Fallout 3 - Headed to Xbox 360?


August 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
While I doubt this will surprise anyone, a site called Video Game News is previewing an interview in the UK Official Xbox Magazine February edition with Bethsoft's Todd Howard:
Speaking to Todd Howard (Executive producer of Oblivion, Morrowind and Fallout) with regard to Bethesda’s plans for 2007 and beyond, he told us; "We started work (on Fallout 3) in late 2004 with a few people. We only had about 10 people on it until Oblivion wrapped, but most of our staff is on it now." Is it wishful thinking that Fallout 3 will eventually be released on Microsoft’s next-gen machine? With the game itself utilising the same Gamebryo engine as Oblivion, perhaps not. And promised to be as huge and open-ended as their multi-award winning 2006 effort, demand for Fallout 3 on the Xbox 360 would be huge.
"We have pretty long preproduction phases on our stuff," continues Howard "doing concepts, design, building prototypes, and such. We should be ready soon to show it off, but we’ll see."
For more details and the full interview with Bethesda, check out issue 18 of the Official Xbox 360 Magazine, on sale from the 15th of February.
More information.
Aug 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
Well, I could "insert sarcastic statement here" to make fun of how lame and pathetic this sounds... but I'm sure others are better at that than me, especially over at RPG Codex. So I'll quote a very old interview of Mr. Have-Been-Taking-Too-Much-Drugs himself, Hervé Caen where he states "All I can say to you is, I think we have a smart group of people running Interplay. Not just myself but people that work in this company are really smart. And if it makes sense from your perspective, a consumer, and think why don't they do that? Then one day or another you'll see it. That's all I can say."


It was a good laugh to me, especially after the sci-fi presentation he gave to SEC : http://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1057232/000117091806001092/presentation.htm

"FOOL" what a well chosen project name for Interplay. And "oblivion" may well be what's going to happen to the Fallout cRPG franchise once Bethesda is done "working" on it.
Dec 24, 2006
Reading about Bethesda doing Fallout 3 with mentions of Oblivion made me feel scared. Which is annoying because there's no concrete basis to worry about its quality as we've seen nothing of it yet...and yet I have this inescapable bad feeling.

"And promised to be as huge and open-ended as their multi-award winning 2006 effort."

No, make it like the previous Fallouts. Stupid Official Xbox Magazine.
Oct 18, 2006
United Kingdom, London
While still keeping an open mind, I've been very worried about Fallout ever since I learned Bethsoft were making it. They STILL can't make decent NPC's and they are at the heart of Fallout!!
Aug 31, 2006
I suppose this almost guarantees combat wont be turn-based. :'(
Oct 18, 2006
Watching some of the Bethesda video interviews, there are some passionate people involved who made the kind of game they wanted with Oblivion - I really hope that the people involved with Fallout have the same passion, for the old as well as the new game.
Oct 18, 2006
Watching some of the Bethesda video interviews, there are some passionate people involved who made the kind of game they wanted with Oblivion - I really hope that the people involved with Fallout have the same passion, for the old as well as the new game.

That would be great but the XBox360 is a factor here. The creators of the previous TES series are behind Oblivion but look at how that turned out compared to the rest.

If Oblivion was a PC only title, it would have turned out VERY differently.

P.S I'm not trying to diss console gamers here
Oct 19, 2006
Reading about Bethesda doing Fallout 3 with mentions of Oblivion made me feel scared. Which is annoying because there's no concrete basis to worry about its quality as we've seen nothing of it yet...and yet I have this inescapable bad feeling.

You and many others. The annoying thing is that Bethesda is long-since far enough into the development cycle to be able to affirm or deny people's fears, yet they don't. The quality of Morrowind and Oblivion nonwithstanding, it is a fact that both games were disliked by the fans of its predecessor, or by many fans at the least, and Bethesda has its own pr-spin to ignore these fans and make the game a success while not staying true to the franchise, not even their own. It's their modus operandus.

Whether or not it'll apply to Fallout 3 remains to be seen. We'll see come March.

Watching some of the Bethesda video interviews, there are some passionate people involved who made the kind of game they wanted with Oblivion - I really hope that the people involved with Fallout have the same passion, for the old as well as the new game.

