why anyone wants an "assault rifle"

Any what would happen if you country was invaded in the future? (…) What if a riot got out of control and a gang of 20 men came to rape your wife?
20 men ? Well, I'm sure I won't be able to repel the flood with any hand gun so I should pick a M14 or maybe a M16 ? What do you think ? And what if there's actually a 3rd world war around and the commies come to burst at my door with a mechanized platoon or a company ? Should I go for a BMG '50 caliber and start training a militia in my neighborhood ? Maybe should I consider taking flying lessons upfront, then acquiring a Tiger or better then, a second hand Longbow helo with a full load of stingers ? What do you think ?

As a side note, as I said I'm single so don't worry about my wife being raped by a lustful crowd. Plus, I told you I'm not feeling like owning a pistole so how could it make sense for me to "own" a wife at home… ;)

Come on please people, stop it with your paranoid advice. It may be relevant with the intelligent kind of people you are accustomed to encounter in the most advanced parts of the world you live in but here it's the real old butt of the world, where gents kill each other with a good old stabbing in the guts, one at a time, instead of by the dozen in school yards on a seemingly regular basis. We may not be as reasoning, sensitive and clever but don't take from us that we know how to butcher with style. Don't try to convince me that I'm wrong, that I'm a coward or whatever, just because I don't feel the manhood of griping on the handle of a 45 cal. I love my country (and did serve it for a year, when I was still young and therefor considered of age to die for the silliness of so called adults, who are now telling me, that killing the youngsters is the most abominable crime of all, except be it with the good reason of preserving our so called national properties from others… despite the fact it may have been theirs, before we grabbed it from them) and that has nothing to do with the fact of owning an assault rifle in my bedroom, just in case the villains would outrage my girlfriend, my mom or my cat.

By the way, just to be as moronic, I'd like to know how many wives are shot dead by their legitimate husband each day, in the land of the free dom to own a big gun ? Here in France, there are more beaten by their official lover than by your ordinary average gang of 20 on the loose. Imagine what we could do, given the appropriate armament !
Nov 13, 2012
Chapelle Guillaume
I forgot... "...Any what would happen if you country was invaded in the future?" to reply that my country has been invaded so many times during the course of official history that many have written huge books about that single fact. Imagine what my country would be without all these invasions or if all had been repelled ? What would be yours (I assume you are an American citizen ?) if the native Americans have had a better armament. What if Gandhi would have been a fervent admirer of Smith & Wesson.
Nov 13, 2012
Chapelle Guillaume
I dont feel like anyone needs an assault rifle for self-defense.
A military grade weapon that actually has the potential to destroy a crowd of people, is not what the individual needs to defend themselves from, what's usually, one or two attackers.
If somebody thinks carrying an automatic rifle around for protection, or theyre expecting a squad of criminals to ambush them, they should wisen up.
Unless of course your in a warzone, in which the opposite would apply.
Dec 18, 2012
Michigan, in the UP
Having assault weapons around is just flat out dumb. Self defense? Please. What are you expecting? A small army of attackers? Be honest with yourself. Getting an assault weapon has nothing to do with defense and everything to do with feeling powerful.
Your first sentence meant to be an argument? Was that your best foot forward to "feeling powerful" or superior? Ever seen any footage of the 92 LA riot? A small army of attackers is an understatement, and please don't use you lack of information as strangth. Defense and "feeling powerful" are complementary terms instead of mutually exclusive as you implied.

OK, I guess I should bother to take apart this idiot's video post:

1. No it is not more intimidating. All a gun can do is kill you and they can all do that. An assault rifle doesn't make me any more dead than any other gun. Why should I be more scared of it?
most the encounters would end when a supposed victims suddenly flashes a gun, criminals are not as dumb. If "an assault rifle doesn't make me any more dead than any other gun", why were they targeted for ban and banning them would "make it a lot smaller" as you claimed in 5. Are you imagining a law abiding gun owner would point an "assault rifle" at you for no reason? Here shows your paranioa, perhaps part of why you want to take guns away.

