Diablo 3 - Interview @ IncGamers


Part-Time News-bot
October 1, 2010
Travis Day of Blizzard was interviewed in a new video podcast from Blizzcon 2014 on IncGamers. The site also provides a transcript if your short on time.

Travis Day interviewed from Blizzcon 2014. Travis answers questions about Greater Rifts, Rift Racing, Legendary Gems, Ancient Items, new legendary items and Item Sets, buying more stash space, trading, Realm of Trials, improving bounties, game control problems, build viability in the end game, and much more.
More information.
Oct 1, 2010
I am so glad they did a transcript.

Am I the only one thinking this game just can't be fun until they quit making it about maximizing maths and put engaging content in to it? If I compare this 2Dish game to the huge open world 3D games that are out and coming out, I just end up wondering how a billion dollar game can have so little in it.

The original was a straight line story that you had to repeat over and over to get to what was supposed to be the "good" content. I can't imagine how much boredom people suffered to get to Torment mode in D3. Now the expansion added another straight line act and some tacked on freedom to do content in any area of any act, as well as some mash-up maps called rifts.

But there is no content here. It's a different kind of game than the open-world games, but why is this 2dish, story barren slot machine substitute so popular still?
Feb 2, 2007
For my part, all they have to do is reintroduce the RMAH with a few tweaks and rules - and I'd consider it the perfect game in the genre.

Of course, that'll never happen.
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