Fallout 3 - New Teaser Art, Liam Neeson Leads Voice Cast

I cannot actually believe I hear hopeful voices...:uncool:
Oct 18, 2006

Are you sure the word you're looking for isn't "desperate"?
Oct 25, 2006
I think it is just too early to tell ... many people find there to be cognitive dissonance imagining the creators of Morrowind and Oblivion at the helm of a true sequel to the Fallout series. There is certainly hope, but also skepticism.
Oct 18, 2006
Hey, *I* didn't say that, Dhruin did ... but along those lines, perhaps it is the aftermath of the 'full of crap' level in the White House staff reaching critical levels ;)

Nah, just a post-2008-election shot after Hilary and Bill's big party. ;)
Oct 18, 2006
Liam Neeson.. hooray.

Honestly tho, it could be Bruce Campbell and it wouldnt phase me, the voice acting is a minor concern.

The picture is cool, but eerie to me in a way. I'm apprehensive about using it as desktop wallpaper.
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
Actually there is absolutely no defence in place for a short range surface to surface missile and I believe last time a US missile based interception technology was tested it was effective about 10% of the time.

They just tested 2 last week, both were direct hits. This stuff has been tested/developed over the last 20 years or so, several of those years had actual battlefield testing. They are getting more acurate than most might think. The Russian version is currently about 60% effective.
May 10, 2007
Actually there is absolutely no defence in place for a short range surface to surface missile and I believe last time a US missile based interception technology was tested it was effective about 10% of the time.

What makes you think those exist in the Fallout universe? ICBMs have never been confirmed, nor much of any other type of nuclear missile.

As far as we know, the Fallout world was bombed using bomberplanes. World of the future, remember? Science!

Honestly tho, it could be Bruce Campbell and it wouldnt phase me, the voice acting is a minor concern.

The money they spend on it concerns me, especially since hiring Neeson > a talented cheaper voice actor = just a PR stunt
Oct 19, 2006
The money they spend on it concerns me, especially since hiring Neeson > a talented cheaper voice actor = just a PR stunt
Exactly. Liam Neeson is a fine actor, but I doubt he's cheap. Isn't it supposed to be difficult enough already to earn a profit making high-quality PC games? Isn't that supposed to be the reason they're shipped so buggy and the patches are so few and far between?

In the face of all the criticism over Patrick Stewart, Bethesda is turning around and doing the same thing again without providing any reassurances to fans. I'd say there's reason to be concerned.
Nov 11, 2006
Orange County, California
Agree 100% with those who read this as marketing hype...

My first thought was obviously that they'll follow in the foosteps of Oblivion: Liam Neeson for the intro (or possibly one important NPC) + four random chaps for the rest of the game.

Kinda hard to be excited about this. Not that Bean and Stewart did a bad job in Oblivion (they did quite well), but voice acting is really not on top of the list of things I'd blow the money on if I wanted to make a good GAME. Good marketing for a game, on the other hand...
Nov 4, 2006
In the face of all the criticism over Patrick Stewart, Bethesda is turning around and doing the same thing again without providing any reassurances to fans. I'd say there's reason to be concerned.

Where was all this criticism? I've read almost all the major reviews for Oblivion and nobody really criticized the fact that Patrick Stewart did the voice of the emporer. The only place you hear such "criticism" is from the whiner sites. You
know the ones I'm talking about. These sites had made up their minds to hate
Oblivion before it even came out. Patrick Stewart was just a convenient hook for
the whiners to start venting.

Could Oblivion have used more voice actors? Assuredly. It doesn't really detract
from the game that much though. In a game with over 1000 NPC's there is going to be repetition, even if you use 50 voice actors. I'm replaying Oblvion for the umpteenth time and I still enjoy it. The voice acting is well done even though they could use a few more actors to voice all the main characters. I keep finding new stuff that I had missed in earlier play throughs. One of my funniest moments this time was finding a drowned troll who wrote a suicide note. He killed himself because nobody found him "sceary enough" and wouldn't pay the bridge toll :D

I'm really looking forward to Fallout 3. I loved Morrowind and Oblivion, even though they're a different vision than the one I had for the games before they came out. Just because they didn't make the Morrowind I envisioned, it didn't stop me from enjoying the game that actually came out.
Oct 18, 2006
Where was all this criticism?
Off the top of my head I can't remember seeing any forums anywhere that were critical of Oblivion but not of Patrick Stewart. I guess we're not on the same page, crpgnut.
Nov 11, 2006
Orange County, California
Off the top of my head I can't remember seeing any forums anywhere that were critical of Oblivion but not of Patrick Stewart. I guess we're not on the same page, crpgnut.

