Skyrim - Dragonborn DLC Available

I'm playing with the Vilja mod and while the voice-acting is sub par it has some great writing. The quests are tolerable, but what stands out is the location awareness of the companion. Vilja will admit that she hates fighting undead and is pertrified of vampires. She's not too keen on Dwemer ruins either. However, if you take her to any of these spots, she'll make valid comments. She might mention how Dwarven Centurions can drop out from anywhere, how bandits never seem to have enough food to keep everyone fed, how beautiful the Gilderglean is, etc. She is so much better than the companions in vanilla. Speaking of which, she will have conversations with Lydia, sometimes getting Lydia to complain about her housecarl duties :)

One of the best parts of Skyrim's companion system is the dialog that they say in certain areas. For example, Marcurio will talk your ear off about Dwemer ruins and give you various tidbits of lore and insight. I love that aspect. I hope the next Elder Scrolls game really expands that part of the dialog. It goes so far to adding to the world immersion.
One of the best parts of Skyrim's companion system is the dialog that they say in certain areas. For example, Marcurio will talk your ear off about Dwemer ruins and give you various tidbits of lore and insight. I love that aspect. I hope the next Elder Scrolls game really expands that part of the dialog. It goes so far to adding to the world immersion.

You need to try Interesting NPCs if you ever get the PC version. That mod is amazing, 106 new NPCs, 85 of which are voiced, and 18 of those are new followers. Dozens of voice actors, 60,000 lines of new dialogue, lots of really well acted and compelling NPCs with great backstories and branching conversations with consequences. For example, some of the followers might never agree to join you depending on you your chosen dialogue responses.
Jan 15, 2011
I started playing this last night. It looks really good so far. I played for about five hours and I'm not even out of Raven Rock yet.

I am a little bit disappointed by the new armour designs. I get the feeling the same guy does all the armour. They could really do with some new blood in the art design department.

But what's really cool is the classic music from Morrowind. It gives me such a sense of nostalgia.
Apr 4, 2009
Auckland, New Zealand
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