The Totally NEW Team Corwin Thread

BUG ! BUG !! Bug !!!

I'm so angry now !!!

I just crafted in the Kundarak crafting halls … I destroyed a shard !!! And before that, days ago, without noticing, another one !!!

And this is the bug :

I successfully crafted a shard of spell resistance.
And I had successfully bound it to one of those weaker belts. I call them "Starter Belts", because I received one at Korthos Island (you can get one called a "Rugged Belt" as a bounty for completing a quest on the Island Vilage of Korthos Island).

So it was a belt of spell resistance. I was proud of it.

Now I successfully crafted/prepared a shard of weaker false life. And I planned to bind it to that belt, too.



Oh, I'm angry now, really angry. Because I had traded at the halls' crafting shop 2mighty arcane essences for 1 mighty body essence. And that was a loss for me, because I had originally planned to do another shard for which I'd needed these essences. But I really, really wanted to have a belt with these TWO effects *at the same time* !

And then it replaces the one shard with the other one.

Without any asking. Without any warning. Without any error message. Without any hint that this belt might perhaps NOT be able to hold TWo shards at the same time !

Oh I'm so angry right now. I have wasted valuable essences for … getting them destroyed, basically.

The only positive side is the gained crafting experience points for that. *sighs*
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Just to get this clear :

- I have a Turbine game account there
- I have a server/character account there
- do I need a third account if I want to post in the forums ?

Update : Point 1 & 2 seem to be the same ?
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
BUG ! BUG !! Bug !!!

I'm so angry now !!!

I just crafted in the Kundarak crafting halls … I destroyed a shard !!! And before that, days ago, without noticing, another one !!!

And this is the bug :

I successfully crafted a shard of spell resistance.
And I had successfully bound it to one of those weaker belts. I call them "Starter Belts", because I received one at Korthos Island (you can get one called a "Rugged Belt" as a bounty for completing a quest on the Island Vilage of Korthos Island).

So it was a belt of spell resistance. I was proud of it.

Now I successfully crafted/prepared a shard of weaker false life. And I planned to bind it to that belt, too.



Oh, I'm angry now, really angry. Because I had traded at the halls' crafting shop 2mighty arcane essences for 1 mighty body essence. And that was a loss for me, because I had originally planned to do another shard for which I'd needed these essences. But I really, really wanted to have a belt with these TWO effects *at the same time* !

And then it replaces the one shard with the other one.

Without any asking. Without any warning. Without any error message. Without any hint that this belt might perhaps NOT be able to hold TWo shards at the same time !

Oh I'm so angry right now. I have wasted valuable essences for … getting them destroyed, basically.

The only positive side is the gained crafting experience points for that. *sighs*
Not a bug, young tinker. You have to craft all the effects (shards) on the item at the same time. You can't add them one at a time or it will just replace the old enchantment with the new enchantment ;) . The next problem you'll run into is that items have a maximum enchantment value (shown in the upper corner of the description window) and you can't put more "shard levels" on the item than it is capable of holding. You won't be able to put multiple "good" shards on a starter belt.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
At the same time ??? *faints*

Edit : Wait, I could add the shards to the cape one after the other if I remember correctly ...

... I'm Confused right now ...
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Now I know why I stay well clear of anything to do with crafting!! :)
Aug 31, 2006
I agree with ya there. I only just started. At least it is fairly quick in the early part; I built Ijii a set of mail of Invulnerability after only about an hour or so. I did add a +2 enhancement shard to it later, without losing the invulnerability, but I haven't seen any decent prefixes I could add.
Jun 28, 2007
In the Middle of Nowhere
I didn't think you could do that, but perhaps I'm wrong. It's been a while since I've made anything but shards. I AM certain about the enchantment limits on items, though. Maybe you exceeded your belt's limit.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
Maybe you exceeded your belt's limit.

I fear that, too. Especially since I have received a bigger belt once as the "bounty" for completing a quest. Of course I sold it. I was young, and I needed the mioney … ;)

But still - there should imho be a warning message ! That would be at least polite !
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
What the hell? I thought we were waiting to run the TR's together? I've sat on Phurry for over a week waiting for jm to be ready and for az to get all the Shroud mats he wanted. CM hasn't even TR'd yet. The rest of y'all are already level 2. I must say I'm a little pissed.

