The Totally NEW Team Corwin Thread

You get a 1 time bonus for finishing a quest at any level; Elite grants 50% IIRC. On top of that, each higher level offers a bit more XP than the previous, though I don't know how much (don't think that it is a flat % increase across the board).

If we're running on elite, we definitely need a Rogue.
Jun 28, 2007
In the Middle of Nowhere
Hey gang.

Wow. I've never had a sick come on so hard and fast. I won't bore you with the details other than to say I'm only JUST starting to feel better. I hope to be here on Friday.
Nov 9, 2006
Glad to see you're getting better. Look forward to your joining us.
Aug 31, 2006
Welcome to the RPGWatch DDO playing group, Temptress. :) See you on Friday.

What character type are you playing and which level is she? Have you bought any adventure packs? If not we can get you guest passes to the packs we're playing. I think Corwin talked about doing Shan-To-Kor in the Marketplace area next Friday. That is a Pay-2-Play pack.

Please tell if you need to play a bit to get XP and when you have time to login. Then we can arrange some sessions where you can earn some. I have a level 7 cleric that can be helpful in level 3-7 sessions. I guess Joe's monk (level 3 now) could benefit from some extra sessions to get XP. I guess Corwin and Azraelck are also online from time to time. Some of us have spare items to share as well to make life easier when you're low level. E. g. my characters have lots of magic arrows I don't use.
Oct 18, 2006
Oslo, Norway
My paladin just turned level 8 so I've sent him on vacation for quite some time now. I guess he will get back when we get quite a bit of level 6-7 characters in the guild.

This means I will be using my level 7 cleric in the upcoming playing sessions. He's a great healer and buffer, but can also fight decently if we only have 1 fighter / paladin in the group.

If you want to get 15k or more XP from a quest series then I propose Tangleroot Gorge (Assault on Splinterskull) entrance via House Phiarlan or Delara's tomb via house Jorasco. Both are pay-2-play adventure packs. We will certainly do Delara's tomb when most of the guild players have reached level 6, but you can do either with some characters in PuG (pick up groups). Especially Delara's tomb groups look for players via the Grouping under Social. Many play this quest series several times because you get lots of XP and great loot even after playing the series 3-4 times.
Oct 18, 2006
Oslo, Norway
Corwin wondered if his sorcerer's haste spell will be useful. I can from experience say that haste is very useful indeed fighting big groups or having to travel quickly through dangerous areas. Many PuG's search specifically for players who can cast haste so it's one of the best buffs out there. So that's a hint to Corwin to bring his sorcerer. :)

My level 7 cleric has some great buffs as well like mass aid giving +14 HP to all PC's for quite some time. That's very important for e. g. sorcerers and rogues. I can even buff attack/damage rolls, magic circle against evil, energy resistance, stat buffs etc. So I feel that we can actually take most quests for level 3-7 with our level 4-5 characters. The level 3-4 quests on elite, 4-5 on hard and 6-7 on normal.
Oct 18, 2006
Oslo, Norway
I have a level 4 fighter (In Guild) and a level 2 rogue.

Here's the thing that I feel may be important. I can't afford to buy anything. Not even $5. So, if that is a burden then of course I understand. I don't want to take from the team ALL the time. It wouldn't be fair to you guys.

I've enjoyed playing so far although game-play is limited in a way that I don't really like. I enjoyed NWN team play MUCH better and still do actually. The main reason I want to play is for the fun of joining you guys on Fridays. I don't see myself addicted like I did in NWN, Guild Wars or City Of Heroes. The constant need to run after your mark to fight it wears on me. In Guild Wars you can sight, click and your toon will auto target AND run after and attack. In City Of Heroes you can hit "F" and you can follow your target. In DDO you have to manually run and follow to fight. I hate that. I'm also broke all the time. Healing potions are quite expensive as well as having to repair everything all the time. I find that part very tedious.

I am still having fun playing this game right now. I understand that I am limited due to the fact that I am on a free account. That part I cannot change. It is NOT negotiable. I can't afford it. I'm sorry.

That being said if I am still welcome then I will play as often as I can with you guys on Fridays. If it would be considered a burden then, of course, I understand that too. :) Like I said, right now I am having fun playing the game and I am thankful for the distraction and everything C did to get me up and running.

Now, as I'm still quite sick, amma head back to bed. :) Nighties.
Nov 9, 2006
I'm playing a cleric with a lot of healing so you don't actually need potions. :) I think we can get you guest passes so you can play in pay to play quests. I have several thousand turbine points so getting guest passes won't be a bit problem.

