Original Sin - Post-Funding Update #45, Delayed


Cave Canem
August 30, 2006
With the success of the Kickstarter this might have been expected, but Divinity Original Sin has been delayed to next year February as is explained in the latest Kickstarter update.

We are very determined to implement all the extra features gained through stretch goals the way they should be implemented, which essentially means that we want to incorporate them in the story, the world and the gameplay mechanics.

This is taking us more time than we originally thought, and so, rather than cancelling a feature or a goal, we decided to move the release of Divinity: Original Sin from this fall (as originally announced) to this winter, specifically to February 28th 2014.

We realize this may be disappointing for some people who had hoped the game would still come out this year, but really, we think you'll have a much better RPG experience when everything we wanted to put in, is actually going to be in.

For backers that have Alpha access, expect to have the rough and rugged version of Original Sin by November. Beta should be your New Year's present in January!
For more details on the reasoning, check out Swen's blog.

In our official communication, we’re explaining the delay as the result of wanting to properly integrate our stretch goals. Thanks to Kickstarter these are becoming very integral to the game, so much in fact that parts of the game were completely re-engineered to make room for them.

That last statement can be read in two ways, and both happen to be right: A) Some stretch goals were incompatible with design decisions we had already taken e.g. our character development system wasn’t robust enough to accommodate for companions, and so we had to change things more than we expected. B) Some things in the pre-Kickstarter version sucked, and we took opportunity to fix them as we were re-engineering the game world anyway.

Another reason is simply that we can. Between the funds received through Kickstarter, and the money we’re making from Dragon Commander, we have sufficient budget to invest more in our newest baby, and so we will. Our aim remains to eventually make the very big RPG that will dwarf them all, and this is just another step in that direction.
In addition there is news about the development

Deeper character creation (traits and talents) made us rethink the stats system, the inclusion of companions meant we had to have more party support, and the day and night schedules affected all the behaviours of NPCs. And even the world they live in! Because where else would these people live and sleep?

The following video has Swen & Axel explain what including the stretch goals meant for the development of the game, and features an example of how schedules for instance influenced the game world.

Then there is news about a Q&A this Friday

We can imagine a lot of you have questions because of the moving of the release date, and to answer those, we'll be doing a live QA session via the Larian Studios channel on Twitch TV tomorrow, september 27th, 17:00 CET. Join in, and you'll be able to ask David or Swen pretty much anything you want about Divinity: Original Sin via the chat channel. They'll try to answer as many questions as they can, and perhaps even show a bit of the game.
And a video from the Fan day

Thanks jhwisner!

More information.
Aug 30, 2006
This was as you say expected, and I don't have any problems what so ever with it. As long as the end product is what I hope for they can delay a couple of times more as far as I'm concerned.
Dec 20, 2010
This seems to be a common pattern with RPG Kickstarters, and overall I think it's healthy. Sure, I'd prefer it if the people involved were better at scheduling, but as a backer I pledged because I wanted to see a quality game, not a 90% finished game at the originally-promised date. As long as they're open about what they're doing and why it's necessary, and I find their justifications sound, I have no problem.

I'm certainly not hurting for other games in the meantime.
Nov 30, 2009
I care less about the delay than I do with meeting the budget. But it sounds like they have that covered... for the moment.

Thanks for the update.
Mar 22, 2012
I agree with what others have already said. I'll take quality over getting the game sooner and then having to wait for patches to make the game playable. Take your time Larian and deliver the game backers like myself want you to create.
Nov 10, 2006
Info about this game is the anti-SotA. Every time they talk about the game I get more and more excited.
Oct 18, 2006
Perhaps they surprise us and you can own a house in this game too....
Aug 30, 2006
Is it me or we all agree that the game should not be rushed out unpolished and buggy since there is no evil publisher kicking devs' arses and flogging them?

I can't wait for this game, but in fact, I can. :D
Apr 12, 2009
A few more months is nothing. At least they didn't push it back a whole year like some other RPGs.:)
Oct 1, 2010
Maybe I can get a couple of games off my backlog by then ... Haha who am I kidding, I'll have added more in the December sales ...
Oct 18, 2006
Great. Now it's going to be released in the same month my first baby is set to be born. I'll never have time to play now! Might as well delay it a whole year.

But seriously, who didn't expect this? Take all the time you need.
May 2, 2011
Great. Now it's going to be released in the same month my first baby is set to be born. I'll never have time to play now! Might as well delay it a whole year.

But seriously, who didn't expect this? Take all the time you need.

Woohoo - congrats on the baby! :)
Oct 18, 2006
Better a delayed but polished game than a rushed and bugged one…
I agree but then that is not always the case. Plenty of games get delayed, and still are a mess on launch day. Kinda defeats the purpose of saying that.

I have faith but you have to be realistic.:)
Oct 1, 2010
Well, the thing with Original Sin is that it was already in development before the Kickstarter so it wasn't fully funded by Kickstarter and the income of Dragon Commander will also help, but generally taking longer means more man-hours which means stretching the budget, but as they said they DC supplemented their available funds.

The difference with Double Fine adventure is that that game was started from scratch on Kickstarter and they didn't have a clear and concise idea of what they wanted to do. They also had used alternative revenue streams: PC release of smaller games, the PC release of Brütal Legend and the Amnesia Fortnight thing, but for them it wasn't enough to supplement the gap in budget.

Starting positions for both Kickstarters were very different and I have far more concerns with Broken Age than I have with Original Sin. Good on them for implementing things correctly.
Oct 22, 2006
I am a patient gamer and this is fine and also expected. I only worry a bit that Larian is taking too big a risk here, and would hate to see fallout from that, if God forbid, the game is not some kind of blockbuster success. It would suck if being so ambitious in the kickstarter goals came back to bite them.
Oct 2, 2009
Pacific NorthWest, USA!
As a backer I err, back this decision wholeheartedly. :)

Seriously though, I think that Swen and co. realize that getting this game out and failing to meet expectations or at least offer their most polished level best will be the greatest risk here. So this decision is the only sensible one imo.

Lots riding on this game for Larian... No pressure guys ;)
Oct 18, 2006
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