We're all getting to level 2 to match Corwin and it's just 5k XP. It takes about 30 minutes of play to get to level 2.

My paladin will play with the group and he's level 2. My cleric will mainly be with PUG's, but may replace the paladin when that's needed. He's already off Korthos and is level 3. I will make sure he can keep up with my paladin once the guild will start with the low levels.

I propose you just do the initial quests on hard to get to level 2 before Friday. We expect to do them on elite together on Friday. Then we will do the wilderness quests on elite (if CM is there to open for us) to get to level 3 and then to Misery's peak to finish Korthos. We should be able to do all on Friday since all quests are rather short.

If you start at level 1 or 2 on Friday won't matter because you quickly get to level 2 when we do quests on elite.
Oct 18, 2006
Oslo, Norway
It takes about 30 minutes of play to get to level 2.

Err … I needed at least a week for that … Or two …

Edit : Today's discount says there's "75 % off airship amenities".
Last edited:
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
I propose you just do the initial quests on hard to get to level 2 before Friday. We expect to do them on elite together on Friday. Then we will do the wilderness quests on elite (if CM is there to open for us) to get to level 3 and then to Misery's peak to finish Korthos. We should be able to do all on Friday since all quests are rather short.

If you start at level 1 or 2 on Friday won't matter because you quickly get to level 2 when we do quests on elite.
So the plan is that I take a squishy wizzy being run by a casting neophyte and just solo everything on hard, eh? I think I trusted the previous plan better, but apparently I was in the minority.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
I thought we were waiting as well....I have shit here at home this week.........I may not have time to even research for a TR.

I was just going to log in early Friday, hope JM was on skype and go from there unless I get the chance to do it through the week. Oh well, if I get TR'ed I get TR'ed.
Oct 18, 2006
Missouri USA
We don't have to use TR's just yet. We can play high levels.

You can hire a hireling in Korthos for each quest. Get a fighter or cleric.
That's what I did.

Next week and the week after I won't be available on Friday. I have to help preparing for Christmas.
Oct 18, 2006
Oslo, Norway
I thought we were waiting as well….I have shit here at home this week………I may not have time to even research for a TR.

I was just going to log in early Friday, hope JM was on skype and go from there unless I get the chance to do it through the week. Oh well, if I get TR'ed I get TR'ed.
I wasn't kidding about sending you my RhoGu build. You might not want exactly that, but it would probably be a decent starting point for a melee-centric trap monkey build (which probably suits your play style more than a sneaky type). You could drop the dwarf and dwarven axes in favor of something else if you didn't want a fat anklebiter. ;)
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
I'm currently home and available if someone wants me to 'run' with their new TR and do the explorers on Korthos (which is all I did). :)
Aug 31, 2006
So the plan is that I take a squishy wizzy being run by a casting neophyte and just solo everything on hard, eh? I think I trusted the previous plan better, but apparently I was in the minority.

You can always team up on questing with me, if you need help.

You can hire a hireling in Korthos for each quest. Get a fighter or cleric.
That's what I did.

Works as well, but you could have asked me, too. The only drawback is that I'm ... rather a "Free Agent", so to say ... I'm not particularly good in following orders. I rather do what must be done. I'm too much "own-headed", so to say, for real team work.
On the other hand, with Cm things worked just fine - from my point of view. I don't know how she saw it.

Anyway, if you need help, then inform me. I guess that you know by now when I'm available : Around 11 in the night (rather after that) in the Berlin time zone.

P.S. : The only thing I can't do is disarm traps. My character just can't do it.
(Although I'm trying next time.)
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Ok Dte, if I catch you in game I can take a look. Going to look at wiki for it now and see if that makes sense to me. lol

@Alrik: I thought our team up session went well. We got a lot done. Only problem we had was language based and we sorted that fast enough. ;)
Oct 18, 2006
Missouri USA
That's because she, and me, speak American. The correct language. ;)

CM, I'll slap something together tonight. Probably Assassin since we haven't had one in the group yet, and because I think having you a walking killing machine would be more up your alley than stick-man or pewpewpew. :D

Alrik, you might be a bit high level for a level 1 to group with. TR's need more xp than first life characters, so We need to work on Phuury at level.

