Rampant Games - Favourite Abusively Difficult Games

I didn't even understand it much beyond the first mission (and the tutorial, of course).

I had a similar problem with Z : Steel Soldiers.

Z was very difficult, too.

Sacrifice was inspired from an old Spectrum game called Chaos. It's a turn based Chess Wizard game for 2-8 players. Still has some fans so you can check it out here.

It's actually one of Julian Gollop's games who went on to design X-Com I believe.
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Oct 26, 2006

I actually liked the insect-like character so much that I incorporated her into one or two of my own stories ... most unfinished yet.

i found the overall look unique, and that's almost the only positive i can remember of the game. Its overall uniquess from an artistic perspective.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Hmmm, I may have to dig this one out now.
Oct 26, 2006
Sacrifice is on the must-replay list, and patched up doesnt require the disk.

It was a great game w/ some unbelievable spells (bovine intervention lol) but it was also quite brutal, i never finished it. Partly due to the system i was playing it on at the time was being chewed up by it, I hope it's one of those old games that run like a top w/ requirements a hundred times more than required.

My most painful pleasure? Hmm..
It may cost me some street cred here but think the original Baldur's Gate should get a mention as a fairly difficult game, i mean, it's not all THAT bad that ive thrown my hands up or anything - but it certainly is smackin me and my merry party around a bit lately, certainly moreso than any other recent RPG. I'll be doing great, have a lot of confidence built up, then suddenly i'm seeing the hand dissolving cinematic and I'm wondering "WTF??". I generally dont like to save that much, but I'm finding myself losing an hour of play after mowing thru several obstacles and suddenly wipe or lose an important member. Ive got Imoen cruising around, scouting everything ahead!

It's still totally enjoyable, if a bit frustrating at times.

I'd have to say one that spanked me hard, and i went back (and still go back) to it nonetheless is the original Ghost Recon. Man, doesnt matter what I do - *bam* suddenly a squad member down. I can spot every enemy, work out the perfect plan, creep like molasses, still someone catches a bullet. Sometimes i can get thru a scenario w/ whole squad intact, but it's rare. Granted that it's not all my fault, the ai is suicidal and blind at times, but youd think w/ how much Ive played it that I could master it by now. It's just a difficult, tricky game.

I wouldnt say that Gothic was that bad, but Gothic II gold fucked me up so majorly, to the point that I uninstalled it. I just didnt feel i was making any progress after a while!
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Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
I definitely first thought of Dark Heart of Uukrul and Wizardry IV, as already mentioned.

Another old RPG I would have to add is Deathlord.
Nov 23, 2007
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