Shadow of the Eternals - Game Put on Hold


Part-Time News-bot
October 1, 2010
Precursor Games announces that development of Shadow of the Eternals project is now on hold. This comes after the unsuccessful kickstarter and the promise to find another way to get the game out

It is with a heavy heart that we have decided to put the Shadow of the Eternals project on hold. We are very happy with what we have accomplished both as a group and with the community. The community has blown us away and was the one thing that kept us going through it all - we cannot thank you enough.

Many of us will be taking a break. For those who are not aware, we all worked on this project as a labor of love and self financed 100% of everything for a over a year to try to make Shadow of the Eternals a reality. Although we did not succeed on doing this, we succeeded in making many friends and starting something that we hope provided value for those involved. We have no regrets.

Denis, Phil and Aaron have decided to continue to run the forums for those who wish to stay hang out and talk. Denis, Phil and Aaron will also be taking a break but will be around posting and talking with everyone when they can. Others from Precursor will also be popping in from time to time.

Is the project dead? No, but we feel it needs a rest too. We have all agreed as a group that when and if the time is right we will get together and start it up again.

Keep your head high everyone and remember what we have accomplished together.

- The Precursor Games Team .
More information.
Oct 1, 2010
Well this is somewhat sad. I pledged in the Kickstarter but not the other funding attempt. The game was interesting but for whatever reason it did not grab me or strike a passion probably due to being a short action-adventure game and not much of an RPG. Hopefully they can figure out how they want to retool this and try again later but I'm certain they need to change it up but don't know exactly how either.
Apr 23, 2010
Why not?
Apr 12, 2009
Obviously project management and or business management didn't know what to do. Perhaps there was a game designer, who energized the team, but as some of us know that AIN'T ENOUGH!
Mar 21, 2013
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