Mickey, Meet Yoda: Disney to buy LucasFilm for a lot of $

Who exactly would be featured in the spin-off movies is still speculation -no announcement has been made yet AFAIK.
Aug 31, 2006
I'm guessing Abrams will solicit Jorge Garcia to reprise his role as Jabba the Hut in the Han Solo one off.
Oct 19, 2006
The Uncanny Valley
Well, there has been good stuff, too, like Bridge to Terabithia or Remember the Titans. Otherwise, considering Narnia and other not-so-good films… yeah, I can see where you are coming from. Not sure, but I believe they can do good with Star Wars.

Weren't the Marvel movies leading up to and including "The Avengers" done by a Disney subsidiary? Sadly they aren't getting JMS and Joss Whedon to work on the Star Wars movies.
Nov 20, 2006
Disney's made a lot of good movies in recent years, including the Avenger stuff and Pirate's of the Caribbean. If anyone's got a chance of getting this right, it's probably Disney. I still don't think the odds are in their favor though, given how demanding the Star Wars crowd is (myself included, heh).
Oct 18, 2006
The Avengers was a fun popcorn flick.

I realise that a lot of people wouldn't mind Star Wars being that kind of film - but I think its true potential lies in something with a bit more meat on it. Something like Empire Strikes Back taken further. Something like KotOR 2 in a movie format.

Obviously, with Abrams behind the wheel - that won't happen. At best, it will be something like The Avengers - but without the excellent snappy dialogue from Whedon.

I can't wait for the non-sensical plot and the lens flare in every scene.

Thought this might be of interest to some:
Op-ed: Disney takes a chainsaw to the Star Wars expanded universe
Aug 17, 2008
Dear Green Place
I love the biased view of writer of the article. Half the books and comics are better than every movie made. That's not an opinion it's a fact.

I can do without the other half though.;)

I can't wait for the garbage Disney is going to make. I shouldn't be surprised coming from a company that ruined the Brother Grimm fairy tales.

Then again Lucas didn't do any better with the pre-quels.:smartass:
Oct 1, 2010
Abrams is still behind the upcoming so-called canon, right?

I'd say that's more than enough to tell me why no one should ever care what's canon and what isn't.
Abrams is still behind the upcoming so-called canon, right?

I'd say that's more than enough to tell me why no one should ever care what's canon and what isn't.
I was half expecting some type of reboot. Just like he did with Star Trek.
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Oct 1, 2010
I love the biased view of writer of the article. Half the books and comics are better than every movie made. That's not an opinion it's a fact.

I must never made it too that half. I've tried multiple times to read SW books and the only one that didn't seem like it was written by a 3rd grader was the ROTS novelization (which was awesome, I must say).

The spin-off machine is in full gear. Apparently even Boba Fett is getting his own movie.


I can't see them doing this justice. I'm holding out hope, but I just can't see it. To do it right, Boba Fett has to be an anti-hero. The type of character that you have every reason to hate, but you don't care what horrible things he does, you still love him. That is very, very hard to pull off, and I just can't see Disney doing it.

I'm afraid we'll find out that underneath it all, Boba Fett was a good soul who just got caught up in the wrong things. :puke:
Jan 10, 2008
Austin, TX
I must never made it too that half. I've tried multiple times to read SW books and the only one that didn't seem like it was written by a 3rd grader was the ROTS novelization (which was awesome, I must say).
The whole collection of books is a mixed bag. I can agree with some of the books being terrible. The problem is the author called every comic and book garbage.

I found The Old Republic and Legacy comics to be good. I also found some of the new books to be decent. It would be nice to get a new series based on the Legacy comics.

Here is what the comic is about. It's better than anything Lucas has made.
Star Wars: Legacy is a comic book series written by John Ostrander, primarily pencilled and co-scripted by Jan Duursema, and inked by Dan Parsons. Published by Dark Horse Comics, Legacy's first issues were released in June 2006 following Dark Horse's revamp of its Star Wars line earlier in the year. Its initial tagline was "All new Sith Order! All new Empire! All new Skywalker!"

The series is set in the Legacy era, predominantly at 137 ABY. Its chief protagonist is Cade Skywalker, a descendant of the Skywalker family who has given up his Jedi heritage to pursue a life as a bounty hunter. Cade's story is set against the backdrop of a galaxy in a state of civil war, with a Sith Lord seated on the Imperial Throne seeing his power being challenged by many different forces.

Legacy was considered a bold move by many, as it delved nearly 100 years further into the Star Wars timeline than any other published material had previously done. Despite the uproar its announcement caused in 2006, it has since gone on to become one of the most well-received and popular Expanded Universe works of all time, as well as one of Dark Horse's best-selling comic series.

The series ran for 50 issues, ending with the release of Star Wars: Legacy 50: Extremes, Part 3 on August 12, 2010, but was continued with the six-part series Legacy—War that started December 2010 and itself concluded on May 25, 2011.

On December 3, 2012, Dark Horse Comics announced the return of the Star Wars: Legacy series; only this time, it will feature the great-great granddaughter of Han Solo and Leia Organa Solo.
Oct 1, 2010
As soon as Star Wars becomes a series of movies, I'm out.
I don't consider myself a Nerd, but I always had a distaste for mass phenomenons.
And Star Wars is already fairly big.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
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