Shadowrun Returns - Launch Trailer

Regardless of what the official campaign will do, the best thing about Shadowrun Returns is going to be its toolset.

Think that the game is too combat focused? Play a user module that focuses more on dialogue. Or make your own. Some high-tier backers have already had access to the toolset and despite it having only been little over a month are already doing some amazing things with it (look up Loserific's playthrough of Opifer's Life on a Limb on youtube for an example).

Though it doesn't have multiplayer I'm getting some serious NWN vibes from it.


I have a feeling the official campaign will be decent enough but relatively short. Only reason they have include an official campaign like this is because no one is going to pay money for a toolset and the OC is essentially an example of what the editor can do.

And of course the trailer will show lots of combat because they want a trailer to be exciting: Showing lots of dialogue choices, walking around, etc. would look make the game look "boring" to the masses, as well as being potentially spoilerish. I do know from reading pretty much every article I could find about this game that there are going to be ways to play as a more stealthy character; for ex: instead of simply killing the guards, sometimes you may be able to pick up a disguise and bluff your way past them.
Apr 9, 2013
The "cartoonish" look is mature animation rather than being a children's cartoon, so I don't mind that at all. The trailer is naturally going to focus on combat action, so it's hard to tell how the game will actually play out. Regardless, I'm looking forward to it.
Mar 22, 2012
Yeah, I'm a big fan of the art style. I am definitely slightly more excited for Wasteland 2, as Wasteland is possibly my favorite game ever, and Shadowrun is a setting that I'm ambivalent about (I don't like it, I don't dislike it,) but the art in SR:R looks more appealing to me than the W2 art - which, regardless, I really like as well.

I expect a fun toolset, lots of options, great character creation and leveling options, good turn-based combat, and a fun if short campaign (I dunno, shorter but MUCH better than NWN's OC? Maybe a 12 hour affair? I'd like more but… budget.)

I guess in many things I'm just not as picky as many curmudgeons who seem to inhabit here. Hence why I usually post so little here. But South Park and SR:R are things I'm terribly excited about (and those other KS games: W2, PE, T:ToN, TBS…)

Discontent always seems louder - but yeah, definitely an exciting time for RPG fans. I can't remember a time with such a diverse crop of RPG games in development as we have now. Sure, few of them on the AAA level, but with e.g. witcher 3 even there exiting things are on the horizon.
Oct 18, 2006
I am a 1st/ 3rd person gamer type of guy so anything less is less in my book. However, Shadowrun looks good to me and I look forward to playing in the Shadowrun universe. I also look forward to seeing my name in the credits.

Yes, Indeedy, I spent many man hours working on this game . . . . . . . . . . . :giggle:
Oct 19, 2006
Los Angeles area
Don't mind the graphics actually. I'm more concerned at the underlining mechanics...I hope they fleshed that out well.

No looting corpses has irked me for some reason, although I will get to see how much since I backed the game.

Someone said shadowrun was about exploration and such? It is also about combat, the rpg book is almost 50% combat heh.
Apr 17, 2007
I don't mind the graphics, they are a bit cartoonish but not childish KOA cartoonish.

I too am worried about gameplay, no looting corpses and not having stealth are both minuses in my book. I hope it's deep turn based combat with lots of options as well as options to avoid combat and explore.
My entry to shadowrun universe was with 4e mini campaign I played with my RPG group.
And considering 4e books have this kind of art style. I am happy that they decided to go with similar for the games. (As I quite like it)
As for combat? It seems to be translated well enough, not as well as I would have liked, but it will do.
Exploration and conversation? From what I have seen in custom module let's plays, it has plenty enough options for that, so I don't think that combat will be dominating part. But it all depends on how they have built their campaign.
Nov 19, 2007
Still not feeling an urge to play this. Also didn't feel an urge to fund it.

My biggest concern is that the people behind the actual game design and programming are not known quantities (at least to me). They seem to have had all the right people in place in terms of the Shadowrun IP and its writing, but when it actually comes down to creating a game, the track record was just an unknown quantity to me. The fact that some of the questionable decisions like no looting bodies was borne out of technical problems rather than gameplay mechanics has fueled my skepticism.

I also can't help but compare the look and feel of this game to Wasteland 2, and this just looks downright amateurish in comparison.

I am sure that the reviews of this game from those who have funded it will be quite positive, as they were generally excited for a return to the world of Shadowrun, but I think that the general gaming community's reaction to this game will be "meh".

And...maybe that's how it's supposed to be. If the funders are happy, maybe that's all that really matters in the end?

I'm hoping you guys have fun with it, and if reviews prove me wrong, I may still give this a go...
Mar 10, 2009
6 Days :) Also, it looks to have a decent mod community, with the game tools being released with it. This should sustain the game for a while, even if the main story mode isn't very long.
Feb 19, 2012
Discontent always seems louder - but yeah, definitely an exciting time for RPG fans. I can't remember a time with such a diverse crop of RPG games in development as we have now. Sure, few of them on the AAA level, but with e.g. witcher 3 even there exiting things are on the horizon.

That's the truth. Old curmudgeons like me who dig turn-based combat have an ever-expanding list of games to look forward to. Think I was a kid last time that happened.

Eager to get my hands on this one. Turn-based combat that looks like it was largely done right in a cool world with editing tools. This one almost can't be a complete disaster. Not like any of us paid a lot of money for it, either, compared to the endless parade of $60 garbage that we've been subjected to for years.
Sep 16, 2010
Well, however this turns out, it's gong to be better than the last game that slapped Shadowrun on its cover.
Oct 3, 2007
I loved the RPG, and I loved the SNES game, I can't wait to play! :D

Oct 19, 2006
I don't mind the graphics, they are a bit cartoonish but not childish KOA cartoonish.

I too am worried about gameplay, no looting corpses and not having stealth are both minuses in my book. I hope it's deep turn based combat with lots of options as well as options to avoid combat and explore.

Even though stealth as a distinct skill was not implemented, that doesn't mean there aren't stealth elements in the game. There has been mention that in some missions you can acquire disguises so you can attempt to bluff your way past security. It is also evident even from early gameplay videos that guards may respond to noises and possibly whether you have weapons drawn / equipped (not sure about this one).

Regarding looting corspses; while it isn't in the OC (at least not randomized loot), someone with early editor access made a youtube video showing how to easily implement looting / persistent corpses with the editor so it will definitely be an option in player generated campaigns...
Apr 9, 2013
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