Legend of Grimrock - Sells 600,000 Copies - Expansion Teased

One of the reasons I liked it so well was that I had not played that style of game since Eye of the Beholder III nearly 20 years ago with the exception of Orcs and Elves on the Nintendo DS. Everything with a first person perspective went away from step-by-step motion to the typical FPS style motion first popularized by Doom and Ultima Underworld. Of course, then you have the limitations of that style, such as having to move around in a square during combat since that was really your only option as a frontal assault would be suicide.
Jan 14, 2010
Tennessee, United States
That made absolutely no sense whatsoever…

LoG sold a lot of copies because it have good graphics and had a price tag of $3.75 on Steam sales (and GOG ones).
Oct 13, 2007
Pretty astounding, but the excellent looks of the game probably helped a lot. Even for indies, presentation shouldn't be discounted. Anyway, I am happy for these guys, and looking forward to what they will produce over the next years. They now have the funds to do cool things.
Oct 18, 2006
I think this should serve as an example to other indies what a well managed and well made product can do - even on a small budget. They used their resources very efficiently in making the game and produced a product that was exactly what it said it was. To that end it was also well made in that it did most of the things it set out to do well, even if it didn't necessarily set out to do the things many of us would want in our idealized version.
Nov 20, 2006
I would think it sold at $4 because it had already made a good profit by that point.

The square dodging tactic I didn't discover until I got to the Reaper level so I found it a lot more fun that some people it seems. I can see that discovering that could make it boring at early levels.

I loved the boss too, even though it wasn't the least bit of a surprise.

A sequel would be interesting in that hopefully we can learn if the dungeon were a Proving Grounds or a way for the Power that Be in the world were desperately trying to destroy "the boss". If its the former, I can picture the shock and horror of them when the heroes come out alive.
Oct 19, 2006
The Uncanny Valley
I rarely finish games, but I finished this one. It definitely started to become a grind towards the end but I was determined to complete it. An excellent game with great value overall. But I had my fun with it and another game/expansion in this style is not in my future game buying plans.
Feb 6, 2008
This particular universe
I didt get very far in the first game, seemed fun though I just dont have much time and got distracted and ever got back to it. I hope the sequel includes some outdoor environments, cities and forests and such.

I dont mind the old school movement style at all just want a more flushed out world.
Feb 24, 2010
Very happy with news of their success. Now I'll continue to dream of a Lands of Lore style game with that engine.

As LOL:Throne of Chaos is my alltime overall super duper favourite rpg - oh yeah, that would be great. But OTOH, LOL cannot be reached again :)
Very happy Grimrock gained such a success.
Nov 16, 2011
The game accomplished what it set out to do, but I personally got tired of the Nintendo-like "puzzles", and the combat where moving around in a square was the best way to win. Otherwise, going toe-2-toe was usually suicide.

Just to point out, those puzzles don't come from console gaming. The simple puzzles and moving around in square in combat have been central to this genre since the original Dungeonmaster.

Not that they would be good things. But Grimrock is very much following a 25 year tradition in those aspects.

Awesome sales for an Indie made here in Finland.
Sep 14, 2011
Oct 26, 2006
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