South Park RPG - Preview @ Joystiq


August 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
Joystiq has a preview of South Park based on seeing two sequences at Comic-Con:
You get a quest, just like a "real" RPG, but it's Cartman telling you to go get him some Kung Pao chicken. Weapons can be modified to add poison or fire attacks, but the weapon is a toilet plunger, and the modifier makes characters vomit when sick. You put your name in at the beginning just like a standard RPG, but Cartman disregards whatever you type in and calls you Douchebag instead. When Cartman sets you off on your quest, he echoes all of those RPGs you've played before, before throwing the convention right into comedy land: "Will you seize your destiny," he asks, "or will you be a disappointment, like Butters?"
More information.
Aug 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
will be so great to finally be able to walk around in South Park, i just hope it will be quite open-world (cant seem to find any info on that).. seen some SP episodes 20+ times over the years, and they're still funny :)
Apr 18, 2011
The land of rape and honey
Call me an uncultured pig, but this is a must play just for the humor.

Elitist snob, more than uncultured pig. South Park is very low brow humor and I never got it. Didn't have cable at the time it was gaining popularity and the few episodes I saw were all toilet humor laden inside jokes. So yeah. More power to those that enjoy it, but I'm giving it a miss.
Oct 18, 2006
People who think SP is just "toilet humor" must have seen the wrong episodes or just seen parts of it.. It's actually one of the deeper comedy series out there dealing with a lot of current issues (an epsiode is made within 1 week) and often in a very interesting, non-"P.C" way. Drugs, abortion, racism etc. One of few shows i've seen doing that without being preachy about it. It has its fair share of toilet humor sure, but it's rarely the main theme.
Apr 18, 2011
The land of rape and honey
I assume this will be just like the show for me. It's funny for a few minutes then I'm ready for something else.
Wow! An elitist is now someone who watches South Park? I remember a time when reading the New Yorker and going to the opera would get you that label. Times sure have changed.
Nov 11, 2006
SP was amusing for 3-4 episodes. Then I got tired of it.

Honestly, I can't imagine a less appealing setting for an RPG - and a more profound waste of Obsidian's work. That said, it seems lots of people want it - and as such, I really shouldn't stand in their way.

But, it's hard not to think about the Aliens CRPG and get watery eyes thinking about shit like this getting made instead.
SP is perfect for an RPG imo, lots of interesting characters and personalities, probably more so than any show i can think of. Just the voice acting alone will make it worth it. It will be a very unique RPG.

If i had to choose between this and an Aliens cRPG, well that would be pretty hard, if i had to choose between this or the other work Obsidian has done, then i'd still choose this, maybe apart from FO:NV.
Apr 18, 2011
The land of rape and honey
Just assuming they would do Aliens or any other RPG that would be a dream come true for most people (if it wasnt for this South Park RPG) seems a little biased maybe?

Can't say i've been too impressed by Obsidians work lately (DS3, A.P), but this one they will definetely handle well i think, especially in the graphics department, for once, hehe. S.P is a really big franchise for a small company like Obsidian.. you should be happy it's going so well for them :)
Apr 18, 2011
The land of rape and honey
It's not like Obsidian is sacrificing some other project in favor of South Park. They will still need to make games after the Stick of Truth is finished. All it comes down to is what they want to make and what can make them more money. Personally, I love South Park and think it has incredibly poignant social commentary, mixed together with low brow toilet humor (which I can admit is occasionally too much). With the various themes, characters, and settings that the show has explored, it could make for an incredibly interesting RPG. At the vert least, it should be funny.
Sep 16, 2011
SP was amusing for 3-4 episodes. Then I got tired of it.

I'm shocked. ;)

But, it's hard not to think about the Aliens CRPG and get watery eyes thinking about shit like this getting made instead.

I don't know… as much as I love the Aliens mythos, I'm not sure how well it would translate to a crpg.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Yeah, another classic I have yet to play. And it's not even hiding on my shelf. Where is Steam when you really need it? ;) They should have Knights of the Chalice, too, rather than a bunch of shitty independent games. ;)
Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
I don't know… as much as I love the Aliens mythos, I'm not sure how well it would translate to a crpg.

If handled correctly, I think it would translate very, very well.

Personally, I'd prefer a game akin to System Shock with more RPG elements.

As in, a game favoring immersion and survival horror.

Probably not really something Obsidian could pull off, but I'd take any attempt at an Aliens game I can get my hands on.

I'm a HUGE fan of the setting.
Personally, I'd prefer a game akin to System Shock with more RPG elements.

As in, a game favoring immersion and survival horror.

In that case, yes, I think there could be a lot of potential. I just don't think it would work well as a party-based and/or turn-based game.

At least we have Aliens: Colonial Marines coming at the start of next year. It's not an RPG of course, and I'm not quite sure what to think of it. It's being developed by Gearbox which is good, but seeing as how Sega has a hand in it…
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
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