Netbook for classic RPGs, at last I bought it. :)


Keeper of the Watch
Original Sin 2 Donor
October 30, 2006
Hello my friends,

I was thinking about buying a netbook for a long time, and this week I bought a netbook finally. Now there are some Windows 7 and Atom N450 models, but I prefered old technology: Windows XP for maximum compability and N270 for the gmabooster. Gmabooster only works on gma950 model graphic cards (old netbook graphics card). N450 has the graphic unit integrated on its CPU. So, low power usage and heat, but downside you can't use gmabooster. GMA450 graphic cards can work in 400 mhz. But, due to the lower power consuming in the netbooks, the GPU clock is lowered deliberately to 166 mhz. With the gmabooster you can increase the speed to 400 mhz without heat increase.

Anyway, I bought a Lenovo S10-2. It has N270, 1 gb ddr2-667 mhz, 64 mb gma 450, Windows XP SP3 on it. Since it has relatively old technology, it's rather cheap according to the other netbook models.

After I brought my new and tiny machine to home, I began to install old and classic RPGs. (I'm using an external dvd-rom drive by the way) My first game is Wizards&Warriors. Now this is a game that has a lots of problems on new Nvidia cards (gts250 on my main gaming rig). To my great joy, it runs flawlessly in direct3d mode. There are some fps drops when there are so many monsters on the screen. But, since it is a turn-based game it is no issue for me. By the way, I tried W&W on a win7, n450 netbook. And it has some graphic flickering issue in direct3d mode, but runs fine on software mode.

Then I tried my games that I bought from gog: Arcanum, Lionheart, Arx Fatalis, Vampire: Redemption, Divine Divinity, Beyond Divinity, Septerra Core, Fallout 1, Fallout 2, Gothic 2 Gold, Might&Magic 6 LE, Stonekeep, Sanitarium. They all run fine in my tiny monster. Only games that I didn't try were Die By The Sword and Sacred. I didn't try Sacred, because it has the default resolution 1024*768 and netbook screens do not support this.

It's so nice to play my classic games on my lap when I'm in my bed. I remember to play them on bigger, noisy machines.

So I made a list that can be played on my standart netbook in order to be a guidance to my fellow retro gamers:

- Anvil Of Dawn (with dosbox)
- Arcanum (gog version)
- Arx Fatalis (gog version)
- Baldur's Gate 1
- Baldur's Gate 2
- Baldur's Gate Tutu
- Beyond Divinity (gog version)
- Diablo 1
- Diablo 2
- Discworld 1 (with scummvm)
- Discworld 2 (with scummvm)
- Discworld Noir
- Divine Divinity (gog version)
- Drakan
- Dungeon Siege: Legends Of Aranna
- Eye Of The Beholder Trilogy (with dosbox)
- Fallout 1 (gog version)
- Fallout 2 (gog version)
- Freedom Force (after 1,3 patch that solves a XP SP2 issue)
- Freelancer
- Gorasul
- Gothic 2 Gold (gog version)
- Icewind Dale
- Kings Quest 8
- Lands Of Lore 1 (with dosbox)
- Lands Of Lore 2
- Lands Of Lore 3
- Legacy Of Kain: Soul Reaver
- Lionheart (gog version)
- Might&Magic 6 (gog version)
- Might&Magic 7 (after XP patch)
- Might&Magic 8 (after XP patch)
- Might&Magic 9
- Neverhood
- Neverwinter Nights Diamond Edition (lags heavily on some areas)
- Odium (Gorky 17)
- Planescape Torment
- Pool Of Radiance 2
- Return To Krondor
- Revenant (only software mode though, direct3d mode do not run on xp sp3)
- Sanitarium
- Seal Of Evil
- Septerra Core (gog version)
- Silver (with unofficial graphic patch)
- Soulbringer
- Stonekeep (gog version)
- Temple Of Elemental Evil
- Throne Of Darkness
- Ultima 5: Lazarus
- Ultima 9
- Vampire The Masquarade: Redemption (gog version)
- Wizardry 8
- Wizards&Warriors

I am going to upgrade the list after I will try new games.
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Oct 30, 2006
i love your list for games, and how much was the netbook?
Feb 19, 2010
Netbooks are useless, you'd do better buying 'normal' notebook. Whatever though, your choice. For old games you could make a second partition on ur laptop with Windows XP/98 for old games.

