Shadowrun Returns - Review Roundup #1


Part-Time News-bot
October 1, 2010
Well today we have the first batch of reviews for Shadowrun Returns. Most are very positive so I can assume it will be a hit. What about you?

EuroGamer - 8/10

For those who just want to relive the isometric action of the SNES and Megadrive days, Shadowrun Returns easily delivers. It's not the deepest or most flexible game of its type, but there's a lot to be said for simple ideas realised intuitively. Add in some excellent writing and, judged purely as a standalone game, it's an unambiguous success.

There's more to Shadowrun Returns though. Much more. And it won't be until the community gets its hands on the editor, starts remixing the current material and generating its own, that the game will really begin to blossom. When it does, the patience of the hardcore will be well rewarded.
Softpedia - 8/10

Shadowrun Returns is a great comeback for the old franchise and proves that there's a lot of life left in it. While it only features a single story at launch, the promise of more from developer Harebrained Schemes and the possibility of getting new campaigns from players themselves via the editor makes the game an investment over time.

The title is a tough experience for newcomers but, provided they keep at it and continue to explore the many complex mechanics, it's quite rewarding, especially for those who enjoyed the comebacks of other franchises like Fallout or XCOM in recent years.
Polygon - 7/10

Despite the strange omissions and Shadowrun Returns' habitual blinking in the face of bigger gameplay ambitions, it's still an engaging return to a world and fiction that's sat dormant for far too long. Shadowrun is still a singular take on a pair of genres that have been drowned by cliche elsewhere, and it's exciting to consider where the game can go from here. Here's hoping that Harebrained is willing to go a little further down the rabbit hole if they do.
Hardcoregamer - 4.5/5

Even with the few flaws it possesses, Hairbrained Schemes have knocked it out of the park with Shadowrun Returns. This is one of the most satisfying and complete tactical roleplaying experiences to come out of 2013 and realistically the last few years. It’s strong in narration, sporting one of the best scripts we’ve seen in a long time, rich in customization and solid in its combat sophistication.
Gizorama - 4/5

Shadowrun Returns is a fine little turn based RPG and a standard that all Kickstarter games should look to aim for or beat. With the probable challenges that they faced, it’s amazing the game is this solid through and through. Sit yourself down, you drek and null sweat chummer as you jack in, because this game is wiz.
FanBoyFeed - 8/10

One of the biggest and most ambitious additions to this game is allowing the community to create User Generated Content to ensure the game has tons of DLC beyond what Harebrained Schemes has planned for the future. There’s already some content for the community to enjoy starting launch day.

Thanks to all the Kickstarter backers for helping make this project a huge success and great revival for the series. A lot of gamers that still have a bad taste in their mouth from the Cross-Play Shadowrun that was made for PC and Xbox 360 need to play this game. It’s a true revival of Shadowrun and the perfect HD upgrade that the series needed with a soundtrack that takes you back in time.
More information.
Oct 1, 2010
One by one kickstarter revolution comes to fruition. And it's good to know that our hopes were not in vain. I hope these positive reviews will fuel new ambitious RPG projects on kickstarter.
Oct 30, 2006
Looks very promising, but I'll wait for a few watchers hand-on impressions Before purchasing...
Oct 25, 2006
Not a bad start... Not liking the actual wording of the Eurogamer review - but I'm hoping the game is a smash, as it can only get better from here.
Sounds hopeful. I have a party tonight, so I won't be able to play immediately, but I'm looking forward to it.

Regarding success - it's #1 on the steam topseller list right now, and has been in the top 10 for a few days already. Considering it isn't even released, I'd say this Harebrained Scheme will be a success.
Oct 18, 2006
Sounds hopeful. I have a party tonight, so I won't be able to play immediately, but I'm looking forward to it.

Regarding success - it's #1 on the steam topseller list right now, and has been in the top 10 for a few days already. Considering it isn't even released, I'd say this Harebrained Scheme will be a success.

I hope so 'cause it really is a wonderful game. I've played it for like 4 days now and I can't get enough. I believe the true potential of the Shadowrun universe will be unleashed once the community starts adding new missions/campaigns via the editor that comes with the game.
May 24, 2013
Looking very good and I think they have priced it just right for it to do well. I didn't kickstart this but I am going to pick it up pretty soon.
Oct 18, 2006
We've been given two review copies. It's the second listed in the review roundup ;)

Ah, cool. Well glad you enjoyed it and thanks for the review! :handshake:
Oct 18, 2006
An isometric KS game getting such good reviews on major sites is very good news in my opinion. It means there's not only a market for such games (we knew there was), but they might just do well enough to fuel similar games in the future.

The biggest projects are still on their way, and I really hope they deliver.
Oct 18, 2006
I must quote myself from an old post:
I didn't pledge because I don't care about tablets, games for tablets and their ports.
And I'll buy it only if reviews are stellar.
This excludes pay4goodreview sites like IGN ofc, now I just need to hear what majority of watchers say and I'll probably then have to buy this goddamned phone2PC port. :(
Apr 12, 2009
How is this a port from phones to PC when they don't even have a release date for the phone versions. In actuality it is the opposite and is a port from the PC to phones.

PS. I get irritated about all of the BS you keep saying about some games. Most of what you say is either untrue or half-truths.
Oct 19, 2006
PS. I get irritated about all of the BS you keep saying about some games.
That's the basic idea of my BS. More you get irritated by my posts on stuff you adore (in this case it's phonegames) more probability you'll eventually buy a game notpossible to por on a phone I adore (I suggest Drakensang) and play it just to prove it's not epic.
Whatever you post about a game or stuff I adore, I won't be irritated, honestly. You have every right to have a different taste, in your place I'd pet that phonegames love till it lasts.
Apr 12, 2009
So I guess you hate all dos games, and Baldur's Gate since they can be played on phones.
Oct 19, 2006
That's the basic idea of my BS. More you get irritated by my posts on stuff you adore (in this case it's phonegames) more probability you'll eventually buy a game notpossible to por on a phone I adore (I suggest Drakensang) and play it just to prove it's not epic.
Whatever you post about a game or stuff I adore, I won't be irritated, honestly. You have every right to have a different taste, in your place I'd pet that phonegames love till it lasts.

Nah, you have just p roved you have no idea what you are talking usual. You usually like crap and call it the next coming and blast everything from bethesda or any other north american I off?
Apr 17, 2007
I wonder why he likes Drakensang so much when he hates the Realms of Arkania games. (they can be played on tablets and phones through dosbox)
Oct 19, 2006
About 2-3 hours in so far. It isn't perfect, but it's pretty fun and I'm really glad I backed this project. The atmosphere is great, the writing isn't bad at all and so far it feels like I'll want to replay by trying out a different character once Im done :).

I can't wait to see what sort of campains the community will make for this game.
Oct 18, 2006
yeah I have only played a short time, it certainly has good graphics for what it is. very linear so far, doesn't seem to be any skills required for conversations etc.
Apr 17, 2007
Not completly true on the skill/conversation thing. Depending on your stats and Etiquettes you'll have different conversation choices which will allow you to handle situations differently depending on your character.
Oct 18, 2006
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