I can help thursday if CM and Dte want to log in. Gotta fix a leak in my roof, since a tree limb came through it, but that won't take long. Silicone fixes everything. ;)
Jun 28, 2007
In the Middle of Nowhere
I found some very useful info about rogues and you can read here:

I tried to make an assassin build for Testovina and think it can work great for her as a basis for her change into a rogue.

[u][b]Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 03.11.02[/b][/u]
[url=]DDO Character Planner Home Page[/url]

[code][u][b]Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 03.11.02[/b][/u]
[url=]DDO Character Planner Home Page[/url]

[B][U]Testovina [/U][/B]
Level 20 True Neutral Human Female
(20 Rogue) 
Hit Points: 242
Spell Points: 0 
BAB: 15\15\20\25\25
Fortitude: 9
Reflex: 19
Will: 5

[B]                  Starting          Feat/Enhancement
Abilities        Base Stats          Modified Stats
[U](34 Point)[/U]       [U](Level 1)[/U]             [U](Level 20)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=navy]Strength             14                    14
Dexterity            17                    24
Constitution         16                    16
Intelligence         13                    15
Wisdom                8                     8
Charisma              8                     8[/COLOR]

[B]                  Starting          Feat/Enhancement
                 Base Skills         Modified Skills
[U]Skills[/U]           [U](Level 1)[/U]            [U](Level 20)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=navy]Balance               3                     8
Bluff                -1                     6
Concentration         3                     4
Diplomacy             3                    23
Disable Device        5                    27
Haggle               -1                     0
Heal                 -1                     0
Hide                  7                    39
Intimidate           -1                     0
Jump                  6                    26
Listen               -1                     0
Move Silently         7                    39
Open Lock             7                    32
Perform              n/a                    n/a
Repair                1                     3
Search                5                    26
Spot                  3                    23
Swim                  2                     3
Tumble                7                    31
Use Magic Device      3                    23
[B][U]Level 1 (Rogue)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Diplomacy (+4)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Disable Device (+4)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Hide (+4)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Jump (+4)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Move Silently (+4)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Open Lock (+4)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Search (+4)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Spot (+4)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Tumble (+4)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Use Magic Device (+4)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dodgerblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy](Past Life) Past Life: Fighter[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dodgerblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy](Selected) Toughness[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dodgerblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy](Human Bonus) Two Weapon Fighting[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Rogue Haste Boost I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Human Versatility I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Rogue Faster Sneaking I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Rogue Sneak Attack Training I[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 2 (Rogue)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Diplomacy (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Disable Device (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Hide (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Jump (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Move Silently (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Open Lock (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Search (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Spot (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Tumble (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Use Magic Device (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Rogue Skill Boost I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Rogue Sneak Attack Accuracy I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Improved Hide I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Improved Move Silently I[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 3 (Rogue)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Diplomacy (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Disable Device (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Hide (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Jump (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Move Silently (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Open Lock (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Search (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Spot (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Tumble (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Use Magic Device (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dodgerblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy](Selected) Weapon Finesse[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Racial Toughness I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Improved Disable Device I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Rogue Dexterity I[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 4 (Rogue)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=orchid]Ability Raise: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]DEX[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Diplomacy (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Disable Device (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Hide (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Jump (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Move Silently (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Open Lock (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Search (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Spot (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Tumble (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Use Magic Device (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Rogue Damage Boost I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Improved Hide II[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Improved Move Silently II[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 5 (Rogue)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Diplomacy (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Disable Device (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Hide (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Jump (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Move Silently (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Open Lock (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Search (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Spot (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Tumble (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Use Magic Device (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Rogue Damage Boost II[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Rogue Skill Boost II[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Rogue Subtle Backstabbing I[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 6 (Rogue)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Diplomacy (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Disable Device (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Hide (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Jump (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Move Silently (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Open Lock (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Search (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Spot (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Tumble (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Use Magic Device (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dodgerblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy](Selected) Power Attack[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Rogue Assassin I[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 7 (Rogue)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Diplomacy (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Disable Device (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Hide (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Jump (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Move Silently (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Open Lock (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Search (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Spot (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Tumble (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Use Magic Device (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Human Adaptability Dexterity I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Human Improved Recovery I[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 8 (Rogue)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=orchid]Ability Raise: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]DEX[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Diplomacy (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Disable Device (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Hide (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Jump (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Move Silently (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Open Lock (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Search (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Spot (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Tumble (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Use Magic Device (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Rogue Haste Boost II[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Racial Toughness II[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 9 (Rogue)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Diplomacy (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Disable Device (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Hide (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Jump (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Move Silently (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Open Lock (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Search (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Spot (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Tumble (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Use Magic Device (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dodgerblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy](Selected) Improved Two Weapon Fighting[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Rogue Sneak Attack Accuracy II[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Rogue Sneak Attack Training II[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 10 (Rogue)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Diplomacy (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Disable Device (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Hide (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Jump (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Move Silently (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Open Lock (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Search (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Spot (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Tumble (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Use Magic Device (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dodgerblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy](Rogue Bonus) Improved Evasion[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Rogue Sneak Attack Training III[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Improved Open Lock I[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 11 (Rogue)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Diplomacy (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Disable Device (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Hide (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Jump (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Move Silently (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Open Lock (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Search (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Spot (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Tumble (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Use Magic Device (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Rogue Sneak Attack Accuracy III[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Rogue Improved Trap Sense I[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 12 (Rogue)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=orchid]Ability Raise: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]DEX[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Diplomacy (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Disable Device (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Hide (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Jump (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Move Silently (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Open Lock (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Search (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Spot (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Tumble (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Use Magic Device (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dodgerblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy](Selected) Improved Critical: Piercing Weapons[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Rogue Faster Sneaking II[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Rogue Assassin II[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 13 (Rogue)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Diplomacy (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Disable Device (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Hide (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Jump (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Move Silently (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Open Lock (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Search (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Spot (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Tumble (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Use Magic Device (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dodgerblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy](Rogue Bonus) Opportunist[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Rogue Haste Boost III[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 14 (Rogue)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Diplomacy (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Disable Device (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Hide (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Jump (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Move Silently (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Open Lock (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Search (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Spot (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Tumble (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Use Magic Device (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Rogue Subtle Backstabbing II[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Rogue Faster Sneaking III[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 15 (Rogue)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Diplomacy (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Disable Device (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Hide (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Jump (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Move Silently (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Open Lock (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Search (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Spot (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Tumble (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Use Magic Device (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dodgerblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy](Selected) Greater Two Weapon Fighting[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Rogue Sneak Attack Training IV[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 16 (Rogue)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=orchid]Ability Raise: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]DEX[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Diplomacy (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Disable Device (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Hide (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Jump (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Move Silently (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Open Lock (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Search (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Spot (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Tumble (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Use Magic Device (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dodgerblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy](Rogue Bonus) Crippling Strike[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Rogue Sneak Attack Accuracy IV[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 17 (Rogue)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Diplomacy (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Disable Device (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Hide (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Jump (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Move Silently (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Open Lock (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Search (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Spot (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Tumble (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Use Magic Device (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Rogue Haste Boost IV[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 18 (Rogue)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Diplomacy (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Disable Device (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Hide (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Jump (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Move Silently (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Open Lock (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Search (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Spot (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Tumble (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Use Magic Device (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dodgerblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy](Selected) Oversized Two Weapon Fighting[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Human Versatility II[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Rogue Assassin III[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 19 (Rogue)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Diplomacy (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Disable Device (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Hide (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Jump (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Move Silently (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Open Lock (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Search (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Spot (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Tumble (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Use Magic Device (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dodgerblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy](Rogue Bonus) Skill Mastery[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Rogue Subtle Backstabbing III[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 20 (Rogue)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=orchid]Ability Raise: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]DEX[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Diplomacy (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Disable Device (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Hide (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Jump (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Move Silently (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Open Lock (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Search (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Spot (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Tumble (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=peru]Skill: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Use Magic Device (+1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Rogue Skill Boost III[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Rogue Deadly Shadow[/COLOR]
Last edited:
Oct 18, 2006
Oslo, Norway
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