The Witcher 2 - Dark Edition Sold Out in US


August 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
The Witcher 2: Dark Edition has joined Europe in selling out in the US, so says this press release:
The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Dark Edition sold out in the US

Almost two weeks before its premiere, the Dark Edition of The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings has been sold out in the United States. A few weeks ago the game developer CD Projekt RED informed, that this edition is no longer available in Europe.

“It’s great news for us, that the Dark Edition was such a success worldwide. I hope players will appreciate the gadgets we prepared for them. We’d like to remind you that there are still remaining copies of The Enhanced Edition of The Witcher 2. By buying this version of the game you still get more, than you would expect from a standard Xbox game. Apart from the manual and the game itself it contains an official soundtrack CD, a quest handbook and a world map.” – said Michał Nowakowski, member of CD Projekt RED’s board.

The Witcher 2: Assassin of Kings will be available for Xbox 360 and PC on April 17th. On the 5th of April CD Projekt RED will host a conference in its HQ. During a streamed presentation the developer will present more details concerning the upcoming release.
...and there's an introductory catch-up video for those who don't know the story from The Witcher 1.
More information.
Aug 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
I've seen so many different editions out I'm totally confused at what the differences are.

Yesterday at a computer store, I saw Witcher 2 v2.0. Today I read on another website that the 'Enhanced Edition' is coming out on April 18th. Today, I read here about a 'Dark Edition.' Can anyone clarify?
Oct 18, 2006
I think 2.0 was the 'Complete Edition' for PC which included all available DLC etc. at the time. Dark Edition is 2.0 plus the extra 4 hours game play / quests and more cinematic etc. that they've created since they started on the 360 version.

All of which is / will be downloadable on PC for free, so unless you want a boxed copy that contains everything, or a 360 version it doesn't matter much.

I didn't google though so I could be wrong.
Mar 25, 2011
New Zealand
I'm happy for them as they deserve the money and sales. I'm worried though that there future games might focus on the console first and the pc as an after thought.

Call me jaded but I've seen it happen to many developers.
Oct 1, 2010
I'm happy for them as they deserve the money and sales. I'm worried though that there future games might focus on the console first and the pc as an after thought.

Call me jaded but I've seen it happen to many developers.

I hope not, and I suspect not, if only because their current business model of PC first seems to have served them so well.
Feb 6, 2008
This particular universe
That introductory video is too much too fast, I hope that's now hot they expect new players to catch up on the story.
Oct 8, 2009
I hope not, and I suspect not, if only because their current business model of PC first seems to have served them so well.

If the 360 version is successful, and I'm thinking it will be, I wouldn't be surprised if future games were multi-platform from the get go. That might irk some PC gamers. Maybe they would do a timed release with the PC version released first, consoles later, but I doubt we'll see PC exclusives in this franchise going forward.

On the plus side, the control scheme for Witcher 2 was designed with controller mapping in mind, and that worked out fine, so I don't think they would have to make any fundamental gameplay changes to make them console friendly. And CPR will probably continue to offer their upgrades and special goodies for the PC players.
Mar 7, 2012
I think 2.0 was the 'Complete Edition' for PC which included all available DLC etc. at the time. Dark Edition is 2.0 plus the extra 4 hours game play / quests and more cinematic etc. that they've created since they started on the 360 version.
What? Where did you read this?

TW2 2.0 is the updated version of TW2, it means it has been updated! As simple as that! All PC versions of TW2 get all of the updates and all of the DLCs, including TW2 2.00. The current version is 2.1.

There are 2 x360 versions, TW2 EE edition (which has more content than TW2 2.1) and Dark Edition, which is the collector's edition of TW2 for X360. It is basically the same as TW2EE with some extra stuff. For example a making of DVD, real map, medallion, manual, art-book, etc. It's not more cinematic, it doesn't have more ingame content than TW2EE, only the extra stuff.

All PC versions of TW2 will be updated to Enhanced Edition as soon as the TW2 for X360 is out. It has more ingame content, more cinematics (but it's not more cinematic, there's a huge difference), etc.
May 17, 2009
Thanks for clearing that up, I guess I should've googled it. It's not surprising that it sold out then if it's just the 360 CE.

It begs the question, why release a 2.0 version at all. Why not wait and re-release the game on PC along side the 360 one with all the new content included on the disk.
Mar 25, 2011
New Zealand
The 2.0 version was released awhile ago so is pretty much an intermediary release which included the 2.0 patch which was rather large and included new content. (just like the upcoming version) There are many games which have intermediary versions at points when they release a significant amount of new content in order for new players to have all current content when they buy it and also to try and get some new customers.
Oct 19, 2006
TW2 2.00 included all of the previous DLCs plus new ones, as well as a patch addressing some bugs and issues. It think the same will happen for X360 version as well and we will see occasional updates, patches and other free DLCs.

CD Projekt is a company known for supporting their products. TW1 got the same treat as well, TW1EE was a huge update for TW1 which introduced many new cool features, two playable campaigns (say, DLCs) and they even went as far as overhauling the voice acting!
May 17, 2009
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