2. I suppose if you've got somebody coming after you with a pistol and you've got an assault rifle then you've got the upper hand (though I think by far the biggest advantage is going to go to whoever it is that sees the other first and recognizes him/her as a threat).
I could have ______ him first, it is useless speculate a hyperthestical situation? Did 2nd Admand said it can be infringe under some special circumstance? I would scratch this off.

3. The 2nd Ammendment was passed by MANY people. Saying it is there for one reason only is silly. Even if they did have one reason, who cares? The political situation and the technology has changed completely in the past couple hundred years. Not that the 2nd Ammendment is actually under threat, of course.
Couldn't they all share this reason, to restrain the power of centrol government? You don't think 76ers would have use AK47 if they had access to them? What part of "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed" was not clear?
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Oct 25, 2006
Here in France, there are more beaten by their official lover than by your ordinary average gang of 20 on the loose.

Heh. France. Heh. And what kind of difference do you think it might have made 70 years ago if most of your population was armed? Yep sure is paranoid of me. :lol:

Gloo said:
Imagine what my country would be without all these invasions or if all had been repelled ?

Who cares what it is now. Try telling that to the people who were actually there and could have made a difference when it happened. When Nazi Germans were going door to door rounding up people and killing/raping them.

Gloo said:
As a side note, as I said I'm single so don't worry about my wife being raped by a lustful crowd.

How selfish of you to deprive other people the right to defend their family because you have none. This kind of thing doesn't happen in france huh? http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2012/oct/09/french-gang-rape-trial-suburbs Oh.......guess it does.
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Oct 18, 2006
4. Yes Mr. Whoever You Are, your paranoia about the goverment coming in and taking over your life is pretty sad. The fact that you think you could delay such a thing by more than a few hours with your assault rifle is also laughable.
"2nd Ammend is not threadened by banning some guns"? or is it 25% income tax is not really tax? or taxing is voluntary but fine and jail those who don't do it "voluntarily"? And this statement is in markedly contrast to #1's bravado. Ever heard of "…pry it from my cold, dead hands"? Oh, I see, you are siding those with Tanks. Come on, you are a beliver of "bigger gun" contrary to what you may have thought otherwise.

5. Ah, the inevidable "banning guns will not make crime go away" argument. If it's not a silver bullet it's a worthless bullet, huh? No, getting rid of guns doesn't make the problem go away but it sure makes it a lot smaller.
Banning guns only take guns away from law abiding people. Tell me again how it would reduce any crime when only crimials have guns?

6. Given your rather clear paranioa about the government coming in and taking over your life, how is it you count as somebody trustworthy enough to carry a gun?[/QUOTE]
It is called vigilance, dreamers/sleepers who believe in mass murderers like governments would never understand it. much less a paranoid who thinks all gun owners are trigger happy.

for those want to research 2nd Admand, something more than "hunting" and "self-defence". Here are some good points, and stationing policemen at every school is not a good solution.


Oct 25, 2006
Heh. France. Heh. And what kind of difference do you think it might have made 70 years ago if most of your population was armed? Yep sure is paranoid of me. :lol:
Well, I guess I would speak German better than I actually do after learning it for four years in college but what's the point with this question anyway ? Do you really think a peace time problem can be solved with war time policies ? That's weird as I feel i'm feeling some kind of usual irony in your comment about my country. Maybe I'm too becoming sort of paranoid ? Bah, man forget your insinuations man :biggrin:

Who cares what it is now. Try telling that to the people who were actually there and could have made a difference when it happened. When Nazi Germans were going door to door rounding up people and killing/raping them.
Oh, I see what you're thinking here and to be honest I feel sad for you. I won't comment any further :-/

How selfish of you to deprive other people the right to defend their family because you have none.

How narrowminded can one be.

