Gothic Gothic 1 Goodness


Original Sin Donor
October 18, 2006
With the recent release on which offers a point-click-and-start approach to Gothic 1 on Windows 7, last evening I decided to buy the game and fire it up - mostly to just see it run and wax a bit in nostalgia.

Well, that was about 14 hours ago and I just stopped playing. I've done what I haven't done in the longest time - I pulled an all nighter. For this crime I will have to suffer the wife's /rollseyes for the rest of the day and somehow muster enough willpower to stay awake for the rest of the day and muddle through the inevitable uptick of chores that wifey is sure to assign me - punishment for behaving so childish.

But it was worth it. I only played G1 one time when it first came out. For years I have been obsessed with G2 and NotR and mostly forgot about G1. But this game just oozes with RPG goodness. It's hard. The quests are anything but cookie cutter. Exploring is fun because if you look carefully you find stuff you NEED.

Aside from the controls, what a spectacular game. I am having so much fun with it.
Oct 18, 2006
I have heard a lot of great things about the game and eagerly purchased a package from Steam including G1, G2, G3 and G4 (Arcania).

I had to jump through a lot of hoops in order to get G1 to launch properly. When I was finally able to play the game without crashing at 1920x1080 resolution, with community patch and texture mod, I had so much difficulty with the controls and performing simple tasks such as transferring loot from chests to my inventory, etc., that I had to throw in the towel on this game after a few hours.
Jan 15, 2011
I believe if Gothic 1 was a bit longer and bigger, it could replace Gothic 2 and become my most favorite game ever. ( Although it's still among the top 10. ) Because it had a better story background and atmosphere. I remember when I was playing it, it was the single thing that I was thinking about it. It was so engaging and addicting.

I had so much difficulty with the controls and performing simple tasks such as transferring loot from chests to my inventory, etc., that I had to throw in the towel on this game after a few hours.
Controls might sound extremely weird and uncomfortable at first, but you'll get used to it in no time. Actually I chose Gothic 1's control scheme when I was playing Gothic 2.
Feb 19, 2011
I had to jump through a lot of hoops in order to get G1 to launch properly.

You can always grab it on for $10 USD. Unless you're big government, I know that money doesn't grow on trees and if you just plunked down cash to buy it on Steam spending another $10 for a game you already own is not a pleasant thought. But if you do, the game is point-click-and-run on Windows 7 which I enjoy immensely.

When I was finally able to play the game without crashing at 1920x1080 resolution…

I wouldn't even play it at that resolution as to me there doesn't seem to be any real benefit and it makes reading NPC and Quest Journal text very difficult. While my monitor and videocard can support resolutions up to 1920x1080, I am playing G1 at 1024x768. It looks and plays just fine for a 2001 game at that resolution and I've had no crashes.

…I had so much difficulty with the controls and performing simple tasks such as transferring loot from chests to my inventory, etc., that I had to throw in the towel on this game after a few hours.

The controls are the Achiles' heel of Gothic 1. There is no way to sugar coat things… the control scheme is, at first, quite terrible.

But if you push through, the controls after a while actually aren't so bad. StrategyWiki offers some great info for G1 as well as provides a simple layout of the controls for the keyboard.

The oddest control scheme for G1 is the use of Left-Ctrl in conjunction with your arrow keys. Use Left-Ctrl + Up_Arrow_Key to pick something up. Use Left-Ctrl + Right_Arrow_Key to add a vendor item to the vendor's trade bucket and so on.

Also, you use Left-Alt + Up_Arrow_Key to jump. With the version you can now jump clicking your right mouse button.

I'd urge you to try because chances are you will really like G1 if you can just get past the controls.

At this point in my playthrough, the only control scheme bothering me is how the game handles strafing movements. In a nutshell, it's horrible and the single biggest annoyance I'm having with the game.
Oct 18, 2006
Thanks, MG - I skipped ahead to try Gothic 3, but I'm sure eventually I will give G1 another shot.

G3 is a lot of fun and a worthwhile game to play. But imho, G1 and G2 (with NotR) are the high points of the series.
Oct 18, 2006
For the Gothic controls:

- You can try to map them to a gamepad. There are players who swear this is the best choice available.

- Download JemyM's FAQ. You can find it on the game's page here on RPGWatch. Don't try to guess how stuff is done. Try [CTRL or LMB] + forward, and if it doesn't deliver the intended result look it up in the FAQ. Learning the controls hardly takes more than 15 minutes. They are simple. Not intuitive but simple.
Aug 30, 2006
Well, that was about 14 hours ago and I just stopped playing. I've done what I haven't done in the longest time - I pulled an all nighter. For this crime I will have to suffer the wife's /rollseyes for the rest of the day and somehow muster enough willpower to stay awake for the rest of the day and muddle through the inevitable uptick of chores that wifey is sure to assign me - punishment for behaving so childish.
That's awesome. :D

Aside from the controls, what a spectacular game. I am having so much fun with it.

Personally, I'll never understand why so many people have issues with the controls in Gothic. I think a lot of gamers are just so used to the standard "wasd" type scheme that they freak out anytime they're faced with something different.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
It's been quite some time since I got that hooked on a game! I miss those times, hours really fly by at an incredible speed.

And yes, Gothic 1 is simply brilliant. Fantastic game. The atmosphere of the game world is probably the best I've experienced.
Oct 18, 2006
That's awesome. :D.

It was a long day yesterday but I muddled through it. But yes, it was awesome!

Personally, I'll never understand why so many people have issues with the controls in Gothic. I think a lot of gamers are just so used to the standard "wasd" type scheme that they freak out anytime they're faced with something different.

