Your list of favorite NON- CRPGs...

I play games for their stories first and foremost. That makes me naturally interested in Adventuregames, but it also happens I play First Person Shooters like Undying, Doom 3 and No One Lives Forever. A rare exception was me enjoying the story in Warcraft III, otherwise I often skip strategy games and simulators.
Oct 26, 2006
I'm just the opposite, the story is the last thing on my mind. I mean, a story is nice and all, but I'll read a book or watch a movie if i want an engrossing story.

It's all about the gameplay for me!

Gimme a world, princess, or pet iguana to save, wind me up and let me go.
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
I rather prefer an Iguanodon. :D
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Then you should try the Turok games :biggrin:.
Aug 31, 2006
This clip made me happy! Reminded me of our first clan matches after the days of team deathmatch, back in '96...
I never really liked TFC because it didn't capture the OTF atmosphere, but THIS looks like the real thing again... especially because some of these guys *do* look a lot like the skins I made for us...
Aug 31, 2006
I'm usually not that big on story since I primarily value replayability, and the two are often incompatible.
Nov 4, 2006
I like a good story, but sometimes I just want to sit down and take out some aggression by blowing things/people up. So, my favorite Non CRPG's would be (in no particular order);

1. The Heretic/Hexen games
2. The Thief series
3. Quake 1 & 2
4. The Jedi Knight games along with Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy
5. Sin and Wages of Sin Mission Pack
6. Shadow Warrior
7. Duke Nukem
8. Unreal and expansion
9. Undying
10. Terminal Velocity
11. Fury3
12. Hellbender
13. Freespace 1 & 2
14. StarLancer and FreeLancer
15. Tachyon
16. Turok 1 & 2
17. Soldier Of Fortune 1 & 2
18. Hitman series
19. Need For Speed High Stakes and Porche Unleashed
20. Doom series

These are all PC titles. I must admit that there are a few N64 titles I like as well. I'm particularly fond of the wrestler I created on Wrestlemania 2000 and recreated in WWF No Mercy.
Dec 31, 2006
Upstate NY
1. Quake was my first online game...And it rocked the house.. Addiction raised in extreme levels. :)

2. Half-life 1..holds still the best single player fps place. Storyline, level design etc..great stuff. btw a mod which might intrest every hl fan. Its not ready yet, but the quality of work they have shown so far looks stunning...yes a remake of the orginal on hl2 engine :)

3. Jedi knight series. I'm a sw freak, e.g one of those guys who can remember the colour of ben's lightsaber :p So no wonder why jedi knight 1, jedi outcast and jedi academy are all games I have played atleast dozen times through...and not to mention the hours i've spent online dueling!

4. Hitman series. From the very moment I saw "Leon" I waited a game which would let me become a real professional killer. And the series is just getting better and better by every game..blood money was one of the best games I played last year. thinking man's shooter would be the word, i'd use here.

5. Max payne games.

6. Enemy territory - great fun online. The best part is you can just hop in and start shooting. Team work and accomplishing objectives is engourraged three words..gameplay is golden :)

7. Mafia.

8. Outcast. A game unlike any other.

9 Severance: the blade of darkness. Heh look at my avatar, its sargon there, say hello to sargon. Simply put best fantasy action game EVER..Melee combat system is very realistic and brutal. I still hope to see same kind of combat system in a real crpg.

10. Doom 2.

11.Like Jaz I'm a fan of arcade beat'em ups. Mortal kombat 1&2 (raiden), Tekken series (paul), street fighter 2, soul blade (the dude with a saber type of weapon) and BUSHIDO blade (black lotus).. There is no better way to spend an evening with friends than drinking and playing tekken :)

12. Resident evil series. Night of the living dead doesn't get any better from this. :)

13. monkey island 2, grim fangango... basicly any LEC adventure from the classic era..

14. Rainbow six series.. I don't consider myself to be a fan of realistic shooters, but r6 is an odd expection.. you can find every r6 game from my shelf. Best part is the cooperation mode. :)

15. Tribes 2. was great fun online, sadly the bugs and constant patching (drastic gameplay changes one after another) killed the community in two years.. I blame sierra for ruining one of the greatest online games.

16. No one lives forever.

17. Metal gear solid
Oct 19, 2006
Aliens Vs Predator 1/2
Wing Commander Privateer
Monkey Island 1+2
Maniac Mansion 2
System Shock
Master Of Orion
Oct 18, 2006
System Shock 2
Severence: Blade of Darkness
Need for Speed: Porsche Unleashed
Need for Speed: Underground
Clive Barker's Undying
Call of Cthulhu
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones
Psi Ops
Advent Rising
Last edited:
Jun 14, 2007
I am a citizen of the now, with a commanding view
I won't repeat everyone's list but I believe no one mentionned :

Alone in the dark.

I consider it to be the mother of the Resident Evil genre.
I played it in 1994 on my PC.

If I'm wrong, don't throw me tomatoe's. Please. :)
Oct 31, 2006
Icewind Dale.
One of my all-time favorite games hasn't been mentioned yet. It's an oldie.