BTW I wouldn't play 3D games on that graphic card, play NWN, Gothic etc on your standard computer.
Jun 16, 2008
BTW I wouldn't play 3D games on that graphic card, play NWN, Gothic etc on your standard computer.

i could dissagree im use a normal laptop and it runs gothic 3 and oblivion fine with 128 mb intel 4 chipset loland 3 gb ram
Feb 19, 2010
I have also a notebook. But, it is too heavy and big for using over my lap in my bed. Netbooks are real comfort, I assure you. I also have a high-end gaming rig. So, no prob here.
Oct 30, 2006
i love your list for games, and how much was the netbook?

Thanks. :) I bought the netbook for nearly 350 $. Apart from retro-gaming, this netbook has some nice features. Like QS key. With this you can start the system to a special Linux system without entering the Windows. So, you can easily enter the internet, listening mp3s and browsing your pictures. Other than that it also has a SIM card input and you can use 3g internet without a 3g modem.
Oct 30, 2006
I have also a notebook. But, it is too heavy and big for using over my lap in my bed. Netbooks are real comfort, I assure you. I also have a high-end gaming rig. So, no prob here.

Then you may have shitload of cash, in that case... well... that's okay I guess.

What size and weight notebook do u have? I use 15.6" ~2.70kg without any discomfort in bed (actually I don't see any difference between it and my old 14" or 12").
Jun 16, 2008
I really don't get the craze with netbooks. Just get a fucking real notebook. You know, a 14-15" <4lb slab that you can carry around in a small backpack, not one of those oversized desktop replacements. More functionality in all. If all you want is something to get online and be able to type, then go look at smart phone type devices.
Feb 20, 2010
Have you ever used a smart phone? I have one, and it is not remotely a replacement for a computer. I like it when I need to check the weather, or my mail, or some such on the road, or if I'm waiting on someone and need something to do.

I don't get the craze over them either, but they're worlds better than a smart phone. I'll stick with my full size laptop. I don't use it in my lap, actually, but it does everything I need it to, then some more.

My laptop has the same Intel GMA 4 chipset, and DDO runs fine, as does King's Bounty. Dragon Age turns into a slideshow during fights though. Mine only has 2gb of RAM to draw from though. It'll do fine for most games though. I was planning on replacing it later this year, maybe.
Jun 28, 2007
In the Middle of Nowhere
Yes I have, and they're far more practical for web surfing "on the fly" or sending that quick email during a meeting. If I want to be more productive on the road I take my laptop; small and light enough to not be a hindrance, big enough to allow adequate comfort for extended use, and enough functionality to use as a temporary "desktop". With a netbook I have none of that really.
Feb 20, 2010
Just remember that because you fail to understand something doesn't mean it isn't true.

Sure. I fail to understand my on computing needs.
Feb 20, 2010
It's obvious you've never had to try and type out a long email, set up links to additional websites, or do anything more than a bare minimum of stuff on a "smart" phone.

Any computer will be better, even a netbook, by virtue of a much larger screen, keyboard, and full-featured browser (with full implementation of flash and other such plugins). My Samsung Rouge is a good, solid phone... but it doesn't remotely match any netbook in functionality. And I'd never buy a netbook myself, seeing as how I play games regularly. I'd have just gotten a $500 laptop and been done with it. By now, the specs should be much better than a year and a half ago, when I bought a $500 laptop on clearance.
Jun 28, 2007
In the Middle of Nowhere
I really don't get the craze with netbooks. Just get a fucking real notebook.

Sure. I fail to understand my on computing needs.

Um ... apparently your Codex-trained attention span keeps you from seeing that YOU tried to impose your thoughts as fact. You don't get netbooks, and standard notebooks meet your needs. That is *great*. But for millions, a smaller system, ~2lbs with a 9-10 inch screen which is *much* smaller than what you describe meets their needs.

Netbooks aren't for everyone, but they really do offer more than a smartphone is able to manage. I have them all - Moto Droid, netbook, and fully capable notebook for gaming. They each meet a need for me.
Oct 18, 2006
Not to mention the battery life. That is the main reason why I consider getting one. My company laptop doesn't do more than three hours (and that only if I turn the monitor so dark I can hardly read it in daylight). And that is not even bad among todays laptops unless you are willing to spend quite a bit more. So for those long train or plane rides, a netbook would be quite useful as a second option.
Oct 18, 2006
It's obvious you've never had to try and type out a long email, set up links to additional websites, or do anything more than a bare minimum of stuff on a "smart" phone.

