Top 10 CRPGs of all time

Guess I'll have to check out Prelude to Darkness.

Anyway, in some semblance of order:

1) Ultima 7 TBG & SI
2) Ultima Underworld 1 & 2
3) Planescape: Torment
4) Deus Ex (Can't leave it out, so I'm calling it an RPG no matter what)
5) Fallout
6) System Shock 1 & 2 (See 4)
7) Wizardry 7 and 8
8) Baldur's Gate 1 & 2
9) Vampire: Bloodlines
10) Gothic 1, 2 + NOTR

And then you've got the likes of: Arcanum, Arx Fatalis, KotOR, Dark Sun series, Gold box series, Bard's Tale, Phantasie, Eye of the Beholder series, and Origin's Martian Dreams and The Savage Empire. I'm sure I've forgotten a bunch.
Dec 1, 2007
Well it seems like The Witcher is pretty good game. I would try out myself, but my PC is not upto standard to play that. A pity.

And I can see fair number of ppl included Arcanum in there list... I dont like that game at all. Very.... sexist game. And wrong. I mean, seriously, you get to **** a sheep....
1) Quest for Glory 2
2) Ultima 5
3)Fallout 1
4) The Witcher
5) System Shock 2
6) Planescape Torment
7)Realms of Arkania 3 Shadows over Riva
8)Forgotten Realms Unlimited Adventures (still going strong with a small but dedicated community)
9)Sword of Aragon (strategy/RPG hybrid)
10)Legacy of the Ancients

There are tons that I could add like Albion, starflight, privateer 2, Temple of Apshia, Wasteland, Savage Empire, Stronghold, Shannara, Darklands, Champions of krynn, Bards tale, Autoduel and a whole bunch of others but I'm only allowed 10 :(

Baldurs gate should be in my list but it has already recieved tons of support. I figured some of these little guys should get some love too. Espcially legacy of the ancients. I don't know how many hours I spent on that game but it was one of the greats when computer games were just coming out.
Feb 3, 2007
Baldurs gate should be in my list but it has already recieved tons of support. I figured some of these little guys should get some love too. Espcially legacy of the ancients. I don't know how many hours I spent on that game but it was one of the greats when computer games were just coming out....
Lol you start with "good reason" like this to not really say your thinking and you ends in the worse where many reviewers fail into. Ok you aren't a reviewer, but common many people cheat here and put a bit more than 10, I feel this much better than what you did.
Oct 14, 2007
What did I do? I don't understand what you just said.

If it has to do with not adding baldur's gate. I still go with my top ten list. Like I said it should be there but everyone and their grandmother loves that game. There are older games that are just as good if not better and don't get to be on a list because not as many people have played them. Like Unlimited adventures, quest for glory or Legacy of the Ancients. Totally better games that Baldur's.
Feb 3, 2007
Come to think of it, I never made a list. So here we go:

1) Planescape:Torment. Probably the funniest game I've ever played, it had exactly everything I want in a cRPG. Great story, great NPC's, great atmosphere, humour, great quests. And you didn't have to spend most of the game fighting in order to advance. A pity I didn't finnish it the first time I played it (I made the mistake to restart the game when I was 3/4 in). Finnishing it is one of my goals in life. :D
2) Fallout 2. The first cRPG I played, and the reason my English is as good as it is. I have to admit I went through the game with a walkthrough, but I started playing it when I was 11 and finnished it when I was 13 (well, I was closer to 16 when I REALLY finnished it) so I needed help from somewhere! Same as with Ps:T though, atmosphere, NPC's, humour, quests and (to some extent) story where the killer points of this game. Just not as good as Ps:T.
3) Vampire The Masquerede:Bloodlines. The only game I really, really enjoyed since I played Ps:T five years ago. Thanks to Ps:T I have high standards, but VtM:B delivered. The voiceacting is the best I've seen in any game so far, and the atmosphere was great too. And so was the quests. Speaking against it is the weak finnish though (but weak finnishes isn't exactly unheard of).
4) Arcanum. I must have made about 100 characters in Arcanum, some even got pretty far. I only finnished it once though, but that sais more about me than Arcanum. When I think back it was more uneven than the games mentioned above, but it's peaks is as high as theirs. It allso had a feature lacking in the other games, namely exploreing. Just wandering across the map could net you with some nice suprize areas (the best was bringing Geoffrey Tarellond-Ashe to the Ainchent Temple and revive Torian Key...).
5) Fallout. Pretty much like Fallout 2, only much smaller.

The key point I think all these games got right was balance. You spent most of the time doing other things than fight, and therefore fighting never got repetitive (acually, the parts where you DID fight just got funnier because of this (not thinking Ps:T though)). That, and they all involve humour that I acually found funny. This is allso my major list, the following five games are more fillers than anything (at least after KotOR1).

6) Star Wars:Knights of the Old Republic. The first RPG I played on my own computer. I could have everything turned on max! ^^ Apart from that it was a pretty good RPG, even though it got a bit repetitive. Nice plothook.
7) SW:KotOR 2. Like the first game, only worse. The story wasn't as good, the quests wasn't as good, and it got even more repetitive than the first game... Not to mention it's unfinished state. It's on the list because I finnished it... I'm looking forward to the team-gizka mod though, it might acually put KotOR2 up there with the first game.
8) Lionheart. Decent first half, though I thought it lacked... soul. I got tired of the second half pretty fast. On the list because it used the SPECIAL system. *cough*
9) Divine Divinity. I liked DD, I got it in a time when I had literaly nothing to do in my spare time. Too much fighting for my likeing (that I spent allmost the entire end game in frogshape running sais it all about that part of the game...), but fun nontheless. Exelent timefiller, but not more. The best thing about it was that it introduced me to the Larian community (and online forums), but that's another story.
10) Jade Empire. It's pretty good. So far (I'm on level 8 I think)...