Does anyone remember Conquered Kingdoms? It was a DOS-based strategy game, made for the x386. You played against the computer by choosing a side, selecting a map and placing your forces at semi-random starting locations. The thing that made it special was the maps. A lot of thought obviously went into designing them, enabling opportunities for you to strategize. You couldn't help feeling the love that went into it, and that made a great game even better.

I spent a ridiculous amount of time playing Conquered Kingdoms and still have it to this day.
Nov 11, 2006
Orange County, California
Hmmm, this'll be fun. I don't play anything without at least a few crpg elements nowadays, but I used too:

1. Bubble Bobble-my favorite version was the C64 one.
2. Mr. Do-I like the arcade or MAME32 version best.
3. Dino Eggs-another C64 classic
4. Jumpman-another C64 classic :), are we seeing a pattern yet?
5. Miner 2049er-um, this was played on the C64
6. Star Raiders-Atari 5200
7. Robotron 2084-this is best on the arcade machine because of the controllers.
8. Pacman-I spent hundreds of dollars mastering this addictive game and its brethren.

Okay, these are pc games that I enjoyed that weren't crpgs.

1. Planescape Torment-a reading game where you run around talking to everybody to piece together the npc's/pc's stories. It's a lot like a crpg in some ways. I never finish this book, but I'd like to one day.

2. Deus Ex- a shooter with a handful of crpg elements. I replay this when I feel like shooting things.

3. System Shock 2-an adventure/shooter with a really creepy atmosphere. Better than today's horror movies, which are pure crap.

4. Heroes of Might and Magic 1-3: I enjoyed these games but haven't played the last two iterations.

5. Spellforce 1-2: The first is an RTS with RPG elements, the second is an RPG with RTS elements.

6. Titan Quest: I never played the two Diablos so this is the closest I've gotten to that type of gameplay.

7. Sacred: This was fun just for the bouncy-tits character (Seraphim?) :D

8. Kult-Heretic Kingdoms: fun action game with an interesting dreamworld. I liked the attunements skill system.

9. Minions of Mirth: my first and probably only Online rpg. I got in fairly early with this game and became a guardian. It was cool helping all the new people get started. Oblivion came out, and I was never able to get back into Minions. Might
have to try this one again soon. Unlike most mmorpgs, you never pay for the game past the initial purchase. I'm not sure if they added extra paid areas.
Oct 18, 2006

Leander - a great side scroller (circa early 90's) from Psygnosis when they made great games. Played it on the Amiga... not really sure it ever came out for other platforms.


Quake I

Demon Attack - Atari 2600 game by Imagic (I think) from the early 1980's. It was a Space Invaders/Galaga type of game. It was really great. I still play it on an emulator.

Shadow Grounds - great, action packed game.

Pitfall - Atari 2600 game from the early 1980's. I love that game.


Dark Messiah of Might and Magic

There are so many more... but that's a pretty good list for me ;)
Dec 8, 2006
Quick and short list of my favourites:

1. Civilization (1 part has a special place in my heart)
2. Genesia ( first multiplayer Ive experienced ;) )
3. Master of Orion 2 (1 part was also a blast for me)
4. Jedi Academy(Star Wars and fantastic combat gameplay)
5. Counter Strike
6. Privateer(free roaming across galaxy...I love it)
7. and even more Frontier( same as above but more things too waste your time on :) )
8. Sensible World of Soccer (loads and loads of hours I spent playing this game; masterpiece)
9. Colonization (I dont like it as much as Civ but idea with economy kept me playing )
10. Space Rangers 2
11. MS Saper ( I know, I know, shame on me :) )
Feb 5, 2007
wow, someone who remembers Demon Attack! I used to play the hell outta that one on the Intellivision.

My faves are:

old-school console:
Super Mario Bros
Ghosts n Goblins
Ghouls n Ghosts
Tomb Raider
Resident Evil 1 & 2

Battlezone 1&2 (not the tank game, the RTS)
Myth 1&2
Dungeon Keeper 1&2
Age of Empires 2
Age of Mythology
Dawn of War
Heavy Metal Fakk2
Warcraft III
Spellforce 1&2
Soldier of Fortune
Freedom Force
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
In a nutshell, I'd probably just point to the old Microprose TBS games. There'd be a few additions, but that would probably fill most of the list.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
Outside of RPGs I tend to play a mix of strategy games like Civilization, Knights Of Honour, the Anno games, city builders like the Impressions and Tilted Mill stuff, the Disciples and Age Of Wonders series as well as dabbling a bit in the Slitherine games.
Also like the Tomb Raider series (Legends was so good), Thief series, Deus Ex (yes, I even enjoyed Invisible War though not so much as the original) and I profess a guilty pleasure enjoyment of the Grand Theft Auto series.

I'm currently looking for my ideal strategy game but haven't found it yet.
Jun 17, 2007
wow, someone who remembers Demon Attack!
It was one of my 2600 favorites as well (hello narpet! :) ), along with Spike's Peak, Vanguard and Moon Patrol. Out of those, Moon Patrol is amy absolute favorite.
I still have my 2600 and all the games, but the stuff is mothballed in the attic. I still play Moon Patrol on an emulator on the Xbox from time to time.
Aug 31, 2006
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