Any computer will be better, even a netbook, by virtue of a much larger screen, keyboard, and full-featured browser (with full implementation of flash and other such plugins). My Samsung Rouge is a good, solid phone… but it doesn't remotely match any netbook in functionality. And I'd never buy a netbook myself, seeing as how I play games regularly. I'd have just gotten a $500 laptop and been done with it. By now, the specs should be much better than a year and a half ago, when I bought a $500 laptop on clearance.

If I need to do that I just use my notebook. For checking email I just need a screen.

Um … apparently your Codex-trained attention span keeps you from seeing that YOU tried to impose your thoughts as fact. You don't get netbooks, and standard notebooks meet your needs. That is *great*. But for millions, a smaller system, ~2lbs with a 9-10 inch screen which is *much* smaller than what you describe meets their needs.

Netbooks aren't for everyone, but they really do offer more than a smartphone is able to manage. I have them all - Moto Droid, netbook, and fully capable notebook for gaming. They each meet a need for me.

No. I said I considered them useless and trivial and a small laptop is a much better choice, and that I don't get why everyone is going gaga over them. They offer a middle ground of sorts, but just like FO3, it tries but does noting useful at the end. That's *still* an opinion. We are allowed those in here no?
Feb 20, 2010
To me at least, there are two factors defining when a netbook or a notebook is a better choice. For road-warriors, those who will carry it everywhere for long times, a netbook is the obvious choice. Not only for the weight (yes, you can have light notebooks too, but you pay a premium for that), but for the battery life (usually in the 8 hour range instead of notebooks' 2-3 hour standard). If it's going to be used mainly in the house and the infrequent trip, then a notebook is the better choice, much more bang for the money.
Sep 23, 2008
We are allowed those in here no?

Absolutely ... all of us are. And my statement isn't one of fact either ... simply an assessment of how netbook meets a portion of MY computing/gaming needs.
Oct 18, 2006
Netbooks are useless, you'd do better buying 'normal' notebook. Whatever though, your choice. For old games you could make a second partition on ur laptop with Windows XP/98 for old games.

BTW I wouldn't play 3D games on that graphic card, play NWN, Gothic etc on your standard computer.
My thought exactly.

Before I got my current notebook(MSI GT725) I started off look at various other gaming handhelds, e.g. PSP, etc. Then decided that all but the PSP were grossly overpriced for what they were given the cost of a netbook. So at that point I started looking at netbooks and found that the only semi-useful one would be one with a dedicated GPU, ASUS IIRC w/GF 9300 switchable to the laughable Intel integrated "GPU", however the one with a decent sized hdd brought it up to as much as a low end AMD or Core 2 based "real" notebook, however those were generally stuck with again either Intel integrated junk or really lowend ATI/nVidia GPUs.

After all this I found the MSI GT725 which was something like $300 more for a really good GPU. It was an ATI mobility radeon hd 4850 w/512MB GDDR3 (pretty much 9800 GTX+ class) along with an Intel P8600 in the model that I bought. Decided to gamble on the ATI GPU hoping that they had shaped up their driver act and the fact that nVidia GPUs in notebooks in the same range were no where near as powerful at the time.

Anyways, MUCH happier that I ended up with that as I can also play modern games as well as ancient, and even more so since my desktop croaked a few months ago and really this notebook is a bit better than it was in all honesty.

One thing at first I didn't care for the 1680x1050 LCD but then after using the nb for a while it was always funny to go back to my lower res/different aspect ratio CRT. (Although the CRT did MUCH better at handling various resolutions, as I still think that anything other than native on LCDs looks like utter s - - t.

Really wish now that nVidia has better nb offerings in the GT200 class at the time though as ATI drivers are extra crappy for linux/X11(STILL!!) and even under windows are a pain as I have to use mobility or manually hack some config files, plus even the windows drivers have hiccups more so than I ever noticed with nVidia. (So replacement desktop is almost definitely going to be GF100.)

The 725 is now replace core i7 plus they're using nVidia GPUs. Still the thing is a 17" but it's only about 8.5lbs with a 12cell battery -> close to 3h batt time browsing, and lighter apps. REQUIRES AC for playing modern games unless you want 40m batt time, plus you'd have to disable powerplay(ATI) or the nVidia equivalent as it's locked to lower GPU speed on batt which is fine for old games and still better than what you'd get with a typical netbook. (Plus those netbook screens are just too tiny/low res)
Oct 26, 2006
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