The TV Series discussion thread

Yet, according the both imdb and wiki, The Event ended with a major cliffhanger.
That's why I'll skip it. It's overall quality is of no importance here, just the series closure. As it seems, there is none. In a way I feel bad for spitting on ME3 ending - it at least exists, while there are many series without any kind of an end.

Didn't watch Flashforward nor Revolution, sorry.
Apr 12, 2009
Again me with doublepost...

Inside Stargate Command, an iOS application that contains a section about the future of Stargate (franchise), thse two pics are available:



I'm seriously not sure what could this possible be. Or mean. I didn't watch Universe yet, just SG1, Atlantis and movies, but I really can't link those pics to anything from series. Anyone knows anything more? Is it just a screenshot for an upcoming comic, game or we'll see a full spin-off series or a movie?
Apr 12, 2009
Stargate is dead at the moment. According to talk on Gateworld, if/when Stargate re-launches, it'll likely be a reboot of the franchise or a continuation of the original movie. Neither of those pictures have anything to do with Universe, either.

If you're looking for a fantastic, epic and long-lasting series, watch Supernatural. That's all I have to say.
Sep 28, 2009
Stargate is dead at the moment. According to talk on Gateworld, if/when Stargate re-launches, it'll likely be a reboot of the franchise or a continuation of the original movie. Neither of those pictures have anything to do with Universe, either.
A shame. I loved the show, still didn't want to watch Universe spin-off as friends told me that the most important part of SG1 and Atlantis - humor - was removed from Universe. :(
SyFy reruns everything Stargate recently so I'll perhaps give it a try.

If you're looking for a fantastic, epic and long-lasting series, watch Supernatural. That's all I have to say.
I do. Am. Watching it. :)
But the current season with Bobby gone… Meg not appearing anywhere… Kinda it's not the same show. The humor is there, stories are still good, but there is something missing in this season I can't really pinpoint what it is.
Apr 12, 2009
Universe has some humour, but it's darker and, like the show, more character based. It certainly is nothing like SG-1 or Atlantis though, in any way. It still was pretty good though. The more serious tone made the big concept episodes work better than they tended to on SG-1 or Atlantis but the occasional veers into darker territory caused it to drag on when the storylines weren't so clever.

I'm liking this current season of Supernatural, for the most part. Particularly after the last two. I'm kinda just glad the Dick Roman story line is done. The entire leviathan arc had some good ideas but I didn't think it was executed so strongly. It just got a little repetitive.
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Sep 28, 2009
i remember when Wesley Crusher bagged Ashley Judd ::respect;;

A.J. is like Drew - pure love. Some women just embody it.

It was funny about poor Deanna, I really wanted her to move on and have a fling just to stick it to Riker (even tho I think #1 rocks, only Picard himself eclipses Riker). She'd finally start having some fun and theyd ultimately be trying to destroy her. She really knew how to pick em
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Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
Trying to decide whether I should see Fringe.


Is it very JJ Abramsy or not? Because I hate his material.
What does mean JJ Abramsy?

It's a good sci-fi series that got lucky - Fox didn't cancel it but left it run to it's end. It's not a masterpiece like Forbrydelsen.

Should you see it? It's the same question as should you buy iPad mini. Not the greatest stuff, but still good to kill some time. So you should.
Apr 12, 2009
What does mean JJ Abramsy?

Hollow and superficial entertainment.

It's a good sci-fi series that got lucky - Fox didn't cancel it but left it run to it's end. It's not a masterpiece like Forbrydelsen.

Doesn't sound very appealing - but then again, from a person who considers Forbrydelsen a masterpiece, that might not mean much.

Should you see it? It's the same question as should you buy iPad mini. Not the greatest stuff, but still good to kill some time. So you should.

You have to do better than that. Can't you be convincing about it?
I watched Fringe and it's bipolar. At some points you think they have an amazing universe going on for them with very good writing and at others it seems like they changed writers and the story unfolds in a very predictable and stupid way.

If you're bipolar too it would be a great fit. Overall, it's a fun series to watch with some very good ideas, which unfortunately were not always well developed.
I liked the old guy (Noble) and the guy from Dawson's Creek was fun. The main character (Torv) played her role quite well, but I found her character quite annoying sometimes.
Nov 13, 2006
Manchester, United Kingdom
I watched Fringe and it's bipolar. At some points you think they have an amazing universe going on for them with very good writing and at others it seems like they changed writers and the story unfolds in a very predictable and stupid way.

If you're bipolar too it would be a great fit. Overall, it's a fun series to watch with some very good ideas, which unfortunately were not always well developed.
I liked the old guy (Noble) and the guy from Dawson's Creek was fun. The main character (Torv) played her role quite well, but I found her character quite annoying sometimes.