This kind of thing doesn't happen in france huh? http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2012/oct/09/french-gang-rape-trial-suburbs Oh…….guess it does.
Wrong argument man ! This as nothing to do with gangs breaking into a person's house nor with carrying a gun. Sorry to disappoint you but I actually heard of this story when it came out (plus that's not the sole example of the kind) and I think it has absolutely nothing in common with what we were talking here. There were gunfights in the headline news during the last decennials in France but none I can recall implying significantly more than a few people and they usually were facing the cops after a bank assault. None i can think of were involving citizens waring each others nor against any kind of aggressors from the outside :p
Nov 13, 2012
Chapelle Guillaume
No, getting rid of guns doesn't make the problem go away but it sure makes it a lot smaller.
I think the Mexican government thinks so as they took action to collect guns anonymously, in exchange for money or stuff before the end of the year. I heard some states in the U.S. did the same (at least Cali I think ?). That's a good move in the right direction. In France we had a law during the 70's if I recall correctly, where we were encouraged to declare all the weapons to the Gendarmerie (that's a national military law enforcing corps) but it wasn't rewarded with money or gifts and it was mandatory to fill an official declaration too so, of course, if you owned a gun illegally then you would've been screwed showing it off. But the situation here was far from what it is in Mexico or in the U.S.A. now.
Nov 13, 2012
Chapelle Guillaume
Oh, I see what you're thinking here and to be honest I feel sad for you. I won't comment any further :-/

Well the good thing is at least your country doesn't feel the same as you. France now has one of the highest gun ownership per capita in the world. At least the rest of your people are sane :D

I just can't understand why people these days ignore history. Human history is filled with conflict and people are deluding themselves if they think the future is going to be rosy. In the last 4,000 years there has almost always been at least a couple of countries at war or a civil war going on. Good luck when the shit hits the fan mate. Yes there is a 95% chance I will never have to use my weapons but I can sleep safely knowing I can at least make an effort to protect my family or my country if I am called on.

Just to keep the discussion moving along, what would you do if 4-5 armed men came to your house?
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Oct 18, 2006
I think the Mexican government thinks so as they took action to collect guns anonymously, in exchange for money or stuff before the end of the year. I heard some states in the U.S. did the same (at least Cali I think ?). That's a good move in the right direction. In France we had a law during the 70's if I recall correctly, where we were encouraged to declare all the weapons to the Gendarmerie (that's a national military law enforcing corps) but it wasn't rewarded with money or gifts and it was mandatory to fill an official declaration too so, of course, if you owned a gun illegally then you would've been screwed showing it off. But the situation here was far from what it is in Mexico or in the U.S.A. now.

Gun buybacks are a joke. The vast majority of guns collected in those buybacks are singleshot rifles and shotguns that have been sitting in closets for decades. Its just another tool of the politicians. "See, your leadership is doing something!" Unless someone wants to talk about passing a law or taking action that will actually accomplish something, this is all completely worthless.
May 3, 2008
65-year-old woman fended off 5 armed robbers


And what about this grandpa stopping a potential deadly armed robbery.

About gun buyback, -8000 junks, +600,000. The LA mayor should have checked the stat before farting and made him less of an ass. Taking guns from a silly lady who can't wait to get rid of her guns is reducing crime, therefore, it is deduced as the tics said, "guns are dangerous, doing the crime all by themselves". Nothing more than a self-congratulating dumbass politician lying at its best.

"Dealers sold 600,000 guns in California last year, up from 350,000 in 2002, according to records of sale tallied by the California Attorney General's office.
...During that same period, the number of California hospitalizations due to gun injuries declined from about 4,000 annually to 2,900, a roughly 25 percent drop, according to hospital records collected by the California Department of Public Health."
Oct 25, 2006
Heed the US founders' warnings

"And what country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms....The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants." ~ Thomas Jefferson.

"Are we at last brought to such humiliating and debasing degradation, that we cannot be trusted with arms for our defense? Where is the difference between having our arms in possession and under our direction and having them under the management of Congress? If our defense be the real object of having those arms, in whose hands can they be trusted with more propriety, or equal safety to us, as in our own hands?" ~ Patrick Henry

pick up more grains of wisdom from this article
I am a peaceful AR-15 Assault Rifle Owner
"In the 20th century alone, the death toll resulting from governments murdering their own disarmed citizens after guns were legally banned is estimated at 56 million. Our founding fathers knew any government, including ours, has the potential to become tyrannical and even deadly towards its own citizens. I suspect many or even most of those 56 million murdered by their own governments believed their government could always be trusted. Let’s learn from history."
Oct 25, 2006
Throughout history, how did "white" man take slaves?

