Hey Smokers: I Hate You

Many people have a strong dislike of second-hand smoke. It's perfectly natural and doesn't make them intolerant. It's also hilarious that you think anyone who used to party should for some reason be more tolerant or even like it.

So he was frustrated and felt like writing a rant. Big fucking deal. If it offends you that much then feel free to go elsewhere.

Yeah, whatever mate. Some do, some don't. I can rant too. If YOU don't like what I'm saying feel free to go elsewhere.
Jul 10, 2007
Smokers aren't stupid, but some are really rude. When my daughter was young she had asthma and cigarette smoke would set off an attack. One time we were eating in a restaurant that did not have separate smoking/non-smoking sections and a guy at the next table lit up. I asked him to stop and explained about my daughter. His response? Blew a cloud of smoke her way. Fucking jerk.

I guess if it had been today and we had been in Florida I could have shot him.

Do you think the person in question would be completely different, super thoughtful and nice if he didn't smoke?
I guess if it had been today and we had been in Florida I could have shot him.


I just have to say that was brilliant, Bill. Almost sig-worthy

Dart, old chap - I have no desire to argue with you. I like it much better when me and you are pals. I so like the caring and sharing that threads like this provide, it's ultimately the reason I make them.

I found an interesting article which i will post as a public service:

50 Creative Ways to Quit Smoking Once and for All


Here are several healthy things you can do to stop smoking.

Have a heart attack: A smoking-induced heart attack might be just the ticket to finally scare you into quitting.
Get your teeth cleaned: Invest in a good cleaning so that you’ll be sorry to mess up your pearly whites with smoke.
Eat booster foods: Garlic and ginger are good for pulling smoking chemicals out of your body.
Brush your teeth when you want to smoke: Any time you have a craving, just brush your teeth or swish with mouthwash to enjoy a clean feeling instead of smoke.
Become pregnant: Once you are carrying an unborn child who depends on you for its health, you will feel too guilty to light up.
Take up mountain biking: There’s no way you can bike up a mountain as a smoker!


These ideas may provide you with the support you need to kick the habit.

Start a Facebook group: John Mellencamp’s son started a Facebook group, and if it attracts enough people, his father will kick the habit.
Make it a family affair: Ask other smokers in your family to join you in quitting.
Make a bet: Bet one of your smoking friends that if one of you quits for a month, the other has to buy a steak dinner.
Pay a fine: Agree to quit smoking or pay a fine to a friend.
Wear a sign: Wear a sign that asks people not to sell or give you any cigarettes.
Start a blog: Be accountable by telling your quitting story.
Announce you’re quitting on social media: Tell your friends and family of your plans to quit so that they can support-and pester you-about it.

Treatments & Tools

Here are some ways to get help with your goal to quit smoking.

Laser: These lasers are said to produce a reaction like nicotine.
Acupuncture: Acupuncture may be able to help you quit.
Quitter: Use Quitter’s service to track how many cigarettes you smoke each day.
Keep a journal: Each time you get a craving, write about it in your journal to identify your craving triggers.

Sticky Situations

These situations will make it difficult to smoke and easier to quit.

Clean your house: Clean your house and make smoking off limits so you’ll be forced to smoke outside.
Get hired where you can’t smoke: Some workplaces have a strict no-smoking policy, so get hired and quit or get fired.
Go camping: Explore the great outdoors for a few days with your cigarettes purposefully left at home.
Hang out where smoking isn’t allowed: Go to churches, theaters, libraries, and museums.

Distractions & Replacements

Use these methods to run interference against smoking.

Sleep when your cravings are the worst: During bad withdrawl hours, just take a nap.
Chew Milkbones: One woman killed cravings by chewing on Milkbone dog biscuits.
Do something physically engaging: Bike, run or do something else you wouldn’t think to smoke while you’re doing it.
Play games instead: Instead of taking a cigarette break at work, play Solitaire.
Light something else: If you have to light up, do it to a candle or incense.
Take up a new hobby: Combat boredom or loneliness with something you can be passionate about.
Go nuts: Eat a few nuts in their shell when you want to smoke to occupy your hands and mouth.
Play the lottery: Instead of spending money on cigarettes, allow yourself to play the occasional lottery ticket without guilt.
Be more comfortable: If you smoke to feel more comfortable socially, try counseling, public speaking classes, or a makeover.


These ideas will help get smoking out of your head.

Bury your cigarettes: Wrap your packs in a plastic bag and bury it in the backyard so you’ll have to dig them up each time you want a smoke.
Use creative visualization: Imagine cigarettes wearing boxing gloves and beating you up-and you should punch back.
Get hypnotized: Hypnosis can work for some smokers.