Hehe, thanks for your input. That's very useful :)

AFAIK, I'm not bipolar - and when it comes to entertainment, I'm very specifically NOT bipolar. I can't stand it when there's no consistency - and the above sounds like the typical scenario when Abrams is involved.

The reason I asked is because I'm hungering for a new sci-fi show - and Fringe has been recommended to me by friends/family several times. But most of them haven't got a critical bone in their body - so it's always with a grain of salt that I follow their advice when it comes to TV series.

I'll steer clear!
I'd say watch it if you've run out of things as it is quite fun, even though it's bipolar.

Problem is that I'm a very harsh critic and I'm rarely entertained by "fun", unless it's obviously meant to be a joke and it's actually fun - not just mindless entertainment that's sometimes serious and sometimes not.
The series takes itself quite lightly. It makes a joke of many things especially since the old guy has been in a mental institution for 15 years or so. They have a cow in the lab too. So, it's mostly light fun. Basically, it's a yes if you have nothing "good" to watch. Otherwise, I'd say wait till you finished all the "good" ones. I don't think you would be the person to enjoy the last season though... (so don't say you weren't forewarned).

If you want something to watch that's more serious, I'd recommend the movie Kinyarwanda.
Nov 13, 2006
Manchester, United Kingdom
The series takes itself quite lightly. It makes a joke of many things especially since the old guy has been in a mental institution for 15 years or so. They have a cow in the lab too. So, it's mostly light fun. Basically, it's a yes if you have nothing "good" to watch. Otherwise, I'd say wait till you finished all the "good" ones. I don't think you would be the person to enjoy the last season though… (so don't say you weren't forewarned).

If you want something to watch that's more serious, I'd recommend the movie Kinyarwanda.

Maybe I'll check it out when desperate :)

It's not that I need serious material - I just need something that's consistent and from the heart. I enjoy comedies when done well - and I like when shows don't take themselves too seriously, as long as the heart of a show is preserved.

But something like LOST - which was just one big piece of nothing, I simply couldn't stand. They were deliberately stringing people along for a very long time - with almost no pay-off.

Naturally, the audience is as much to blame for such things as the developers - but I just find it tasteless.

It's shows that like that are the ultimate example of how shallow the audience can be.
I think the first season of Lost was quite good. I think it went downhill from there. A friend of mine put it right. They built a house of cards and they just kept building until it toppled over.

I think Lost was a good idea, but they went the wrong direction already in season 2.
Nov 13, 2006
Manchester, United Kingdom
The reason I asked is because I'm hungering for a new sci-fi show - and Fringe has been recommended to me by friends/family several times. But most of them haven't got a critical bone in their body - so it's always with a grain of salt that I follow their advice when it comes to TV series.

I'll steer clear!

There is no new sci-fi show you won't spit on and frankly it's impossible to recommend anything to you as your level of criticism is more extreme than mine (and they say I'm the biggest spitter over here…).

On the page 2 of this thread I've listed many sci-fi shows with a few words about each one, couldn't you just pick any you didn't watch?

I did repeated a few times that there is a newish sci fi masterpiece from New Zealand This is not my life, but you'll have a hard time to find it. IMO it should be your priority. It should be available on "tvnz on demand" service, but outside of New Zealand... Hardly. Smuggle it somehow or do whatever you can do, just find it. Sell the bloody iPad mini if that's the only way to get this gem.
Another one I recommend usually is Torchwood, first three seasons. The fourth one is somewhat yucky, but well, series moved from BBC to Starz so let's say it needed to adjust to the new type of audience. This one is available worldwide on many channels and different media.
First three seasons of british series Misfits are also great, the last, fourth season went into some odd direction and is not as good as ones that precede. Still, I recommend watching it and it should also be available just everywhere.

Lost is series I stopped watching after 3 or 4 first episodes. It was a classic scheme of pulling my nose packed in a different wrapping, and instead of getting me hooked, I became irritated and dumped it. The same goes for series called Heroes, and recently cancelled SyFy's Alphas.

One thing more. When I said Fringe got lucky and wasn't cancelled, it was because it's Fox' series. Fox is known for cancelling good stuff and renewing crap series. For whatever reason, Fringe wasn't discontinued and it's good series. Not brilliant, but definetly good and IMO worth watching.
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Apr 12, 2009
I can't describe the level of my rage when a TV station here aired never finished Threshold which got me hooked and when I learned later it's cancelled.
Yep, that was total crap, too. The show was very enjoyable and I believe the ratings were OK for a new show that needed some time to get established. Never even got a chance. Similar situations from that timeframe, although I didn't find the shows quite as good: Invasion, Surface.

edit- Which reminds me of another option. Since we're mentioning many offerings from the "X-Files tree", how about Millennium? Very solid.
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Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
Hehe, I was actually really intrigued by Threshold as well. I was pissed when it was cancelled.
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