Borderlands 2 - Trailer and More


August 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
A new trailer for Borderlands 2 titled "Come and Get Me" has been released offering a little under two minutes action.
While we're on Borderlands 2, Eurogamer writes about nearly invincible bosses:
There is a boss in Borderlands 2 so tough you probably won't be able to kill it. But there's a quest to kill it anyway. It's called 'You.Will. Die. (Seriously.)'
The boss is called Terramorphous the Invincible, and he earns his name. This gargantuan thresher serpent thing emerges from the rock with a roar that echoes throughout his cliff-side home, Terramorphous Peak in the Thousand Cuts area. Its knock-back attack sends you flying high into the air, probably to your death. It hits hard enough to kill you outright. Its tentacles, many of which protrude from the ground, nag at your already frayed concentration. And the number of hit points it enjoys... well, let's just say, there are enough of them to make the player feel very, very insignificant.
...and the game's "girlfriend mode", which upet some people on the internet:
During a studio tour of Gearbox's Dallas offices, the developer showed us a work in progress build of the Mechromancer, planned to launch around 60 days after the game releases in September. Currently, the Mechromancer uses assets lifted from Maya, the Siren, for her arms. But her design and one out of three skill trees is complete.
The skill tree is called Best Friends Forever, what lead designer John Hemingway dubbed the "girlfriend mode".
More information.
Aug 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
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