Day Z


July 6, 2011
Has anyone heard of this? It's a post-apocalyptic zombie survival mod for Arma II: Combined Operations. It looks really interesting. It's all online so you'll occasionally come across other survivors who may, or may not, attempt to kill you and loot your body for supplies. Seems like everyone is playing it now days and I was wondering if anyone here has played it and what they think about it. Arma II: CO is $30 on Steam and I'm thinking about getting it just for this mod.
Jul 6, 2011
I bought it recently but haven't had time to figure out how to install DayZ.

Looking forward to trying it soon, perhaps next weekend.

EDIT: Didn't they have some kind of problem with servers being hacked?
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Jan 15, 2011
I haven't heard anything about hacking but I just found out about the game so that's no surprise. I keep going back and forth on whether or not I should get it. The gameplay videos I've seen haven't really showed much other than just sneaking around shooting zombies, finding loot, and getting killed by other players. Sounds cool, but seems like it would get boring kind of fast :(. I don't know anything about Arma II other than it's a realistic military sim kind of game which doesn't really appeal to me.
Jul 6, 2011
If you didn't like the gameplay videos, my guess is you may not like the game.

I bought it because the DayZ videos looked fun and seemed to present more role playing opportunities than some games that call themselves RPGs.
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Jan 15, 2011
I noticed Arma II: CO was the top selling game on Steam this past week. I'm tempted to check that out if I can find the time. The only thing that keeps me from buying it immediately is the online-only aspect.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
If you didn't like the gameplay videos, my guess is you may not like the game.

Well there was one video that I watched where the guy came across a windshield and mentioned that you can repair vehicles. This makes me think there's more depth to this game than just "sneak, shoot, loot". I don't really see much depth in terms of roleplay either, unless you just really, really like post-apoc zombie games. The controls look really bad as well, but it's still in alpha so maybe they'll fix that. I tried to find some more info on their website, but it's down right now. I think I've decided to pass on this one. I'll keep an eye on its development though.
Jul 6, 2011
I noticed Arma II: CO was the top selling game on Steam this past week. I'm tempted to check that out if I can find the time. The only thing that keeps me from buying it immediately is the online-only aspect.

I'm kind of intrigued by the idea that you can find other players (or "survivors") in the game world and either kill them or possibly team up to survive so I don't think the online-only aspect would bother me as much as if this were just a straight FPS.
Jul 6, 2011
I was thinking this week to buy the game and be able to play it but somehow I am not sure and I think this video captivates the experience:

Not very impressive so far and if it had some depth like Project Zomboid, I might be mistaken and it might be interesting to play with a friend or two and again I might be mistaken since I have other taste since majority seem to not like project zomboid.
Sep 3, 2011
Well there was one video that I watched where the guy came across a windshield and mentioned that you can repair vehicles. This makes me think there's more depth to this game than just "sneak, shoot, loot". I don't really see much depth in terms of roleplay either, unless you just really, really like post-apoc zombie games. The controls look really bad as well, but it's still in alpha so maybe they'll fix that. I tried to find some more info on their website, but it's down right now. I think I've decided to pass on this one. I'll keep an eye on its development though.

The videos that I watched made it seem more like a survival simulation game with multiplayer RP.

If you get hit, you start bleeding and you may need morphine, antibiotics to fight infection, or to find someone willing to give you a blood transfusion. You can die of starvation or thirst, and I think they are adding some features for hypothermia.

It's about roleplaying with the other people you encounter - you are playing this character in a post apocalyptic scenario and you urgently need food, ammunition, medicine, etc. When you encounter someone else, you can choose to help them, talk with them, cooperate, steal from them, etc. I read somewhere some group had even taken someone else hostage and made him act as a sort of bait.

In some ways, your RP can go deeper than with a cinematic story game like Mass Effect. Instead of being forced to choose between the paragon pushover or renegade smartass dialogue option, you have an infinite number of dialogue options, and thousands of characters in the world.
Jan 15, 2011
i've been following this as well for a couple of months and nothing has made me bite. i agree it has potential but all games have limits even with an anarchy setup like this game, you can make choices but that doesn't mean they mean much. most of these are dirived from it being an MMO not from any great function of the game. to me the one shot killing running zombies resembles nothing of the zombie genre i'd be interested in. i'll probably pick it up on a steam sale but in many ways this is the worst pyramid scheme of a game and in reality if it were a survival scenerio everyone would start the game at the same time and you would start with knowning at least some people. therefore those who started playing this game first and or know other people playing have a massive advantage that makes it the opposite of my gameplay desires.
Oct 26, 2006
Well now I'm certain I won't be buying it since my computer just died :(. I'm using my old crappy dell tower so I won't be playing much of anything for a while. I've been meaning to upgrade for a while now though, so I guess now's the time.
Jul 6, 2011
well i'll be trying it eventually as i picked it up when it went on sale over the weekend. do you need to install both the base and expansion game to play it?
Oct 26, 2006
well i'll be trying it eventually as i picked it up when it went on sale over the weekend. do you need to install both the base and expansion game to play it?

Yes, both need to be installed.

  1. If using Steam, run both ARMA2 and ARMA2: Combined Operations once to complete installation.
  2. Download the latest version of Six-Updater from
  3. Run the Six-Updater exe file and install to the location of your choosing.
  4. When install is complete, there will be two "Six" programs (Six Updater and Six Launcher). Run "Six Launcher."
  5. You should see a DayZ themed program with a server browser. Click the Update button in yellow on the left.
  6. When update is complete, select a server and pres Join.
Jan 15, 2011
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