I mostly just don't like the strafing. Everything else I am used to. But strafing... arrggggg makes me MAD! :p
Oct 18, 2006
I finished my replay of G1 and really enjoyed it. I think I actually like G1 more than Risen - though it's close. G1 is more interesting to explore and seems to have more little secrets to discover. It also has a greater variety of weapons and spells when you cast them have neat effects.

The game really motivates me to go off and explore every little nook and cranny. You never know what you might find. Occassionally, with careful exploration and the patience to defeat enemies that you really should be trying to kill when you're a little stronger can net you a nice hand-placed weapon that can really give you the edge for a little while.

One criticism I have is that the game needed more balance in terms of equipment and proficiencies. I understand the developers wanted to make it tough in the beginning so you really appreciate your uberness later in the game. But there are just too many upgrades in the last 1/4 of the game. I played a mage on this playthrough and by the time I got my powerful 6th circle spell I had already pretty much done everything except finish the final temple. It would have been more fun wiping out the old camp with that spell, or doing the Cromamine quest line with it.

Other than that, fantastic game, dated graphics and all. Now on to G2 NotR, yet again...
Oct 18, 2006
Gothic was MUCH better than Risen for its time, and even if you compare them directly, I agree Gothic is a little better.

I also agree with your criticism of the late-game balance. There were far too many permanent stat potions in the last 2 chapters. I remember playing as a mage and still being able wield the strongest two-handed weapons because of all the stat boosts from potions and rings.

I envy you right now. I wish I had the spare time to do a replay of that entire series. (minus Arcania) :)
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
If Skyrim is delayed somehow, I'll probably do another replay of Gothic 1 and 2, mainly because I listened to some Gothic sound tracks on youtube recently due to the music thread here on the Watch. The music always gets me interested in another replay.
Oct 18, 2006
Gothic one is really superb, I remember just after starting it up for the first time my first though was finally a game like U7 that allows you to explore and have believable settlements and NPC's but in 3D!

I think 1 is actually my favorite Gothic game. The beginning part is really superb! It is too bad the quality decrease towards the end of the game, but that is the case of almost every single game I have ever played. Except for some of the final fantasy games, and ogre tactics.
Oct 25, 2006
But there are just too many upgrades in the last 1/4 of the game.
Yeah, it's kind of funny how you trudge through the early game in your ragged clothes hoping, really hoping, to get your hands on some armor, any armor, someday soon. Then getting your first set of light armor and feeling so good, feeling like your achieved something great. (And this is cool, BTW. I like this a lot more than the lootfest of most CRPGs that give you new, better, shinier armor and weapons every two minutes.) But the end-game fumbles this a bit, as you get better armor sets in fast succession, making that feel a bit rushed. I barely got to wear the über mine crawler plate armor, before getting the even-more-über magic ore armor (IIRC).

There were far too many permanent stat potions in the last 2 chapters.
Weren't there a ton of permanent stat potions in the last temple (inside the orc mummies, IIRC)? I remember thinking, that the end battles/boss must be REALLY tough for the game to give you such a massive boost to your stats this late in the game, only to find out the end battles really easy with your über character.

Anyhow, despite the little anti-climax of the end-game, Gothic 1 is a superb game in every sense.
Last edited:
Jan 4, 2008
I come from the land of ice and snow
I completely agree regarding the loot near the end. It should have been a bit more balanced.

The stat potion thing is actually quite useless. The huge load of stat increasing potions is indeed inside the temple, not outside it, and by that time you'll have Uriziel. Uriziel is a magic sword which requires very low strength to wield (30 I believe) and deals magic + fire damage. Due to the nature of the sword, it actually does not add strength to your damage output, so whether you have 30 strength or 200 makes no difference.
Oct 18, 2006
The stat potion thing is actually quite useless. The huge load of stat increasing potions is indeed inside the temple, not outside it, and by that time you'll have Uriziel. Uriziel is a magic sword which requires very low strength to wield (30 I believe) and deals magic + fire damage. Due to the nature of the sword, it actually does not add strength to your damage output, so whether you have 30 strength or 200 makes no difference.

That's assuming you decide to keep Uriziel as a sword. You also have the option of having Xardas transform it into a rune, which gives you the most powerful offensive spell in the game. At least that's how I remember it.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Hmm, thinking back now it seems Gothic 1 and Risen were quite similar in their dungeoncrawling endgames... I believe you even had to go to that temple twice, IIRC?
Oct 18, 2006
They were similar, in a sense, yes. Gothic 2 had a great final dungeon as well though. You could almost call it a PB staple; the final dungeon crawl.

Phwoar...I'm really feeling the communal group love for Gothic in this thread and it's a nice feeling. Thought I'd take a moment to bask in its glow a little with a bit of self-indulgent reflection. ;)

I've finished Gothic three times and Risen twice and consider them both fantastic experiences. Nostalgically I probably lean towards Gothic a little more, but they both do what they do so exceptionally well.

Have to agree wholeheartedly on what was said about the control scheme - I've never understood the issues either. It was a simple few moments of adjustment for me. I actually played the German demo of Gothic I first - but even the language barrier wasn't enough to stop me from wanting the full game. :)

I have to admire your dedication, mad one. *salutes and utters Ulu-mulu as a token of respect*. Good job on sharing the Gothic love.
Jul 12, 2009
I also agree with your criticism of the late-game balance.

Since I finished playing G1 a few days ago, I started watching this person's playthrough of G1. He shows how you can play the end game and get a little extra use out of your 6th Circle Spell. Next time I play I will take advantage of this info.

I envy you right now. I wish I had the spare time to do a replay of that entire series. (minus Arcania) :)

Now I'm playing G2. But it is not all rainbows and bunnies. I have to sneak a lot of my play time in under the watchful eye of 'the wife.' I'm trying to finish G2 before Skyrim comes out. It isn't going to be easy, but someone's got to do it! :p
Oct 18, 2006
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