Anyone try the Silverfall demo?

Yeah, go ahead. That past week has been one of feeling completely foolish for one reason or another:)

Oh! You hit the nail on the head about the graphics reminding you of XIII. I couldn't put my finger on it until you mentioned it. It's that kind of cartoony, cel-shaded style. Yes, I'm also a sucker for tech vs. magic.

Voice acting was pretty decent too...well, we've heard worse from European games.

Oct 25, 2006
Calgary, Alberta
It's that kind of cartoony, cel-shaded style. Yes, I'm also a sucker for tech vs. magic.

Cel-shaded ... THANK YOU ... for the *life* of me I couldn't pull that term ...

My version of 'role playing' is that I *always* play non-tech ... since I am sitting here at my desk in a sea of 3 computers, 2 PDA's an iPod and a cell phone - and don't forget the PSP, GBA and DS in my bag ;)
Oct 18, 2006
I always play non-tech too but I like the mix, which reminds me I still need to replay Arcanum...get a sword tech. Oh and rescue the dog:)

I really want to see this game succeed. 1) It's an rpg 2) they are trying something a bit different with the old Diablo style play. I'm not a die-hard Diablo fan but if a game tries to be similar yet take some of the grind out of the Diablo style, I'm all for it.

Oct 25, 2006
Calgary, Alberta
"Cel-shaded ... THANK YOU "
Heh, I hate when I can't remember one of 5 billzion technical terms, even though I said and used the term 100s of times. ;)

"I'm not a die-hard Diablo fan but if a game tries to be similar yet take some of the grind out of the Diablo style, I'm all for it."

Me too and it's one of the reasons I liked Mage Knight, while much of the dialogue and the moives was chessy the quest did form the evolution of the story, not that the story was that great but intesting/entertaining enough to be able to enjoy the game a bit. :)
Oct 18, 2006
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