Stay motivated to quit smoking with these ideas.

Visit lung cancer victims: Go to the hospital and sit down with patients who have smoke-induced lung cancer, and see what they have to say about smoking.
Spend the money elsewhere: Take the money you’d normally spend on cigarettes, and treat yourself to something fun instead.
Remember other difficult things you’ve conquered: Keep in mind challenges you’ve faced in the past to give yourself confidence.
Look at photos of lifelong smokers: Check out photographs of people who never stopped smoking to see how you’ll look if you don’t quit.
Plan treats: Along each milestone, have a reward prepared to give yourself in return for making it so far without a smoke.
Put your savings in a glass jar: Physically see how much you’re not spending on cigarettes.
Learn about smoking facts: Look up dismal facts about the disadvantages of smoking.
Imagine your children smoking: Each time you want to smoke, think about what your kids would look like smoking-because it’s likely that they will if they grow up with a smoking parent.
Plan a cruise: At the end of a period in which you haven’t smoked, have a reward set up like an Alaskan cruise or visit to an old friend who wants you to quit.

Gross & Painful

Definitely on the crazy end of the spectrum, these methods are gross, maybe even painful, but effective.

Drink baking soda: This woman mixed baking soda in water and it killed her desire to smoke.
Wear a rubber band: Snap a rubber band against your wrist when you want to smoke to associate it with unpleasantness.
Look at smoking disease photos: Check out photos of diseased lungs, mouths, and throats so they’ll be burned into your mind any time you want to smoke.
Keep just one: Hang onto a solitary cigarette and light it when you need a smoke, then extinguish it and save it for later.
Smell some wet cigarettes: Gather up some butts, put some water on them and sniff the mess to gross yourself out about smoking.
Fill a room with smoke: Close off windows and doors, then light a few cigarettes and let them burn to see how gross it is. Be careful to do this with supervision.
Check out YouTube: Watch anti-smoking videos of oral cancers, brains, and more.
Smoke yourself sick: Chain smoke until you’re just sick of it, crush your pack and don’t look back.






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Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
Maybe youre right. If you cant beat 'em, join 'em. Maybe i could get him at least smoking cloves, something that smells at least semi-pleasant.

Well if you don't want your neighbor to hate you, you could buy them an electronic cigarette kit as a way of breaking the ice. Maybe give it to them giftwrapped and explain the issue when they open it. Also might want to avoid most of the valid and honest points you may have about why they shouldn't smoke at all outside. Not because they're wrong of course, but because they've almost certainly heard them before from people they like more than you and it hasn't done anything.

From my experience it helps to acknowledge that smokers are sick of people telling them not to smoke and that you understand they're doing it on their property. They are likely at least desensitized to being told it's bad for them and that second hand smoke is bad for you and stinks and is gross so there's almost no point using that as part of your argument. Also likely is that rather than merely being ineffective, they've developed reflexive negative reactions to these things including smoking more. What they haven't heard a thousand times already and may catch them off guard is that a non-smoker is aware of this and wants to make clear they have no interest in lecturing them. That's also part of the point of the e-cigs - normally when someone is annoyed by their smoking, they don't start off with a present.

Maybe say that "if you want to smoke outside, could you use something like these e-cigs instead of lighting up?" When you explain why, you might want to go farther than just talking about the smell. True or not, indirectly telling someone they smell like ass is a losing strategy for getting results you want. Hell, if you have to lie and say it's affecting your wife/girlfriend/child/pet ferret's allergies/asthma/willingness to have sex at your place then go for it.

Not saying you should be obligated to buy them something, smooth talk them, or lie in order not to have your house smell like ass, but if you want to be diplomatic about it and avoid the possibility of them smoking outside more just to spite you it might be a good way to go about it. "You don't like the smell and shouldn't have to deal with it pouring into your house" is a pretty good reason for them to at least take it inside. Realistically tough your choices are between doing nothing but be annoyed by it, have the self-satisfaction from being right while you tell someone off, or approaching it a bit sideways and maybe getting results.

Basically this is like arguing politics. Trying to win the argument as a debate and convincing the other person to change their mind or behavior are often mutually exclusive.
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Nov 20, 2006
Also, isn't there some kind of air filtration/absorption system invented for this kind of problem? I believe so, anyway.
It strikes me as hipocritical for xSamhainx to loudly defend his freedom to bear arms and to be upset with those who pursue their happiness throu smoking?
Jan 10, 2008
I'm in good mood today :)
Jan 10, 2008
It strikes me as hipocritical for xSamhainx to loudly defend his freedom to bear arms and to be upset with those who pursue their happiness throu smoking?

