NAZI Symbolism

March 30, 2011
Apparently, "several users" here on Watch has trolled a moderator by complaining that my avatar, the Star of David, is a NAZI symbol and the moderator in question has PMmed me to change it.

Dear villain of the story,

your avatar has been reported as inappropriate by several users (Nazi symbolism —> illegal in some countries). So please exchange it for something less offensive - no porn, nothing illegal please.

Thank you.

NAZI symbolism?




Well then, if this is how the Watch rolls, I'll follow suit by reporting several users for using pornographic images in their avatars.
Mar 30, 2011
Some jokes are just wasted on people.

His avatar is in no way related to nazi symbolism, as it is actually a kind of humorous declaration of the Watch itself being, in his eyes, nazi. If you are going to ban him at least do so for the right reason.
Jan 8, 2012
Tartarus. Grinding the bleep out off Arqa 17-24.
Not to bash a fellow codexer, but this is just lame trolling, up your ante buddy.
This is lowest that neo-nazis claiming that they were swastikas for their Hindu symbolism, or something like that.
Dec 16, 2010
Some jokes are just wasted on people.

His avatar is in no way related to nazi symbolism, as it is actually a kind of humorous declaration of the Watch itself being, in his eyes, nazi. If you are going to ban him at least do so for the right reason.

Oh it's a humerous historical reference to mass genocide. Silly us for not seeing the funny side!
Oct 18, 2006
Kent, England
I find it absolutely hilarious that when you search for nazi symbolism on Google Images, you get this among top resulsts:

Mar 30, 2011
Oh it's a humerous historical reference to mass genocide. Silly us for not seeing the funny side!

He was acused of nazi symbolism. He wasn't accused of humorous references to mass genocide.

His avatar has nothing to do with nazi symbolism. It is unimportant whether it is or not related to mass genocide.


Again, I repeat what I just said: If you want to ban him, be my guests. But do so for the right reasons, at least.

Nazi Symbolism =/= Humorous references to mass genocide.

Then, humorous references to mass genocide aren't illegal in most civilized countries. Nazi references are, in several. Thus, they are in two completely different levels of transgression.

It seems some of you guys are having a hard time understanding this but I don't really care about how you feel about things outside of discussions and debates about how people feels about things. In discussions about facts I care about facts, and I am discussing facts. The facts are simple: There's no nazi symbolism in his avatar.

Learn2debate, then we continue. Gee.

Also, mass genocide? Really? Can you get any more redundant about it?
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Jan 8, 2012
Tartarus. Grinding the bleep out off Arqa 17-24.
Oh it's a humerous historical reference to mass genocide. Silly us for not seeing the funny side!

I don't care if you see a funny side or not. It's a manner of expression. You got a problem with freedom of expression? You got a little thought policing fetish going on there? I bet you'd like to beat your kids too. Bend them over across each other and whip them good with your belt buckle so that the other one will witness the horror while waiting for his or her turn, yes?
Mar 30, 2011
His avatar is in no way related to nazi symbolism, as it is actually a kind of humorous declaration of the Watch itself being, in his eyes, nazi.

I disagree. I disagree insofar that he uses the infamous Judenstern, which was a mark which in the end led into the Vergasung of the Jews KZs, a mark which placed the Jews not only into the outside of the society, but made them "vogelfrei", so to say. Everyone was allowed to harass them, in the end, to tell officials about them to get rewards, I assume, so that these Jews could be deported into the KZs. In the end, those who profited from harassing Jews were those who bought up their stuff from the harassed and thus fleeing or deported Jews - and sometimes these Germans became rich from that.

To use a sign like that simply CANNOT be used in ANY "humorous" kind of way, because the Judenstern is THE sign with which the Jews were marked for deportation !

Using THIS sign implicitely accuses the Watch, its moderators and everyone in it to be racists, and to be anti-semitic.

You didn't have any Nazi regime in your country, so you just cannot know what this means. Make a journey into the Deutsches Museum in Berlin, see the KZ clothes lying there in front of you, that, and other remains of KZ prisoners, go, sit yourself face to face to any of the Survivors and ask him or her if it is appropriate to use THEIR badges as internet forum avarars ! Go to the KZs and to the Gaskammern, and THEN I will ask you if you dare to use this sign again !
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Some jokes are just wasted on people.

His avatar is in no way related to nazi symbolism, as it is actually a kind of humorous declaration of the Watch itself being, in his eyes, nazi. If you are going to ban him at least do so for the right reason.