You don't have to repair a lot if you don't die and that won't happen with a nice cleric in the group. :) If you play solo as a fighter then I understand why you end up using lots of potions and being dead from time to time. Group play should be a lot more fun for you. By not wasting all your gold on potions and repairs you will be able to accumulate quite a bit of gold. Another benefit for you is that we can leave loot for you in the chests that we don't need ourselves so you can use them instead of us selling them. That means you can quickly get +2 / +3 items and become a lot stronger.

I agree that attacking can be tedious since the mobs keep moving around, but I think there are some settings in the options to activate automated attacks. I will have a look.

If you don't like fighting a lot then I propose you play your rogue up to at least level 3 and get her to Stormreach so we can invite her to the guild. Then you can take care of the scouting and trap removal for the group. Then you can do the occasional backstabs and maybe rely upon ranged fire. If your fighter specializes in bows you may be a ranged fighter and that means you don't have to move around so much. I think you keep shooting at the same target until it's dead.

Having a free account is not that bad because you're still allowed to have 2 characters. You don't pay to be logged in and you only need guest passes for pay-2-play quests.

I liked NWN quite a bit until we ran out of good modules. Playing a bad NWN module was not fun at all because we could have played for 3-4 sessions before getting tired of all the game stopping bugs. In DDO you don't have great stories like in NWN, but the game is pretty much bug free and most quests are quite fun to do, at least if we don't select a difficulty over our head. I think DDO works better in groups than solo so you think you will notice that soon. Just remember to stay allied to your nice cleric companion. Then you won't die often. :)
Oct 18, 2006
Oslo, Norway
T, I agree with peter, group play is far better and more fun than solo. Guest passes are easy to get so when we play the bought quests we can supply you with one of those until you build up enough favor to get sufficient points to get your own adventure pack later on. It is possible to earn enough free points to get most of the games pay for play quests.

A second option for you would be to delete the rogue and make a self healing character such as cleric or bard, or give your rogue a couple of levels of cleric/bard so that she has some self healing to avoid having to buy pots.

Finally, as peter said, most of us have decent stuff we simply sell to get rid of if no-one else wants it, so we will be able to give you supplies, weapons, armor, etc to save some of your in game cash. Just let us know what you need. I currently have a few hundred Shuris waiting for Jo to collect for her monk, and I keep all repair stuff for Az's WF Wizzy.
Aug 31, 2006
Peter and C, Thank you for the info. Both of you have given me more to think about!

My fighter is dual weapon fighting but I can't remember the actual name in game. Maybe whirlwind fighter? I DO enjoy playing her actually. I didn't start to die until I was teaming a bit on hard and only after level 4 in Stormreach around the Waterworks have I died in solo. She's fun to play.

My rogue made me curious. It's stated as challenging to play and since I had had no issues with my fighter I thought a better challenge would be the rogue. . . .well, and there were places my fighter just couldn't access so that too made me curious.

In options there IS an auto target but that doesn't work like I thought it did so if there is anything else I would be thankful to know. :)

I'm not that far into the rogue to be attached to her so mebbe a self healing toon may work as well but am not gonna buy pot. That's illegal. ;)

Again, thanks for the info! I hope to catch up with you guys on Friday. Will play as my fighter since I am most comfortable with her right now and then make a decision about a different one to work on. Besides, she just got tattooed and am happy with her. :) I just wish she was a lil bit smarter. LOL. Woulda liked to be a better sneak but with all the armor and swords am not very quiet runnin' 'round inna crypt. :)

Will be goofing off with my rogue tonight if I can sit up longer than 30 minutes without falling apart. (I hate being sick)

Thanks again for the great info and ideas!
Nov 9, 2006
Between CM's Cleric, Peter's Cleric, and my Favored Soul, we will always have a healer. So don't worry about that. My Arcane is also a Warforged, and self-heals, freeing up who ever has healing duty from dealing with it.

I do not recommend splashing two levels of Cleric (or any caster). Instead, put skill points into Use Magical Device on your Rogue. They have both the skill points, and have it as a class skill (so no half ranks) and can self heal pretty reliably once it's up enough. IIRC you need UMD at 20 to use a CLW wand. Doable by level 3-4, depending on equipment.

