What are you reading?

'The Lies of Locke Lamora' by Scott Lynch. I love a good rogue story and this certainly is one. Epic con artistry and good pacing, certainly a fun read.
Sep 28, 2009
After completing the excellent "The Cello Suites" by former pop-journalist Eric Siblin, I'm now engrossed in "The Shallows, how Internet changes the brain" by Nicholas Carr. It's a great read about how information processing in our brain changes with the advance of technology. I'm halfway now, and enjoying it immensely! Carr takes you through the history of information processing, from the oral tradition to the alphabet, to the mass production of books, the advent of radio and visual media like TV and now the internet and social media. Core issue: have you read a whole book lately and can your attention span deal with it? Or are you reading peacemeal and skipping/scanning through whole sections? Maybe you have stopped reading print altogether and predominantly use the Internet for leisure and reading. Is this a Bad Thing or not? Does it affect the depth with which we process information? Do our interpersonal relationships also become shallow as a side effect while we skip and (channel)zap through our life? All great questions to ask, and I must say that I recognize similar changes in my use of media and the way I process information. So a highly recommended read in my opinion! I must say that I'm a neuroscientist myself though, so I may have a skewed opinion.
Oct 18, 2006
The Netherlands
I've read a few books recently, one in particular that was very good - "Wine of Dreams" by Brian Craig. Its set in the Warhammer fantasy world, but you don't have to be familiar with the setting to enjoy it, its a standard fantasy setting.

Its about a young man who is a heir to a wine selling business, and the dark family history that resurfaces about a forbidden/tainted magic wine that the family used to sell called dark wine, when the empire orders soldiers to the town they live in on a mission to track down all sources of it in an attempt to wipe out the illegal trade in it completely. Some fine action scenes and interesting characters in this book.

The book I'm reading now is "Amazonia" by James Rollins. Its a thriller set in the modern day about a government funded expedition into the Amazon rainforest in an effort to discover the truth about a lost group of researchers that went missing years before who may have found a miraculous healing medicine from an exotic plant somewhere deep in the jungle. This expedition is formed of various scientists and has US Army Rangers accompanying them for security.

Needless to say, another secret group with nefarious purposes is stealthily tracking this expedition and things get interesting with dangers all around not only from the untamed jungle but also human threats. Its an excellent page turner, where you can't stop reading to see what happens next.
Oct 2, 2009
Pacific NorthWest, USA!
Reading the Deathgate Chronicles by Weis and Hickman. Never had heard of them before somehow. On book three. So far it is interesting, though I'm not 100% sure about the 1 world per book approach.

Just bought Mind Hacks on a daily deal on O'Reilly. I could use a little more brain power, so that will be next!
Jan 10, 2008
Austin, TX
Was reading "The Carpet People" by Terry Pratchett the other day (this weekend, to be exact).

It's a nice little story that is a bit different than "normal" fantasy.

If you are looking for some really easy reading, then I recommend it. :)
But don't expect too much from it : It had been written by him when he was 17, and re-worked and exanded by him decades later …

I am reading "History of India"

How is it ?
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
'The Lies of Locke Lamora' by Scott Lynch. I love a good rogue story and this certainly is one. Epic con artistry and good pacing, certainly a fun read.

I'm listening to that (audiobook) right now, and although i haven't gotten that far, I'm not sure i like the style. I find it a bit too cheeky. My tastes run more towards Guy Gavriel Kay...more serious and more literary. I just finished "The Way of the Shadows" by Brent Weeks, and I enjoyed that more, I think.
May 28, 2011
Reading Devon Monks Ali Beckstrom series, and Kelly Mc Cullough's Cybermage series. Interesting concepts.
Aug 31, 2006
For me, it's "Tales of the Dying Earth" by Jack Vance. I was intrigued by the setting - far future Earth, the sun is almost burnt out, miraculous technology appears like magic, civilization has crumbled into medievalism. The book is cited as a basis for the DnD magic system.