Your not really comparing smoking to owning a gun are you?

According to the cdc:

Smoking related deaths per year in US--443,000 deaths annually (including deaths from secondhand smoke)

Gun related deaths--

All homicides
Number of deaths: 16,259
Deaths per 100,000 population: 5.3
Firearm homicides
Number of deaths: 11,078
Deaths per 100,000 population: 3.6

So we would just need a mass shooting to kill 121 people every day for a year for guns to be equal.

I guess people are fine with smoking deaths though because they happen slowly and the news rarely ever covers them. If they covered every smoking related death there wouldn't be time to cover anything else.

But I guess people will sit on there couch after another fattening meal with a smoke and a beer next to their children and see a mass shooting on the new and complain about gun control.

Never stopping to realize that violent crimes in america are 19th in mortality rate, well behind smoking, alcohol, obesity and vehicular related deaths.

So I wouldn't consider xSamhainx a hypocrite. If we had to choose between eradicating guns or smoking then there's really only 1 smart choice.
Your not really comparing smoking to owning a gun are you?

According to the cdc:

Smoking related deaths per year in US—443,000 deaths annually (including deaths from secondhand smoke)

Gun related deaths—

All homicides
Number of deaths: 16,259
Deaths per 100,000 population: 5.3
Firearm homicides
Number of deaths: 11,078
Deaths per 100,000 population: 3.6

So we would just need a mass shooting to kill 121 people every day for a year for guns to be equal.

I guess people are fine with smoking deaths though because they happen slowly and the news rarely ever covers them. If they covered every smoking related death there wouldn't be time to cover anything else.

But I guess people will sit on there couch after another fattening meal with a smoke and a beer next to their children and see a mass shooting on the new and complain about gun control.

Never stopping to realize that violent crimes in america are 19th in mortality rate, well behind smoking, alcohol, obesity and vehicular related deaths.

So I wouldn't consider xSamhainx a hypocrite. If we had to choose between eradicating guns or smoking then there's really only 1 smart choice.

Could you point out who around here is fine with deaths caused by smoking?

Ok, so stop spouting your bullshit and read what's written instead.

He's talking about freedoms - and SamX has a major problem with the freedom to smoke but apparently has no problem with the freedom to own a gun. This despite both being the cause of death in countless cases.

Are you suggesting the amount of deaths is the reason SamX is ok with one - but not the other? Because that's ridiculously stupid to suggest.

If you're going to create a fantasy strawman - perhaps you should choose something that's less insultingly ignorant than claiming people are fine with people dying from smoking.
I smoked for 12 or 13 years. From age 15 to probably 20 I smoked at least 2 packs a day. Although I get a twinge of an urge every now and again, (almost always when consuming alcohol) I am glad I left the habit behind. I do occasionally partake of a cigar, especially if the opportunity to enjoy it along with some good spirits arises. Cigar smoke is generally less bothersome (or so people tell me), and of course, I don't inhale. :)

Observations & Thoughts:

Smokers can neither smell themselves, nor other smokers. They have no idea it smells that bad. This was a big shock to me when I finally gave it up. "Why didn't you tell me I smelled that bad!?!?"

When you quit smoking you gain weight. When you start again you don't lose the weight. And when you quit again, you gain the weight again. Ask me how I know. :(

Why do Irish folk songs always mention how sweet smelling & pleasant tobacco is? Is what we have today so far removed from just a few hundred years ago? And if we could get back to this mysterious "good tobacco" would it be more socially acceptable?

Either way, smoking is a terrible habit. But it is also more addictive than crack cocaine. Years later I can still remember how wonderful a cigarette could be…
May 3, 2008
Could you point out who around here is fine with deaths caused by smoking?

Ok, so stop spouting your bullshit and read what's written instead.

He's talking about freedoms - and SamX has a major problem with the freedom to smoke but apparently has no problem with the freedom to own a gun. This despite both being the cause of death in countless cases.

Are you suggesting the amount of deaths is the reason SamX is ok with one - but not the other? Because that's ridiculously stupid to suggest.

If you're going to create a fantasy strawman - perhaps you should choose something that's less insultingly ignorant than claiming people are fine with people dying from smoking.

I understand he's comparing the freedoms. But they are apples and oranges.

Responsibly owing and caring for a gun hurts no one.

Smoking will always hurt someone even if it's only the smoker but i bet you'd be hard pressed to find a smoker who only smokes alone.

It's funny many people on here are talking about banning guns, you know for the greater good. Yet a guy vents about smoking and then everyone is concerned about peoples rights.

I'm not spouting bullshit, it's called facts.