I dislike the thought of people who are fanatical about Oblivion working on Fallout. Yes, I respect their passion, their involvement, but it's being involved with the wrong genre.

Just like I don't want to see a person that's passionate about butchering at an operating table, I don't want to see a person that's passionate about Oblivion working on Fallout 3.

If Oblivion was a PC only title, it would have turned out VERY differently.


I suppose this almost guarantees combat wont be turn-based.

No offense to either of you, but the fact that Fallout 3 would use Oblivion's engine, would be PC-and-console, and can not be turn-based because the engine's not built for that (ok, could be, but "it's not what we do best" as Pete would put it), and will be first-person and isometric because hey it's a 3D-engine and you can pan whichever way you like (though isometric looked terrible on Oblivion)...I digress, anyway, all those facts have been known since a year into pre-development, and only affirmed since then. Read up on the FAQ...though come to think of it, that page needs an update.
Oct 19, 2006
Right, not shocked here.
I can't believe anyone would think Bethseda is going to ever make a PC only game again, unless this blatant lower quality work comes back to bite them, Star Trek game anyone?
Then of course Bethseda will be our (PC gamers) bestest buddy, "oh no we would never do that of our own freewill "they" made us do it but we didn't want to".

Ahh, nothing like being in an abusive relationship, weeee! :)
Oct 18, 2006
. The quality of Morrowind and Oblivion nonwithstanding, it is a fact that both games were disliked by the fans of its predecessor, or by many fans at the least, .

I disagree Kharn. That statement might apply to Oblivion, but very little to Morrowind. Morrowind was a much better game for it's time than Oblivion was, and I don't remember anywhere near the amount of fan backlash towards MW compared to Oblivion. Of course, a hell of a lot more people played Morrowind than Daggerfall, so that could be a factor.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
I don't think it's going to be like oblivion and I am quietly optimistic at this stage. As long as they retain the map system and allow you to have a party and a decent conversation system I will be satisfied.
Oct 18, 2006
"Oblivion with guns" sounds like the greatest game ever to me. I'll pick that one up day of release, if that's what we get. Of course, I bear a great deal of personal animosity toward Fallout fans, so their (largely theatrical, partly genuine) outrage will only sweeten the experience.
Oct 19, 2006
Why the animosity towards Fallout fans? Most regulars here consider it one of the best games ever!!
Aug 31, 2006
Yeah, why the animosity towards Fallout fans? I know I (one of so many) consider it one of the greats, right up there with Planescape: Torment. I hope you gave it a chance. If not, you're really missing something.
Oct 18, 2006
Under the sycamore trees..
Oct 19, 2006
Ahh that explains it. :)
Oct 18, 2006
I dont have animosity toward Fallout fans as a group, I am one myself. I do however think that some people's drama queen theatrics are a bit hilarious at best, and totally pathetic at worst. Some people get carried away when a game isnt what they expect it to be, and they go nuts.

I cant find the link now, being half-drunk (or more) doesnt help!
It's probably down, it's been a while. But it was something along the lines of various photoshopped pictures of some guy involved in Fallout BOS in various parody pieces and what not. Personal attacks on the guy. It really comes off as being done by some whiny punk having a little temper tantrum, I dont think it was funny at all actually. It was actually pretty sad that an adult(s) actually did such a thing. I know someone here knows what Im talking about, I cant be the only one who saw this just embarassing little example of a full-blown Fallout Drama Queen Attack.

Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
There are so many superb rpg titles that one fallout doesnt really matter. Allthough I do acknowledge that fallout as we know it is propably dead. That however doesnt mean that bethsofts version of the game cant be an excellent title. For one thing they do know how to make openended rpgs.
Dec 28, 2006
Europa Universalis
Well they may know but seems they just forgot in their most recent title.
Iirc, the MQ and 3 of Guild Quests have no choices/open, with the 4th Guild Quest maybe having one choice but doesn't really affect the outcome.

Will they turn Fallout, which is known for having many choices and options to solve issues, be made into very linear quests to engage folks whom don't like complicated choices, as they did recently?

Maybe they could make a Post Apocolptic Action Adventure game called Fallout 3, it's not like it has to be a RPG. ;)
Oct 18, 2006
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