Don't worry, he probably won't get banned. People from the codex are known for being trolls. racists, misogynists etc. so they are not to be taken seriously. Also the swastika was not first used by nazis. Come to think of though, what if people were offended by the star of David? Would a mod ask him to change it too?

edit: This is a reply to Alrik. I went to Nuremberg when I was in highschool and my dad and I passed next to Zeppelin Field. So we decided to take some pics of the place. At one point I went up to the speaker's stand where Hitler stood and raised my hand for a picture, when some cops showed up out of nowhere. I hardly managed to not get a fine that day though they did take me and my dad to the police station for some papers. To this day I still don't see why people are offended when it comes to nazism.
Aug 7, 2010
Vivec, Morrowind
You got a little thought policing fetish going on there?

Come to Germany, ask anyone of the Survivors if THEY have a little policing fetish, too.

You wouldn't dare it. Saying this into their faces.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Alrik Fassbauer said:
I disagree. I disagree insofar that he uses the infamous Judenstern, which was a mark which in the end led into the Vergasung of the Jews KZs, a mark which placed the Jews not only into the outside of the society, but made them "vogelfrei", so to say.

I hope the infamous Judenstern said Codexite instead of, say, Jude.

Otherwise your argument is emotional and fallacious.

Alrik Fassbauer said:
Using THIS sign implicitely accuses the Watch, its moderators and everyone in it to be racists, and to be anti-semitic.

Fallacious argument. Using that sign implicitely accuses the Watch, its moderators, and everyone on it of being anti-codex, which may or may not be an accurate statement.

Alrik Fassbauer said:
Go to the KZs and to the Gaskammern, and THEN I will ask you if you dare to use this sign again !

I'm sorry but I care neither about your emotions nor the emotions of jews as long as we are debating. I care about, again, facts. If because of their emotional baggage people is hurt by the inspiration for such a symbol then accuse him of causing much butthurt and being as empathic as a brick, which is probably insulting to bricks. That's not my problem.
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Jan 8, 2012
Tartarus. Grinding the bleep out off Arqa 17-24.
While the reasoning for using it in this manner, i'ts a photoshopped judenstern. Changing Jude to Codexite doesn't change that fact.

Oct 26, 2006
While the reasoning for using it in this manner, i'ts a photoshopped judenstern. Changing Jude to Codexite doesn't change that fact.

The fact is that a judenstern is nothing but a star of david with Jude written in the inside. All other meaning is contextual and subjective.

If I were to use as an avatar a star of david with YHVH written in the inside would it be a judenstern reference too? Would I thus be accused of anti-semitism?

It's absurd.
Jan 8, 2012
Tartarus. Grinding the bleep out off Arqa 17-24.
I see nothing offensive about his avatar. Looks like the Star of David to me.
Sep 16, 2011
Oh, y'all are just so edgy. Practically anarchic. Not impressed, kiddies. Grow up.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
Oh, y'all are just so edgy. Practically anarchic. Not impressed, kiddies. Grow up.

Ad Hominem? EZ.

Also, argumentation is "edgy" while emotional delusions are acceptable? So very commoner.

What about actual arguments instead of LOL UR MOM?
Jan 8, 2012
Tartarus. Grinding the bleep out off Arqa 17-24.
The fact is that a judenstern is nothing but a star of david with Jude written in the inside. All other meaning is contextual and subjective.

To the contrary. What makes it into a judenstern is form and color. Let me give you something to illustrate this point:



If I were to use as an avatar a star of david with YHVH written in the inside would it be a judenstern reference too? Would I thus be accused of anti-semitism?

Yes. Even more so I might say.

It's absurd.

Symbols and symbolism are irrational afterall.
Oct 26, 2006
I see nothing offensive about his avatar. Looks like the Star of David to me.

Yes it does. To those who do not have the extra layer of insight.

At the same this looks like a nazi symbol to many:
Oct 26, 2006
What about actual arguments instead of LOL UR MOM?

Foolish fool spouting foolish foolishness, just as I expect of a foolish fool such as you.
Oct 26, 2006
To those against his symbol - don't you think you're being overly touchy? His symbol in no way insinuates that he is anti-semitic. Nor does it seem like he was trying to offend any Jewish people by using it.

A Star of David filled yellow is a judenstern? If we are to allow such definitions, where do you draw the line to stop this sort of madness? Would it be wrong to use Saruman from the Lord of the Rings as my avatar because the Lord of the Rings can be interpreted as an allegory for WW2?
Sep 16, 2011
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