You sure do get worked up easily and jump to the insults. Ridiculously stupid, insultingly ignorant, I don't think so.

Just look around you despite the over whelming numbers people are way more concerned with gun violence than smoking deaths. You don't see nearly the outrage because smoking deaths come slowly over the years and don't get plastered on the news when they happen. People may not be "fine" with smoking deaths but they seem more concerned with peoples right to smoke.

Surly logic would tell you that fixing the smoking epidemic would save many more lives than banning guns.

You have posted many times it's about saving lives if you truly believe that I have a hard time seeing why you have a problem with what i've posted.
I smoked for 12 or 13 years. From age 15 to probably 20 I smoked at least 2 packs a day. Although I get a twinge of an urge every now and again, (almost always when consuming alcohol) I am glad I left the habit behind. I do occasionally partake of a cigar, especially if the opportunity to enjoy it along with some good spirits arises. Cigar smoke is generally less bothersome (or so people tell me), and of course, I don't inhale. :)

Observations & Thoughts:

Smokers can neither smell themselves, nor other smokers. They have no idea it smells that bad. This was a big shock to me when I finally gave it up. "Why didn't you tell me I smelled that bad!?!?"

When you quit smoking you gain weight. When you start again you don't lose the weight. And when you quit again, you gain the weight again. Ask me how I know. :(

Why do Irish folk songs always mention how sweet smelling & pleasant tobacco is? Is what we have today so far removed from just a few hundred years ago? And if we could get back to this mysterious "good tobacco" would it be more socially acceptable?

Either way, smoking is a terrible habit. But it is also more addictive than crack cocaine. Years later I can still remember how wonderful a cigarette could be…

As someone who has never smoked, what is so wonderful about it? Not trying to be a jerk, just curious. I've asked others and they've never really had an answer.

To me it just looks silly sucking in smoke and blowing it out for no apparent reason.

My grandma died of emphysema. We used to go fishing all the time, after she was diagnosed and had to stop smoking she didn't want to go fishing anymore. She said it wasn't enjoyable without smoking. I will always remember that but never understand it.

My mom died of kidney disease and heart failure and wouldn't stop smoking despite the doctors telling her to. I remember the last time she went into the hospital, before she was too weak she would wheel herself outside attached to her IV just to have a smoke. Sad really.
I don't hate people who smoke but I tend to avoid them. They stink.

I live on the edge of the county line where on one side bars cannot be smoked in and the other side they can be smoked in. I find it interesting that the nonsmoking side always has more crowded parking lots.
Cigar smoke is generally less bothersome (or so people tell me), and of course, I don't inhale. :)

People have told you that cigar smoke is less bothersome than cigarettes? I have to wonder about those people. :)

As much as I hate cigarette smoke, I find cigar smoke to be far worse. In fact, quite often I will get a headache immediately upon coming in contact with it.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
I understand he's comparing the freedoms. But they are apples and oranges.

Responsibly owing and caring for a gun hurts no one.

Smoking will always hurt someone even if it's only the smoker but i bet you'd be hard pressed to find a smoker who only smokes alone.

It's funny many people on here are talking about banning guns, you know for the greater good. Yet a guy vents about smoking and then everyone is concerned about peoples rights.

I'm not spouting bullshit, it's called facts.

You sure do get worked up easily and jump to the insults. Ridiculously stupid, insultingly ignorant, I don't think so.

Just look around you despite the over whelming numbers people are way more concerned with gun violence than smoking deaths. You don't see nearly the outrage because smoking deaths come slowly over the years and don't get plastered on the news when they happen. People may not be "fine" with smoking deaths but they seem more concerned with peoples right to smoke.

Surly logic would tell you that fixing the smoking epidemic would save many more lives than banning guns.

You have posted many times it's about saving lives if you truly believe that I have a hard time seeing why you have a problem with what i've posted.

Actually, no. In Europe smoking is getting heavily regulated:
You can't smoke in bars, nightclubs or any major enterprise anymore.

