Dark Souls II - Hands-On: Prepare To Die All Over Again


Part-Time News-bot
October 1, 2010
Neoseeker's shared their thoughts on Dark Souls II based on some hands-on time they spent on it at E3.
Dark Souls II may not be a next-gen release, but it remains one of the most anticipated games this year and Namco's biggest offering at E3. FromSoftware flipped the industry upside down back in 2009 when they introduced us to Demon's Souls and taught us the true meaning of death. Virtual death, anyway. From there, we saw Dark Souls, the wildly successful follow-up that expanded the series to beyond PlayStation.
Prior to E3, we were able to get our hands on the upcoming Dark Souls II and experience, once again, the soul-crushing feeling of defeat. Sort of. FromSoftware was kind enough to at least activate God Mode for us, so that we might never die. Except on the inside.
During our time with the game, I played as that armored fellow shown in the announcement trailer, and faced down against several bosses intent on killing me.
I couldn't give you an actual verdict on Dark Souls II just after spending 30 minutes with an early build. But from what I experienced, the game seems to bring with it much of what made the first so popular. The visuals are fantastic, consistent with the Dark Souls style, and the combat is no less punishing. A part of me certainly dreads having to re-experience all of that as a mere mortal, but hey, that's part of Dark Souls' charm, isn't it?
Dark Souls II will be out March 2014 for Xbox 360, PS3, and PC.
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Oct 1, 2010
that's part of Dark Souls' charm, isn't it?

Not really. This game is too draining to have fun after coming home dead tired from work..
Mar 21, 2013
I agree it's not the type of game you want to relax with. You have to be focused, and many of the battles require a significant degree of concentration. I probably wouldn't want to play it either if I was tired.

That's not a knock on DS though. Some games just require you to be a little more awake than others. :)
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
So true. ME3 multiplayer on the harder difficulties is definitely in that boat. And Gothic combat too. Probably any real competitive multiplayer for that matter.
Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
I agree it's not the type of game you want to relax with. You have to be focused, and many of the battles require a significant degree of concentration. I probably wouldn't want to play it either if I was tired.

That's not a knock on DS though. Some games just require you to be a little more awake than others. :)

So true, and unlike other rpgs you don't have time to relax, smell the roses, scratch your head, drink tea, eat biscuits .. etc. between fights as you don't know what is lurking around the next corner (or if you die, you know exactly what is around the corner and that will not make it any easier!).
Feb 2, 2011
United Kingdom
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