Alpha Protocol - Global Conspiracy Walkthrough Video


August 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
Danutz_plusplus from our forums points out a meaty Alpha Protocol video at Gametrailers. The 15 minute walkthrough sees Producer Matthew Rorie showing off a sizeable chunk of play and demonstrating most of the game systems, albeit with a combat-oriented commando-style character.
The HD version is here and the SD version, here.
More information.
Aug 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
The game looks good to me, seems like Deus Ex and probably by intent.
Oct 23, 2006
It looks great, of course looks and plays are two different things.

Obviously console controls and UI, I sure hope they spend the time to make sure the PC UI and controls are done well. I've never played a FPS on a console is it normal to be jerking around that much when trying to aim?

Note to developers, don't ask me if I want to save my changes every time I leave the inventory screen, I'll hate you in no time. Make it an option at least. Also there had better be quick keys directly to the individual menu options so I don't have to go through that horrible 3 paned "character" menu every time.

I noticed a lot of enemy animations would start, reset and then play all the way through, he mentioned it was a little buggy once when that happened, hopefully that's what he was talking about.

Any reason we can't customize our character a tiny bit? Even so much as choosing if Horton is a white, black or asian guy? Perhaps his race is important to the story *shrug*

I like that you're given a choice on what to do with the weapons shipment. I hope this is the only choice I've seen because they're trying not to release spoilers, not because it's the only real choice you get. Otherwise it looks like a lot of fun, I'll definitely be buying it.
Mar 2, 2009
Any reason we can't customize our character a tiny bit?

I´ve seen a vid where he had a Castrobeard.

Personally, I can´t really say this walkthrough made me more excited about the game.

Action seemed somewhat bland and repetitive overall, though the tower destroyage was pretty cool. Hopefully there´s plenty of opportunities in the environment interaction department.

AI was nonexistent and the boss fight was ridiculous.
Plus, it actually seemed like all choices would lead to the same output, the only difference being whether you score cool points with the dudette, or not.

Video showing more of the nonhostile environment would be nice, as well as some more info on mission diversity.
Apr 4, 2008
I´ve seen a vid where he had a Castrobeard.

Personally, I can´t really say this walkthrough made me more excited about the game.

Action seemed somewhat bland and repetitive overall, though the tower destroyage was pretty cool. Hopefully there´s plenty of opportunities in the environment interaction department.

AI was nonexistent and the boss fight was ridiculous.
Plus, it actually seemed like all choices would lead to the same output, the only difference being whether you score cool points with the dudette, or not.

Video showing more of the nonhostile environment would be nice, as well as some more info on mission diversity.

True, I guess it's about your expectations going in. I'm trying to take it face value, a slightly RPG FPS. A little more FPS focused Mass Effect. I had some concerns about the damage model too, I wish they would have shown a single-shot take down from a rifle.

Though I share your concerns over the AI, they seemed virtually cannon fodder. And yes, the boss fight was ridiculous. Boss fights don't really make any sense in this setting as any single un-armored boss should die just as easily from a bullet to the head as Mr. CannonFodder.

I think it was a mission from the beginning of the story, those dudette cool points might make a big difference later in the game.

Though I may have my rose tinted glasses on because I need something to look forward to that isn't Gothic 4a/b or my rapidly shrinking excitement for Dragon Age. Besides I'm a sucker for any RPG that has real ( or at least realistic ) guns. I'm so sick of swords & undead.
Mar 2, 2009
I think it's looking really good. Not revolutionary at all, but looking like it could be one of those games where a lot of tried and tested elements are actually used cleverly and successfully together.
Unfortunately it looks too action and combat heavy for me, which is a shame.
Jun 8, 2008
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