DA:O The Dragon Age "I Have It" Thread

Dragon Age: Origins
you people are evil…. this thread is evil…..

I can do it, almost done w/ the temples. I can do it… it'll prolly run like crap on a P4 3.4 ghz anyway, id be wasting my time right?

I wonder if Gamestop has it? ='.'=
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
Got it via Impulse. No problems with the game itself, other than it turned out my mage character's slanted eyes made her look crosseyed in the game.

DLC codes have been entered but they aren't showing up in the game's download menu. They DO show up if I run the EA Download Manager but it doesn't seem to be able to download them. Something are borked, it are.

Time to restart now with a not-crosseyed mage...
Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
Good old Best Buy, i dont care what anyone says theyre dependable. At least in my neck of the woods.

here we go!
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
Boy I found the Steam version gave me a crap-load of hassles doing ... something ... before I got started the first time. After that it was smooth sailing.
Oct 18, 2006
I'm posting this here just in case anyone else has trouble getting their DLC working in game.

You need to enter the code on the BioWare social site (assumed you knew that, but just in case). You can do this either directly at the site or by clicking the Redeem Codes button on the DLC page in the game (it just takes you to the site anyway). It took several tries with each code before I got the green message saying it was accepted.

Then (and this is what I failed to do since I wasn't thinking) you need to load the game up and click on the Log In button on the bottom left of the screen. This will connect your game to your BioWare social site account and find the DLC you have available for download. It started downloading them for me automatically, but didn't show them at all until I had logged into the site through the game. I still haven't registered the game on the Bio Social site but I did have it registered on the EA site (don't think this matters, but mentioning it just in case).

The CE items and armor are tiny downloads, the Wardens Keep is 330mb (downloaded overnight for me on dial-up), and the Stone Prisoner is 550mb or so.
Oct 19, 2006
yeah, that's really unfortunate how they make you juggle between an internet browser and the program itself. Then, youre fumbling around for past account names and passwords if youve ever done business w/ ea & bioware. The whole thing could and should be done in-game, like Battlenet.

thank glot that once you jump thru the hoops and get it all set up, it's fine and you can just use the game's interface.
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
I just want a buy-all option. I don't really care about the cost. Just buy it all and install it all at one go. Is that too much to ask? I still have to buy a pc first though. My old gaming rig died, so I'm looking for input over in the tech forum. I really don't know if there's much difference between a GX260 and a GTX295. I'm an Nvidia/Intel guy because of earlier bad experiences with AMD/ATI. Outside of that, I'd love to hear what you have and how it's doing within the game.
Oct 18, 2006
Got my US CE in the mail today (big thx @ German Okaysoft for getting it here so swiftly :) ). Not as disappointed with the map as others but then again I've just recently had my all-time worst map experience with the Risen CE so there was absolutely no way that Dragon Age could disappoint even more. I think the loose threads on the map are supposed to make it look old and used. It's not an issue of poor production value. I like it. It could be a little bigger and I actually prefer big (A2 or something like that) paper maps over cloth maps but this one here is pretty nice for a cloth map IMHO.
The black & white manual sucks. They really could have bothered to include a colored manual at least with the CE of the game.

That's about it as far as box contents goes. Well, there's a bonus disk with the usual additional stuff like making-of, soundtrack, art etc. but I haven't checked that out yet. I always want to finish the game first because it's kind of anti-climactic to find out about the game's major characters, end level or end boss in the making-of before actually playing the game.
And then there's three code sheets. Two for DLC (one for the items and one for the Blood Dragon armor and Stone Prisoner quest) and another one for trial access to Warhammer Online (or to claim in-game items if you already are a WO customer).

Now off to play the damn game... :)
Oct 18, 2006
@crpgnut: Well my PC isn't exactly top of the line and I run it at near max settings and have zero framerate hiccups or slowdowns. (edit: I should add that this is up to about 10 hours in the game so no huge battles yet...no more than 12 or so combatants on the screen at the same time)

My PC:
Intel Core2Duo E8400 3GHz
GeForce 9800GTX 512mb
3gb RAM on Windows XP SP2

I'm running the game on a big ass LCD tv at 1920x1080 with Very High graphics detail, 2x anti-aliasing and High Texture detail with zero problems. In fact I just realized I wasn't running it at all max settings so now I'll go see how it handles that.

As for the differences in those nvidia cards you mentioned I have no clue…but if it runs this well on my older card any of the better one's will obviously be fine.
Oct 19, 2006
Yay! Thanks, Majnun. I've still got a week to decide what I want to buy. I'm extremely impatient, so building a computer for myself is not really feasible. I want to order it and have it that day or the next at the latest. I work in IT for a living, so I really don't want to look at a computer's guts when I'm at home. I know I want Intel, Nvidia, and Windows 7. Everything else is cake. I don't want to buy a pc again for 3-4 years so I want fairly decent stuff. My Gateway 710G died after 4+ years of service. The only thing I replaced on it was the graphics card.
Oct 18, 2006
Have the PC DVD version.

Very un-impressed. The Eurogamer review is dead on for me (the one that sorta sounds like a 6/10 all along then gives it an 8 ... except I would give it a 6).

Perhaps it will grow on me, but no Bioware game ever has ...

Demon's Souls > Dragon Age
Sep 4, 2007
Perhaps it will grow on me, but no Bioware game ever has …

So you spent all that money for a game you were strongly biased against? Must be nice ...
Oct 18, 2006
Was just buying into the hype of spiritual successor to Baldur's Gate (which is still be played around these parts) ... you honestly think folks will be playing DAO still in 2025?

Character development is weak sauce ...
Zones are tiny and REEK of Jade Empire/Kotor (one windy path through pretty stuff you can't interact with)
Tactics are busted
The DLC/Servers are broken

yeah ... its effing greatness
Sep 4, 2007
Downloadable content still isn't showing up for me (yes I am logged in within the game). I really can't blame Impulse, given that the content shows up fine in the EA Download Manager logging in to the same account.
Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
Really enjoying this a huge amount so far. I haven't finished the Ostagar situation and will be interested to see how/if it opens up but the story has really sucked me in and I'm enjoying the combat. The dialogue was hit-and-miss right at the beginning but then it seemed to settle in and the "baddy" in my main Origin (City Elf) was superbly voiced.

I like the combat, too. It isn't ToEE but it's a pretty good RTwP setup - I think it benefits from purpose-made mechanics. I like the flanking and the Talents seem useful (so far) - works nicely to Shield Bash and then create a flanking situation.

Early days but seems a worthy BG successor and the story has definitely been even stronger for me.
Aug 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
Wow. I am a fan of Drakensang because it was old school. It was so good to play a game that felt like a proper RPG. I honestly thought that was the last hope. But now Dragon Age. Didn't expect this after mass effect. I feel i will enjoy the ride.

Some stuff i like, like the free move button. I have much fun utilize my tanks as shields for my ranged attackar. The complex tactics, and the possibility of disengage it completly.

Well, i know i get ecstatic early in some games but. This game is for me. Spot on.

(Didn't have any problem to get my "free stuff" either. It was a little cumbersome but worked).
Oct 18, 2006
The game does start to open up after the famous battle of Ostagar!! I'm enjoying it as well.
Aug 31, 2006
Zones are tiny and REEK of Jade Empire/Kotor (one windy path through pretty stuff you can't interact with)
Ah no :-(

Damn you Aurora Engine. Damn you to hell.

How does it compare to Drakensang? That wasn't exactly free-roaming, but I found the size of the areas there within my comfort zone. KotOR on the other hand was a joke: a series of sardine cans connected by loading screens.
Jun 24, 2009
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