers that high theese days.
Oct 26, 2006
Fired up a little HoMM3 after winding up my Wiz8 run. I always seem to fire up HoMM3 when I'm running a music deficit since I can play the game while my favorite Live365 station plays.

Discovered that I grabbed the Avernum4 demo at some point, so I'm thinking I might load it up and see if what it has to offer.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
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