I think that crpgnut meant the quality of the actual voice-acting of Mr. Stewart which was indeed not criticized by anyone just as he said (except maybe for its extreme shortness but that's not Paddy's fault). What is being criticized frequently, however, as you said as well is that Bethesda spent a lot of money on Paddy and that the hiring of Paddy busted the budget so that they ended up with a limited set of actors for the other roles.
Which is actually just an unfounded assumption. No one really knows how Bethesda calculated the budget of Oblivion and what they would have done if they would have had more money in one area or another. There is no telling if they really would have hired more voice actors if they wouldn't have had to spend the cash for Paddy or if Todd would have bought himself a new Porsche instead or if all of Bethesda would have been invited to go to Disneyland from that money or whatever.
There is no automatism or law involved here that dictates that money saved or spent in one area could have or would have been used elsewhere so it's actually rather pointless to speculate whether there would have been more other voices in Oblivion without the hiring of Paddy or not. It's a "maybe, maybe not" kind of thing.
Oct 18, 2006
If having Paddy helped boost sales among the 'non-hardcore' gamers, then Beth would consider it worthwhile. Since it worked for Ob, why not use the same concept for FO3!! To me it's a simple business/marketing decision!!
Aug 31, 2006
Both of you are right on all counts.

One other criticism was that marketing centred on this sort of irrelevant fluff instead of real gameplay details.

But that's marketing for you.
Aug 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
They just tested 2 last week, both were direct hits. This stuff has been tested/developed over the last 20 years or so, several of those years had actual battlefield testing. They are getting more acurate than most might think. The Russian version is currently about 60% effective.

They tested the latest AEGIS defense a few weeks back 10 times and it worked 8 out of 10 times and this was with 2 simultaneous missiles. But, trust me, a real situation would have a far lower rate of success and what happens if they fire 3 missiles or even more!!

Brother None said:
What makes you think those exist in the Fallout universe? ICBMs have never been confirmed, nor much of any other type of nuclear missile.

I said short range missiles not ICBM's and I would just giving an example of how it would be possible given the current defenses the US employs. You could then also say the same about the defenses of the white house, who is to say they would even exist in the Fallout time-line, so like you said a bomb could easily be dropped. My point was it is possible.

Given that the Hubologists use a shuttle in fallout 2 and that fact that there is a truck that carries a nuclear warhead in fallout tactics I would say it is pretty certain that Missile technology exists. I am also pretty sure there is something along those lines in the sierra army base in fallout 2 but I would have to check to be sure.
Oct 18, 2006
I said short range missiles not ICBM's and I would just giving an example of how it would be possible given the current defenses the US employs. You could then also say the same about the defenses of the white house, who is to say they would even exist in the Fallout time-line, so like you said a bomb could easily be dropped. My point was it is possible.

Given that the Hubologists use a shuttle in fallout 2 and that fact that there is a truck that carries a nuclear warhead in fallout tactics I would say it is pretty certain that Missile technology exists. I am also pretty sure there is something along those lines in the sierra army base in fallout 2 but I would have to check to be sure.

It's never really confirmed or denied. Kind of a "who knows", no canon on how far missile technology was in Fallout's 2077.

Defending the white house is only easier against bombers, tho'.

Also, new pic is up. More generic post-apocalyptic art!
Oct 19, 2006
the marketing team is doing a number on me here, I cant wait to see the game that goes along with the artwork!
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
War. War never changes.

The end of the world occurred pretty much as we had predicted. Too many humans, not enough space or resources to go around. The details are trivial and pointless, the reasons, as always, purely human ones.
Oct 26, 2006
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