Hey Smokers: I Hate You

I'm not keen on smoking, but smokers are ten times better than the myriad of aggressive drunks that take over our town centres on Friday and Saturday evenings.

I read the local paper - stabbing? Sunday morning, 2am outside a nightclub. Sexual assault? Friday night at 11.30. Alcohol is the perfect drug to turn normal, albeit often slightly dumb, individuals into rutting, squabbling monkeys. I really wish they'd legalise dope so we could sedate these idiots instead.
Aug 12, 2007
Sammy, for once I totally agree with everything you wrote!! :)

So can I. :)

Although I must say that it's everyone's own choise to smoke or not smoke in their own home for example. In public space banning smoking is a right thing to do.
Oct 19, 2006
Nothing like a hate rant.

You could replace your moral highground "smokers" with something like "jews" or "black people" and you'd still be an intolerant twat.
Jul 10, 2007
Yeah smokers suck, no pun intended. Standing in a huddle of pedestrians at the lights and some jerk upwind is wafting smoke over everyone? Not cool. Sitting at a cafe enjoying a bite of lunch and the table next to you lights up? Very not cool.

I smoked as a youth and probably wafted my stench over others, so I can't get too high and mighty, but smoking seems more ridiculous in this day and age for some reason.

So does the Breakfast Club for that matter.
May 29, 2010
I must agree on that one, mofo. Breakfast Club really hasnt aged very well, i tried watching it again and it's pretty cringe-worthy. Not as bad as crimes against humanity like Mork & Mindy, but still… you know, in a way Bender is totally appropriate symbolically when discussing the era, smoking, etc. He like smoking was the epitome of cool back then. He made the Fonz look like a nerd. And now, *cringe**

Has it been conclusively proven/disproven that secondhand smoke is dangerous yet? I would guess that all depends on the amount of exposure. I need to look that up, bolster my disdain with convenient science factoids. Maybe i can win Dart over after all.

"sirjames" :
You could replace your moral highground "intolerance" and "racism" with something like "Hitler and his KKK" and you'd be such an Hero. Thanks for calling.
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Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
Maybe youre right. If you cant beat 'em, join 'em. Maybe i could get him at least smoking cloves, something that smells at least semi-pleasant.
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
Maybe you should go back and read his original post again.

Same old crap though, isn't it?

"I don't like the smell"
Many do. He probably doesn't burn incense either, right? I always loved the smell of a camp fire and tobacco smoke is quite agreeable compared to car exhaust that I'm sure he's contributed tonnes of to the air. All those chemicals washed into the ocean from his various hygiene products. Probably breathing in chemicals right now from an air freshener or fly spray.

"passive smoking"
Your old man smoked? Why didn't you get addicted? Got any cancer?

Look whats really going on here, man. Dudes just picked a safe topic to rant hate over that people won't be able to easily oppose. It's not gonna solve his "issue" and wasn't intended to. He's angry cos he's intolerant and he's venting hate. Dude should just relax. Clearly he hasn't done much partying or it would just remind him of the good old days like it does for me.
Jul 10, 2007
Sure. I kinda spazzed out, I'll admit it.

But sooner or later you have to expect that rolling out the conga line of nazis and klansmen gets fuckin old. Really
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
I hate smoking too. But i wouldn't go that far calling all smokers idiots.

It is an adiction and some people have serious problems quitting. Besides, we all have some things that make people angry with us. My neighbors going crazy when i decide to listen to some music. I like to listen music to maximum volume.

But yes, i hate smoking
Oct 4, 2007
Many do. He probably doesn't burn incense either, right? I always loved the smell of a camp fire and tobacco smoke is quite agreeable compared to car exhaust that I'm sure he's contributed tonnes of to the air. All those chemicals washed into the ocean from his various hygiene products. Probably breathing in chemicals right now from an air freshener or fly spray.
"passive smoking"
Your old man smoked? Why didn't you get addicted? Got any cancer?

Wow… those analogies were even worse than your last one, and I didn't think that was possible. :)

Look whats really going on here, man. Dudes just picked a safe topic to rant hate over that people won't be able to easily oppose. It's not gonna solve his "issue" and wasn't intended to. He's angry cos he's intolerant and he's venting hate. Dude should just relax. Clearly he hasn't done much partying or it would just remind him of the good old days like it does for me.

Many people have a strong dislike of second-hand smoke. It's perfectly natural and doesn't make them intolerant. It's also hilarious that you think anyone who used to party should for some reason be more tolerant or even like it.

So he was frustrated and felt like writing a rant. Big fucking deal. If it offends you that much then feel free to go elsewhere.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Have you ever smoked habitually, Dart? I'm betting you havent. You and Jemy are gonna break out your textbooks and look up "smoker", and think you have all the answers for us.

I don't use textbooks - I use my ability to perceive and comprehend.

Yes, many years ago I smoked out of habit. I quit easily, though, because I started late and only smoked for a couple of years.

