BioWare - Mass Effect Trilogy Bundle Announced

Engaging Paragon/Renegade system? You mean the obvious choices whether or not to piss someone off? I didn't find that very engaging or much else about ME2 for that matter. I can only recall a single quest where the correct "choice" wasn't entirely obvious to me. (Project Overlord).

I did like the variety of companions in ME2, and some of their side missions were interesting. I liked Jack and Samara's loyalty quests in particular. Other than the companions though, I thought ME2 was a step backwards in pretty much every way.

yes but that is what me2 was about, the shitload of companions and backstories etc. the rpg elements were weakened, exploration was limited and yeah other thing done worse than the original, but as far as quests go, with the all the dlc its a much longer game. thankfully me3 brings back some of the strengths of me1, while offering even more in variety of gameplay, though its got its weaknessness as well. not sure if i could label any of the 3 as superior outright. though the fact that i've only played through me3 once probably means something, though we you factor in the multiplayer, i've easily eclipsed any replays of the other 2 games.
Oct 26, 2006
A punch line is supposed to be funny not depressing. ;)

My sense of humor is all about depressing ;)

All I can say is to each his own about Mass Effect. But, in my mind, Mass Effect was the only genuinely great game - and there's a SIGNIFICANT drop in overall quality from ME -> ME2 -> ME3.

I found Mass Effect 3 hollow and obviously rushed and half-assed - and I sometimes wonder how people can even like it. This is from someone who likes to consider himself reasonably objective.

I agree that some of the mechanics were improved, but the soul is completely gone - and there's no wonder or mystery left in the game. Those two aspects are at the forefront in the first game, and in my opinion - it's a huge part of great sci-fi. ME3 is just a really average shooter with a bland story and some decent RPG mechanics.
Engaging Paragon/Renegade system? You mean the obvious choices whether or not to piss someone off? I didn't find that very engaging or much else about ME2 for that matter. I can only recall a single quest where the correct "choice" wasn't entirely obvious to me. (Project Overlord).

*shrug* I really liked Paragon/Renegade interrupts. And that's my opinion :p I think it blend in really well with whole cinematic of ME2. A few interrupts I really liked includes the one where you shoot the tank that bursts in flames to shut that annoying Krogan who won't shut up :)
What I hate is if there is only a choice

- to anger person/faction 1 by not angering person/faction 2
- to anger person/faction 2 by not angering person/faction 1

and nothing in-between. Only black and white, or, even worse, only black and black (which was my purely personal impression of DA:O).

Replace "anger" with "piss off" as you see it fit.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
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