So, the outrage does exist and from what I have read less people are smoking now than ten years ago (as a proportion of the population at least - not sure about absolute numbers).
Nov 13, 2006
Manchester, United Kingdom
I remember when restaurants allowed smoking everywhere; I stopped going as the smoke made me feel ill. I'm an expert Bridge player, but I gave it up for 10 years because I couldn't stand the smoke filled rooms and the way my hair and clothes stank. Fortunately now, smoking is banned here anywhere near food and Bridge clubs have banned it as well. So have most entertainment places. It hasn't hurt any of them attendance wise and has probably increased it since people like me have returned.
Aug 31, 2006
As someone who has never smoked, what is so wonderful about it? Not trying to be a jerk, just curious. I've asked others and they've never really had an answer.
To me it just looks silly sucking in smoke and blowing it out for no apparent reason.
Its a drug. It just feels good. :) To be more accurate, after awhile, it's the only time you feel 'normal'. That's the effect most self medication finally achieves.
My grandma died of emphysema. We used to go fishing all the time, after she was diagnosed and had to stop smoking she didn't want to go fishing anymore. She said it wasn't enjoyable without smoking. I will always remember that but never understand it.
The mind makes odd connections between certain activities. It took me quite awhile to learn to enjoy having a few pints with friends right after quitting. The two activities were so linked in my mind that if I had a beer in my hand, I could hardly focus on anything other than my burning desire for a cigarette.
My mom died of kidney disease and heart failure and wouldn't stop smoking despite the doctors telling her to. I remember the last time she went into the hospital, before she was too weak she would wheel herself outside attached to her IV just to have a smoke. Sad really.
Sorry for both your grandmother and mother. Sometimes we allow destructive behavior to be so indelibly tied in with who we are that we can't set it aside.

People have told you that cigar smoke is less bothersome than cigarettes? I have to wonder about those people.

As much as I hate cigarette smoke, I find cigar smoke to be far worse. In fact, quite often I will get a headache immediately upon coming in contact with it.
Some people have a really intense reaction, while others hardly at all. Its hard to imagine that something I have no problem smelling could cause such an effect on someone else. That misunderstanding is probably the source of most of the animosity between smokers and non smokers. Heck, even now, regular cigarette smoke doesn't bother me much unless I'm eating or not feeling well. But my wife? Tobacco smoke can actually cause her face to break out into a rash.
May 3, 2008
I understand he's comparing the freedoms. But they are apples and oranges.

No, not really.

Responsibly owing and caring for a gun hurts no one.

No, but irresponsible owning and use of a gun will KILL someone. Also, no matter how responsible you are - you can't be certain your children won't gain access to your weapons. We're human and we make mistakes.

That's why we shouldn't have access to guns.

Smoking will always hurt someone even if it's only the smoker but i bet you'd be hard pressed to find a smoker who only smokes alone.

Hurt being a very relative term, sure. Like driving a car will pollute and so on. Do you own a car?

Anyway, smoking is about addiction and addiction is about doing something against your own best interests.

It's funny many people on here are talking about banning guns, you know for the greater good. Yet a guy vents about smoking and then everyone is concerned about peoples rights.

Stop imagining things.

The majority was right behind SamX and his post. The reason I didn't like it - was because of how he correlated the bad and harmful habit of smoking with the personality of the people who're addicted to it.

I'm against smoking and everything that will harm people without benefit outweighing harm.

I'm not spouting bullshit, it's called facts.

It will never be a fact because you call it a fact.

You sure do get worked up easily and jump to the insults. Ridiculously stupid, insultingly ignorant, I don't think so.

When people claim I have no problem with people dying - I respond negatively. Compared to that claim, I think I was being very mild.

You see, words have a meaning - and you should know what you're accusing people of.

Just look around you despite the over whelming numbers people are way more concerned with gun violence than smoking deaths. You don't see nearly the outrage because smoking deaths come slowly over the years and don't get plastered on the news when they happen. People may not be "fine" with smoking deaths but they seem more concerned with peoples right to smoke.

I have no idea what you're talking about. Smoking has been a growing concern worldwide for many, many years.

It's a constant concern.

Gun violence is the rage now because of how many sickening incidents we've seen in recent years.

You're using your fantasy scenarios as some kind of reality. Millions of people are very, very concerned with how smoking harms people.

But it has been a freedom so far - and you can't expect people to just appreciate having that taken away - regardless of your own position on smoking.

Surly logic would tell you that fixing the smoking epidemic would save many more lives than banning guns.

Have I claimed otherwise? No, and you can't point it out either. So stop this fantasy crap - it's annoying.

You have posted many times it's about saving lives if you truly believe that I have a hard time seeing why you have a problem with what i've posted.

I have a problem with you claiming people don't care about how people are dying from smoke.

Just because we're discussing gun control doesn't mean we forget everything else. You're like DTE when you can't separate issues.

I can be very anti-smoking and yet understand the nature of addiction, and my entire point - all the way - has been that you can't correlate smoking with a defective personality. We're all subject to bad habits and we all behave in a way that's harmful to other people. That's my point.

It has nothing to do with defending smoking - but clarifying that the problem isn't defective people or "bad people". It's the universal weakness of human nature - and we're ALL subject to that.

THAT and only that was my problem with SamX's ludicrous and ignorant post.
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