This is definitely an oddly fantastical (almost psychedelic), yet engaging read. I find myself flipping through the pages of "The Eyes of the Overworld" very fast. The roguish protagonist, Cugel the Clever, is almost completely without merit, yet entertaining in his peccadilloes, but somewhat repulsive in his worst offenses. The situations he gets himself into (and miraculously out of) are cleverly written, and have provided a few chuckles.
Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
Nothing atm, but with every episode of the "Game of Thrones" each week...I'm becoming more and more tempted to start reading the series to get the full story!
Feb 27, 2011
Nothing atm, but with every episode of the "Game of Thrones" each week…I'm becoming more and more tempted to start reading the series to get the full story!

I have the full 4 book collection I bought on B&N a month or so ago, and just got a new nook reader, so I'm now making progress ...
Oct 18, 2006
I have the full 4 book collection I bought on B&N a month or so ago, and just got a new nook reader, so I'm now making progress …

Hard Cover or Paperback? I tend to be a HC junky, and thats quite costly to get a full set. Even on eBay people are still asking quite a bit, with too many wanting hundreds for 1st and signed editions.

Plus, A Dance with Dragons is due out next month adding another $20 to getting the collection...le sigh
Feb 27, 2011
Hard Cover or Paperback? I tend to be a HC junky, and thats quite costly to get a full set. Even on eBay people are still asking quite a bit, with too many wanting hundreds for 1st and signed editions.

Plus, A Dance with Dragons is due out next month adding another $20 to getting the collection…le sigh

Sorry, thought the mention of 'nook' would have implied ebook. I don't buy books on paper very much, haven't in years ...
Oct 18, 2006
'The Lies of Locke Lamora' by Scott Lynch. I love a good rogue story and this certainly is one. Epic con artistry and good pacing, certainly a fun read.

Hmmm, just noticed this post and then looked at my book shelf and I do own both the books in this series, but never got around to reading them yet....le sigh

Sorry, thought the mention of 'nook' would have implied ebook. I don't buy books on paper very much, haven't in years …

Oh wow, I totally didn't even see nook reader, must've been really tired last night. I've considered getting one, but I really havn't been reading enough lately to justify the price of one.

In recent years, playing an RPG with a good story is more my style....being interactive with and exploring the world...etc Sitting still with a book, doesn't seem to be doing it for me....though I have tried.
Feb 27, 2011
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Reading Kraken by China Mieville (sp?). I must say I'm underwhelmed. Not that it's a bad book, just not sure his style is my cup of tea.
Jul 18, 2007
Oh wow, I totally didn't even see nook reader, must've been really tired last night. I've considered getting one, but I really havn't been reading enough lately to justify the price of one.

I like reading on an electronic device, but have been finding that on the iPad I end up doing too much other stuff ...
Oct 18, 2006
Have begun "Learned Pigs & Fireproof Women", by Ricky Jay - on bizzarre entertainers in the course of the last centuries. Houdini gets a mention as well.

Got this book as a birthday present last year; but only now I'm beginning to read it, because I want to treat it like a good glass of wine. :)

I do so with all good books that are somehow important and fascinating to me. :)

It is this book : http://www.amazon.com/Learned-Firep...PU/ref=sr_1_20?ie=UTF8&qid=1307702322&sr=8-20

I have the hardcover edition of it.

I almost expect Mrs. Jane Jensen to know it as well - because of her latest adventure game : "Gray Matter". ;)

Wikipedia article on the book : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Learned_Pigs_&_Fireproof_Women

Biography of Ricky Jay : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ricky_Jay

Now that I learn more about him, I feel deeply honoured to have a book written by him on this fascinating matter. :)
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Khalus said:
Hard Cover or Paperback? I tend to be a HC junky, and thats quite costly to get a full set. Even on eBay people are still asking quite a bit, with too many wanting hundreds for 1st and signed editions.

I am somewhat of a "HC junky" myself. I have bought the first two books as paperbacks and the last two as hardcover and I definitely regret not having all of them as hardcover versions.

So if you like the HBO series so far, I would recommend getting the hardcovers. The series is a very faithful adaption though and I'd say 80% of dialogue comes directly from the book, so there might be very little of interest for you in the first one.

Also, some people don't like the next books as much as the first one, so that might be an additional aspect to consider. I personally think they are at least of a similar quality, if not better. With the exception of the fourth book, which was quite a disappointment for a lot of people.
Mar 12, 2011
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