Splashing a caster leaves you with a handful of very weak spells (basically only a few buffs remain remotely viable at end game), losses your class capstone, and weakens your main class. Since any class can get enough UMD to wand whip at least Cure Critical Wounds, most able to hit Heal Scrolls as well, this is pointless.

The thing for free to play accounts to do is to grind for favor. That means doing every quest on elite, and running one character on each server up to 100 favor. That can get you enough points to buy a pack that's on sale (which has the bonus of making you a premium account, with more auction house slots, and 2 more character slots). Also, at different levels of favor, you unlock certain things on each server. Like Drow, Favored Souls, and so forth.

Since Favor is irrespective of character level, you can take your level 4 Fighter in with anyone in the guild to a level 1 quest and handle it.
Jun 28, 2007
In the Middle of Nowhere
Ok then!

I dunno what time you guys start. I work until 6pm but will prolly get off at 5pm. AZ time. I will try to join as soon as I get home unless the timing is off then I might just jump on and listen to you guys. LOL. Will see. It's my first day back to work after being sick so will see how it goes. If I don't see ya then have fun!
Nov 9, 2006
We'll keep an eye out for you. Tune in to the Guild Channel as that way we get notified when members log in, etc. Sometimes, we've ben playing past our usual quitting time, so if you arrive late, don't worry, just jump in and find us!! :)
Aug 31, 2006
I read about Arizona and you don't have daylight saving time. That means you're 9 hours behind my time. We start at 1am my time and that's 4pm your time.

We decided to play a bit earlier for us Europeans some time ago, but I'm the only remaining European now. It's possible for me to start 2am (1 hour later than now), that means 5pm Arizona time. But maybe that won't help you. If we don't change we will finish playing around 6pm so you might meet us at Skype at least. Some of us can play a bit longer than that. If we start 1 hour later you will definitely be able to join in while we're playing. Does it take long for you to get home from where you work?

Is that possible for the rest of you to change the playing time 1 hour if that can help T playing with us?
Oct 18, 2006
Oslo, Norway

I'm home from work early because I'm still a bit sick so please don't change the time for me. Thank you for the offer though! I will try to be here around 4pm. Bare . . . or bear . . LOL . . with me as I may still be feeling poorly. I will try to show up whether I feel good or not so no one is waiting for me.

I will see you guys later today.

Oh, my Skype works this way: I can hear you guys but you can't hear me so I have to type responses. Which for today is just as well since my voice is near miss and the more I talk the harder it is to breathe. I'll get it up and running 100% at some point.

Nov 9, 2006
It's no hassle for me to start an hour later if people want to.
Aug 31, 2006
Well, I thought today was a total blast, including the impromptu WW session a few of us had later. It was great having T and Dte join us for the first time. Hope you enjoyed yourselves as much as I did!!
Aug 31, 2006
I'm a bit surprised how much better it plays with Skype. Much easier to stay organized. The other thing that got me was how much easier everything was. I got some timely healing, but overall I didn't get too badly beat up, even though I still tried my best to wade into the fray first and think later. Don't know whether we were just overpowered for the module or if the extra firepower made that much difference.

And on a final note, will somebody let Corwin cast haste? Poor boy's gonna have a coronary if he doesn't get to cast that spell. :)
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
I think it's funnier when we run off before he casts it. :p

I hit level 8, thanks to Corwin, Dte, and Temptress's help in WW, as well as pushed my favor up to 400, and got my coin lord favor up to get a 5th bag in inventory. And went from 300pp to about 900pp. So it was very profitable for me last night.

Reset my enhancements too. I'd been meaning to, but kept forgetting. Now I have three uses of LoH, can swap them for a Lesser Restoration, and get bonuses to fighting undead (PrE). I'm also set to get a raise dead ability after I hit level 9. It mostly cost me Divine Might, which I kept forgetting to use, and Divine Light (which was nice to have, actually). The rest I lost were 'filler' enhancements, taken before just to unlock useful ones. And oddly, I managed to fit in another toughness enhancement, so I have even more hp.

Of course, since Rachail is level 8, that means I'll probably not be running her next friday, unless we're going to finish StK. At that level, she might be more a liability with the penalties to XP.
Jun 28, 2007
In the Middle of Nowhere
Yes, Skype makes playing in an organised way MUCH easier; I can't type, read and play my character all at the same time- I'm not as young as you whippersnappers, so I need the hands free chat!! :) Level 8 will severely affect both the level 4 and level 5 chars, so I think Raich had better have a short rest while you build up your Monk.
Aug 31, 2006
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