Legends of Dawn - Ready for Release


Cave Canem
August 30, 2006
Update number 23 for Legends of Dawn informs us that the game is ready for release.

The game you helped us complete is ready for release. Prepare for an epic fantasy adventure in Legends Of Dawn!
Freedom to explore big world, a comprehensive crafting system, spell generator, system of sacrifices, adaptable creature AI, a compelling story, modding capability, streaming technology, lots of mini games, and oodles of slashing, blasting and looting goodness. We hope that most of you will love playing it as we enjoyed making it. Last few months were totally crazy and we worked around the clock and over weekends to finish it.
We have connected with Humble Bundle to bring Legends of Dawn to you. All our Kickstarter backers should receive their steam keys soon by connecting with Humble Bundle

1. go to the https://www.humblebundle.com/store/keyresender

2. enter the same email address that you backed with

Please accept our sincere apologies as things went out of sync and the game went public before we published this update or sent a single announcement.

As we kept saying during last few months as we stumbled upon so many challenges; for us all this self publishing stuff is totally new so the lack of experience and internal resources resulted in delays and today in confusion.

However excuse can't help us now, we have to focus on so many things and we'll try to respond to you as much as we physically can.

For now we can fulfill tiers partially and as we complete other goodies we'll let you know. At the moment Legends Of Dawn is available on Steam and we are working hard to make it available on other major online platforms.
Here is the launch trailer:

More information.
Aug 30, 2006
Very buggy and clunky. Was hoping it wouldn't be like it is...but it is. Looks dated.
Apr 17, 2007
Very disappointed to hear that; I was really looking forward to this game. They are trashing the game pretty hard over on steam forums and "clunky,alpha,unplayable" seem to be the most repetitive words I'm hearing. I just hope they(the devs) stick with it and get some patches out for people and I hear improvements in gameplay. Fifteen bucks is cheap enough but I was not expecting something like this after all the buildup.
Oct 18, 2006
How are the character building options? I have time on my hands.
now that's just too bad. I thought it had potential though I didn't back it. Was JUST about to pick it up and wandered over here instead. Guess I'll pass for now. Thanks rune!
Feb 3, 2011
The character gen is very basic at start...I haven't played enough to say if it is deep or not....
Apr 17, 2007
The character gen is very basic at start…I haven't played enough to say if it is deep or not….

A few screenshots have made my mouth water. I'm not scared by t the supposed alpha state, I'm playing Lionheart's Barcelona once a year just for the character building.
Congratulations Aurofinity & Dreamatrix! Wish you commercial success!!

Note on buggy state: The developer probably had no more money and the game was under development for so long that they wanted it OUT of the door so they can have some rest. Then look at feedback and try to improve. But rest first.
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Mar 21, 2013
I also frequent the Grim Dawn forums and they are trashing the game as well. Numerous bugs, features that don't work, and just a bad, unfinished, unplayable mess. i am SO disappointed to hear that. After the crap known as D3, what i hear the new developer is going to do with my beloved Sacred franchise, and now this, i am just sad and pissed off.
Just got it started. First impressions is that it looks very amateurish, I am afraid and the camera angle restricts the FOV too much, making exploring feel claustrophobic. Graphics appear very dated. Maybe it will get better.
May 18, 2012
Somerset/London UK
OK, I am not a backer and I haven't tried this yet. And I am sure many complaints are probably valid. But I really am not sure "looks dated" is a valid complaint. I mean this game received $46.500 through Kickstarter - what do you expect? anything above "eye-gougingly ugly at 5 FPS" should be considered a success.
Oct 18, 2006
Over at the Steam forums, reactions seem to have shifted from "OMFG horrible" to balanced. Still I'm holding off on this, gladly I could resist the impulse to buy anything in the wee hours of the morning.
Is this a bad RPG to the core or just buggy and unfinished? I mean let's imagine there are no bugs. Is this game any good?
Feb 19, 2011
Search for 'Legends of Dawn hot chick'. All questions will be answered.
Is this a bad RPG to the core or just buggy and unfinished? I mean let's imagine there are no bugs. Is this game any good?

Well - it's certainly buggy and unfinished. The absolute worst thing about it, that makes it essentially unplayable for me, is the look at your feet view. There are also some bugs with movement. Your actions have little connection with what they are acting on in combat, when opening stuff etc. Combine that with other obvious bugs and a general lack of polish and it would be poor effort at an early beta.

As to whether the game would have promise if it could be patched up, I think that it may, I get the feeling that some of the mechanics may be interesting. But, as things stand you'd need to be pretty masochistic to find out. As to the graphics they are just a bit outdated and the character modelling is low polygon & coarse, could live with that, but really it's consequence of their decision to do everything from scratch in house, which is thoroughly misguided IMOP.

Looks to me that they totally underestimated how long they'd need to make the game and were forced to release it through lack of funds.
May 18, 2012
Somerset/London UK
The absolute worst thing about it, that makes it essentially unplayable for me, is the look at your feet view.

What do you mean by that?
Oct 18, 2006
I played for another hour...and spent it going from house to house emptying chests in front of their owners without anyone doing anything. Found a cool weapon and helmet though, that was neat.

Your guy walks so slow it takes awhile to get to areas. I still for the life of me haven't figured out how you are supposed to unlock creates.

I looked at the crafting side menu and their seems a ton of things that you can craft.

He means that the camera sits right above your guy so it is hard to see far away...no zoom.
Apr 17, 2007
What do you mean by that?

The isometric camera angle is almost an overhead view so you can't see your surroundings and are just looking at the ground the whole time. That's been a problem with several ARPGs, but this is the worst case I've seen. There's meant to be zoom on the middle mouse button, but it does very little.
May 18, 2012
Somerset/London UK
Ah, thanks. Well the control and camera issues don't sound good. I'll let this simmer and check back after a few patches (if they come) I guess...
Oct 18, 2006
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