As you can see I ran out of worthy games to put on my list pretty fast. Damn you Ps:T, you gave me waaay too high standards when it comes to cRPG's...

Jul 11, 2007
...Damn you Ps:T, you gave me waaay too high standards when it comes to cRPG's...
It's weird, I attempt played it at least three time, and each time I found it's beginning obscure and not catchy and worse fighting and area design repetitive so boring. I've never been able to go very far because of that.
Oct 14, 2007
@Dasale Dude, then don't count my top ten if it ruffles your feathers so much ;) because I'm sticking with my top ten. Baldur's should be in there but isn't because I don't want it to be. :biggrin:
Feb 3, 2007
@Dasale Dude, then don't count my top ten if it ruffles your feathers so much ;) because I'm sticking with my top ten. Baldur's should be in there but isn't because I don't want it to be. :biggrin:
Yep I have understood quite well! In the calc that sums the "votes" anyway I won't take any new until a long time... why? Because it's "votes" before the calc, something different than votes after the calc!!! :biggrin:
Oct 14, 2007
It's weird, I attempt played it at least three time, and each time I found it's beginning obscure and not catchy and worse fighting and area design repetitive so boring. I've never been able to go very far because of that.

How far did you get? Just to give us/me a hint of what you referr to as the beginning.

And that you find the combat repetitive and boring, that's how I find allmost all combat in RPG's if the game relies too heavily on it (BG 1 & 2 was worse than Ps:T IMO. Not to mention IWD 1 & 2...), something I don't think Ps:T does (since it's main focus is story and characterinteraction. It allso has some nice puzzles to divert your mind so that the combat doesn't wear out). And if nothing else it's infinity engine so at least it floats pretty well. Or, at least I think so... :rolleyes:

Jul 11, 2007
How far did you get? Just to give us/me a hint of what you referr to as the beginning....
Dammit to answer you I'll have to try it one more time, it's too long ago plus my memory reject fast the bad stuff!! :biggrin:
Oct 14, 2007
Not sure I agree with that. I've slogged thru a game or two waiting for it to eventually "get good" and never getting the payoff.

if that is true... I don't think many ppl would have got through morrowind... the rate I'm going at now...
Planescape: Torment
-Great plot. Great characters. Way too short, though.

holy cow! you think PS:T was SHORT?????

I think that game has the best storyline ever but... I had to take a long break in between to finish the game because there was just way too much text. It certrainly felt long enough for me! Also I think I had restart game once or twice because I lost few quest items.... and sometimes relying on walkthroughs...
Well, MW was one game that I gave up on after many hours and numerous attempts. I really tried hard to like it, but I just couldn't. I tried again after they made me the moderator on the RPGDot Morrowind forums back in the day (felt it was a responsibility), and failed again.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
if that is true... I don't think many ppl would have got through morrowind... the rate I'm going at now...
I got it in 2002, took me 18 months to play through it for the first time (main quest and one guild questline), then started with the first addon and a new character, missed the second addon when it came out and later acquired a different language GotY version including both addons and started over, playing through all three quests and two more guild questlines. I also did some exploration just for fun; last reinstall was in 2007. Oblivion had Hieronymus Lex and the thieves guild questline which was very entertaining, yet I played through the main storyline only once and started two separate attempts to play through two different guild questlines (lost interest in both instances - seems like the thieves questline was the best of them, and that I had done during my first walkthrough).
Aug 31, 2006
20 pages and I haven't replied? Well that is something I shall have to remedy, then, isn't it?

In alphabetical order:

  • Ambermoon
  • Baldurs Gate
  • Deus Ex
  • Divine Divinity
  • Gothic 1
  • Gothic 2
  • Planescape: Torment
  • Realms of Arkania 2: Star Trail
  • Realms of Arkania 3: Shadows over Riva
  • Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines

The Witcher not played yet, for the Ultimas I was too late. Not enough space in the list to include RoA1 and Albion. ;)
Aug 30, 2006
I've only been Gaming since 96, but in that short time I found my true love in genre's and that's the RPG. The Following is my top ten list.

1. Gothic 2/NOTR: It just doesnt get any better than this.
2. Gothic 1: Gave a new definition of coolness to the Genre.
3. Planescape Torment: What a Story, and Characters that felt alive.
4. Baldurs Gate 1/TOTSC: My First real RPG after i finished Diablo. Took some getting used to, then i was Hooked!! almost Tolkienesk.
5. Baldurs Gate 2/TOBGreat fun and adventure, trying to get out of the Drow city alive..heh
6. Gothic 3:What? no climbing and they removed the great combat system of its predecessors? Sacrilage!! Still fun and Vast!!
7. Oblivion:Still havnt finished but enjoying this one thouroughly, once i got the bag of holding mod that is..heh (currently playing this)
8.Icewind Dale 1&2:Love the infinity Engine which made this game fun but the atmosphere was a bit cold for my tastes.
9. Gorasul:Not a very well liked game. For some reason, I really liked it, but too short.
10. Summoner: A bit consolish, but the story was decent and the dialogue was plenty if not over the top at times, enjoyed this one.

Games i have yet to play that i own and plan on playing.

2.Temple of elemental Evil
3.Two Worlds
4.Divine Divinty
Last edited:
Jan 9, 2008
Hi and welcome. I'd suggest putting Lionheart at the bottom of your list; it got terrible reviews!!
Aug 31, 2006
The Barcelona part, roughly the first half of the game, is actually excellent in my opinion. However, the second half of the game is a complete failure; my guess is the developers were out of money.

Just my opinion, of course.
Oct 18, 2006
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