My knowledge of this subject not only comes from my observation of people, but my own experience as a smoker at about 19-20. Yes, i have been one of the walking chimneys myself. I smoked for about a year and a half or so, maybe 2 years, and in that time I thought I was pretty damn cool. I was primarily addicted to the act of smoking, not a chemical addiction. I'm not saying that nicotene was irrelevant, but overall I enjoyed the taste and smell of smoke. I liked to draw the taste in before I even lit the thing, then lighting it up is all the sweeter. I liked the fact that I could instantly relate with someone else I didnt know, the other smokers lurking around the designated smoking spot. Us rebels. I liked the way i appeared while smoking, i was just like Johnny Bender from the Breakfast Club!

Whereever your knowledge comes from, you don't seem to know anything about the nature of addiction or what makes people smoke.

You see, they don't start smoking because they want to affect other people negatively - EVER. Read that again. They NEVER start because they want to affect others negatively.

Realising that is the first step.

They tend to start without knowing too much about exactly what it will do to them or their bodies - and the vast majority start smoking at a young age, where experience is limited.

If people dont like it, tough shit. It's a free country. In fact I'm glad you dont like it. Deal with it.

I'm somehow not surprised this was your attitude, but it's not a universal attitude amongst smokers. In fact, a LOT of smokers go out of their way not to let it affect others negatively.

But even as stupid as that position was, it wasn't really what you believed - and you know it. It was just a natural defensive reaction because you were a habitual smoker - and you're the sort of person who'd rather reverse yourself entirely - so as to not admit being wrong.

Very much like your position on gun control and how you keep harping the same bullshit over and over.

And when I quit, it wasnt some shaky longing for a physical feeling plaguing me, i missed the act itself. I felt uncomfortable in social situations, and even alone, because I didnt have my little break from the world I gave myself every hour. My de-stresser, my ruminator. That little personal "time out" that I could sit there and stare at the floor, and think about things. While looking and feeling damn cool.

So, you should understand something about the challenge of quitting when physically addicted. Surprising you don't have much sympathy - or is it?

My wife says the same thing, and she smoked for 15 years. It's primarily the act of smoking that hooks you. 20 years ago it seemed like it was far more prevalent, at least it looks like it's waning in popularity and hopefully on the way out.

Of couse it's going away, and that's a good thing. It's bad for your health and we all know it.

Doesn't change that it's addictive and that a lot of people excel at being in denial. But that's being human - and blaming everyone for being human is useless.

And i know that I pretty much answered all my "questions" from my original post here, they werent really questions at all but ranting observations. I came home, my house smelled like crap, and I realized that this is a new fact of life living here. We've worked hard, saved up, and actually got a little lucky and now have kind of a dream home in a nice neighborhood. Now I have to watch my windows, and that enraged me beyond belief. Maybe I need to just simply go have a talk with my neighbor.

You freaked out because you don't like the smell of smoke. It bothers you because you're not in control of your own home. I understand that, and I can sympathise with the reaction. Your rant was still ludicrous, however.

Actually, i'm gonna go play some Trek. I cant believe I've been sucked into banging out huge posts again. I need to rant to vent, then let others do all the arguing. This is a waste of valuable time off work.

It's what happens when you vent in public. Trust me, I have more experience with compulsive posting than most people.
You should come to Germany. Smoking is prohibited in public rooms (like restaurants, railway stations etc.) already.

Me, I'm tolerant towards smokers. Until I must cough, that is, seriously. My lungs appear to be much more sensitive towards smoke, perfums and sprays.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
I find it hilarious (and sad) that certain smokers come in here and tell the OP and the other non-smokers off. Second hand smoke? Stop bitching/whining/hating! blahblahwoofwoof....

Take a look at yourself please. Can't stand the 'smell' of these posts? Stop bitching/whining/hating and gtfo. Oh btw, at the least you wont smell this post in the next thread. Can't say that about second hand smoke.
Jan 9, 2013
The Netherlands
Smokers aren't stupid, but some are really rude. When my daughter was young she had asthma and cigarette smoke would set off an attack. One time we were eating in a restaurant that did not have separate smoking/non-smoking sections and a guy at the next table lit up. I asked him to stop and explained about my daughter. His response? Blew a cloud of smoke her way. Fucking jerk.

I guess if it had been today and we had been in Florida I could have shot him.
Oct 24, 2006
Minnesota, USA
Smokers aren't stupid, but some are really rude. When my daughter was young she had asthma and cigarette smoke would set off an attack. One time we were eating in a restaurant that did not have separate smoking/non-smoking sections and a guy at the next table lit up. I asked him to stop and explained about my daughter. His response? Blew a cloud of smoke her way. Fucking jerk.

I guess if it had been today and we had been in Florida I could have shot him.

Guys like that don't deserve to live. What a jerk indeed.
Oct 19, 2006
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