These strong, athletic, tribal hunters, physically superior to the sickly, disease bringing white folk, didn't have a chance.

How? Simply because they had inferior weapons.

Now this could turn into a major rant about globalisation, overpopulation, mass media... But I have to go out RIGHT now, so...

Slavery may have been abolished in 1860 (or whatever) but by 1913 it simply reappeared with a new coat of paint. So what do you do when you have too many slaves eating too much food rapidly destroying your planet? Well, what do you do when you have too many kangaroos or fruitbats ruining the balance of the ecosystem? Uh huh.
Jul 10, 2007
Slavery may have been abolished in 1860 (or whatever) but by 1913 it simply reappeared with a new coat of paint. So what do you do when you have too many slaves eating too much food rapidly destroying your planet? Well, what do you do when you have too many kangaroos or fruitbats ruining the balance of the ecosystem? Uh huh.

Maybe I'm misreading this, but is his response to the question for the need of privately owned assault weapons his perceived need to cull the excess population - specifically whichever class/color of people he's thinking of as slaves?

Or is this his characterization what he sees as the mindset of someone who thinks they need an assault rifle?

Neither's a good option as the first would suggest a need for hospitalization and the second precludes the possibility of a respectful discussion because it somewhat unfairly (understatement) ascribes a neo-nazi survivalist militia mentality to an opposing opinion.
Nov 20, 2006
Ah, the smell of dipshit in the morning… The fact of the matter is that many, if not most, handguns lack the power to put a person down without a magazine dump. Even if you hit something biologically important, it generally takes a couple minutes for a person to bleed out. A couple minutes when the attacker will be able to retaliate.
Dipshit my ass! Oh wait… ;)

Yes, an attacker could retaliate. What are the chances they will? If this is a trained assassin that has sworn an oath to kill you then yeah, sure, there's a pretty good chance. It's far more likely that the person you shoot isn't an assassin at all and actually just wants to steal something. You hit them ANYWHERE and what are they going to do? RUN LIKE HELL - assuming they still can.

And you know what? Unless you gave this person a very light graze, they are going to be running to a hospital. Catching them will be trivial. They can then be tried and jailed for armed robbery, which should also be a pretty trivial case unless this guy has access to some very impressive lawyers. (And, if he does, what's he doing breaking into people's homes?)

Oh, and this guy IS armed, right? You did check first before handing him the death sentance sans trial, didn't you?

P.S. Something interesting for both sides: http://www.gamespot.com/news/connecticut-town-collecting-and-destroying-games-6401982
Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
Well, obviously... since guns are blameless it must be something else. Godlessness, gay marriage, computer games etc, etc, etc
Jan 10, 2008
Well, obviously… since guns are blameless it must be something else. Godlessness, gay marriage, computer games etc, etc, etc
Well, it wouldn't make any sense to blame the person pulling the trigger... The logical swan dive to your "something else" list doesn't even merit response.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
Yes, an attacker could retaliate. What are the chances they will? If this is a trained assassin that has sworn an oath to kill you then yeah, sure, there's a pretty good chance. It's far more likely that the person you shoot isn't an assassin at all and actually just wants to steal something. You hit them ANYWHERE and what are they going to do? RUN LIKE HELL - assuming they still can.
You really ought to talk to someone in the military or police. Based on my conversations with those sort of folks, you don't have the slightest clue how people actually react to getting shot with a handgun, which means your entire logical structure is built on a foundation of quicksand. Do yourself a favor and take the time to get informed. It might not change your position, but at least you would be basing your decision on facts rather than Hollywood fantasy and liberal lies.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
Well, it wouldn't make any sense to blame the person pulling the trigger… The logical swan dive to your "something else" list doesn't even merit response.

Have you checked out link from Zloth's post? Fodder for my "logical swan dive" comes from there.
Jan 10, 2008
Have you checked out link from Zloth's post? Fodder for my "logical swan dive" comes from there.
Couldn't do that from work. If that's the source of that idiocy, then I owe you an apology. Although I still don't understand how anyone gives the trigger puller anything less than sole blame.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
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